FSX EE Canberra WD999

PreviewThis repaint set merges the iconic lines of the English Electric Canberra with a detailed WD999 paint scheme. It is designed exclusively for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and showcases Henry William's careful texturing work combined with the foundation provided by AlphaSim Ltd. Enthusiasts of vint...

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This repaint set merges the iconic lines of the English Electric Canberra with a detailed WD999 paint scheme. It is designed exclusively for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and showcases Henry William's careful texturing work combined with the foundation provided by AlphaSim Ltd. Enthusiasts of vintage bomber aircraft will appreciate the era-accurate details that closely mirror the Royal Air Force markings and operational context of this historic platform.

Historical Focus on WD999

The real-world Canberra family emerged in the early 1950s, produced by English Electric for the Royal Air Force. Renowned for high-altitude performance and versatility, this bomber helped set multiple speed and climb records following its debut. Specific airframes, like WD999, held their own significance, reflecting a progression of flight test and procurement requirements. By integrating these authentic details, the repaint seeks to convey the distinctive look and operational background of WD999 in your simulator environment.

EE Canberra WD999 in flight.

WD999 in flight.

Key Repaint Highlights

This freeware release enhances AlphaSim’s Canberra model by adding a WD999 texture folder, implementing subtle weathering and RAF insignias. It retains the original aerodynamic properties while introducing a faithful British paint scheme. Every marking is positioned to match period references, and the overall metallic sheen aims to replicate the operational finish characteristic of post-war jets in service.

Installation Procedure

  1. Extract the included files to a folder of your choice.
  2. Locate your Alphasim Canberra directory, typically found at:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\ALPHA EE Canberra
  3. Copy the texture.999 folder into the main aircraft directory mentioned above.
  4. Open your aircraft.cfg file (using a text editor) and append the following section, modifying xx to the consecutive fltsim entry number:

title=ALPHA Canberra B2 RAF 999
ui_manufacturer=English Electric
ui_type=Canberra B.2
ui_variation=RAF WD999
ui_createdby="AlphaSim Ltd"
description=© ALPHA Simulations 2005\n\nThe English Electric Canberra was first flown in 1950, entering operational service soon afterward. Subsequent variants included high-altitude reconnaissance and nuclear strike roles. In 1957, a rocket-boosted Canberra notably achieved a climb to over 70,000 feet. WD999 is one of the many examples that served under Royal Air Force markings, continuing to demonstrate the remarkable design and adaptability of this platform.

Sound Configuration

This package references a Hawker Hunter sound set created by David Garwood. If that add-on is missing, redirect the sound alias to another military jet sound pack. Doing so will preserve the robust audio experience you expect from this classic airframe without altering the flight model itself.

EE Canberra WD999 in flight.

Canberra WD999 showcasing the updated paint scheme.

Credit to the Creators

This repaint is authored by Henry William and is based on the original AlphaSim Ltd model. Feel free to enjoy the newly revised coat of paint and experience the legendary Canberra WD999 as it soars in your virtual skies. Make sure to validate your aircraft.cfg adjustments and confirm the texture folder installation. When ready, select the WD999 variation in your menu and take to the skies.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive canwd999.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
1.jpg01.09.1086.49 kB
999.jpg01.09.1099.92 kB
readMe.txt01.09.102.03 kB
small.gif01.09.108.84 kB
texture.99901.09.100 B
canberra_1.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_2.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_3.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_4.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_5.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_6.dds05.06.094.00 MB
canberra_7.dds05.06.091.00 MB
Eng_bullets.bmp03.13.0516.07 kB
Nosedoors_1.dds05.06.09128.12 kB
texture.cfg06.18.0770 B
thumbnail.jpg01.09.1026.54 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1036.00 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1018.00 kB
canwd99901.09.100 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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