FSX US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker

PreviewUS Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker. This is a KC-135 tanker with navy drogue that was adapted for use in FSX. The original FS2004 KC-135T aircraft textures/model from Rok Dolenec was combined with the FSX-ready tanker gauges from Bob Chicilo (for Mike Stone's KC-135 Tanker) to make this useable...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4
Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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12.64 MB
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Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 4 PRO members.

US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker. This is a KC-135 tanker with navy drogue that was adapted for use in FSX. The original FS2004 KC-135T aircraft textures/model from Rok Dolenec was combined with the FSX-ready tanker gauges from Bob Chicilo (for Mike Stone's KC-135 Tanker) to make this useable and flyable within FSX. The tanker gauges include: VC-clickable buttons, B737 style radio stack, GPS9, throttle quadrant, and autopilot panel. There is also an AI traffic flight plan included within the package that has the KC-135T flight plan: Depart KSAN-KLAS, 1900L Pacific, cruise at FL230/.63 mach (within USAF tanker standards). Return leg departs KLAS-KSAN, 2040L Pacific, FL240/.64 mach. By Christian Snow.

US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker refuelling a jet.

US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker refuelling a jet.

Title and Introduction

KC-135T Refueler w/Navy Drogue, adapted for FSX.

Overall compilations, modifications, and tweaking done by:
Christian "Sludge" Snow


1. Virtual Cockpit w/FSX-style clickable buttons.
2. B-737 style Radio Stack Panel. Shift-2.
3. GPS 9 Panel. Shift-3.
4. Throttle Quadrant. Shift-4.
5. Autopilot Panel. Shift-5.

* This version has only the Navy Drogue (basket) version enabled. The Boom not retractable, it is always in the lowered position. This was done primarily for multiplayer and in FSX, there is no workaround to get the boom animation where everyone can see it happen other than the one player in a multiplayer game. Sorry. If anybody knows a workaround, feel free to email me and I will flight test it.

** There is a ready made AI Traffic flight plan from KSAN-KLAS, 1900L Pacific, FL230,
380 KTAS (.63 mach).


- Unzip KC-135T Navy Drogue to desktop or temporary folder.
- Copy/paste KC-135T folder into FSX/SIMOBJECTS/AIRPLANES folder. Its now selectable from in-game FSX aircraft selection screen.

TO INSTALL AI Flight Plan:
- Inside FSX/SIMOBJECTS/AIRPLANES/KC-135T/Traffic folder, copy/paste Traffic_KSAN_KLAS_KSAN.bgl into FSX/SCENERY/WORLD/SCENERY folder.

Statement of Use

The compilation of these KC-135T (V1.85, V1.9) aircraft files is simply to get a working KC-135T with Navy Drogue for all those that want an FSX useable/flyable Tanker. I had to combine the UXA Panel upgrade of Mike Stone's KC-135 by Bob Chicilo to get this plane adapted for FSX.
Additionally, this Tanker also compliments the "Sludge Hornet" modification along with Jivko Rusev's new HUD and Refueling Gauge.

My intention was to add to the experience, realism, and flavor of FSX by combining all the KC-135T files into a hassle-free download and install that would give FSX compatibility for an already fun and proven Microsoft Flight Simulator Tanker w/Navy Drogue.

It was never my intent, nor is it now, to put out this .zip file with the intent of financial gain or infringement on the copyrights or credits of anybody involved. If I have left out any person in the credits or any person feels I need to remove a modification/effect/gauge, notify me and the situation will be rectified quickly and properly.

The "KC-135T Navy Drogue Tanker Compilation" is freeware and is open to any modifications within the bounds of copyrights and permissions listed below, especially Microsoft Corporation.

I take no responsibility for any adverse effects this modification may cause. Use at your own risk.

US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker refuelling a jet.

US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker refuelling a jet.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive kc135t_navy_drogue.zip has 120 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
README.txt05.13.103.75 kB
Aircraft.cfg05.13.1018.22 kB
Documents04.20.100 B
AircraftReadme.txt08.30.061.87 kB
BOOM KEY_COMMANDS.txt08.30.06486 B
ENGINE START README.txt02.22.101.74 kB
file_id.diz02.22.10738 B
FPDA_A330_readme.txt05.25.006.52 kB
HANDLEING_AIRCRAFT.txt02.22.102.34 kB
KEY COMMANDS.txt08.30.061.05 kB
PatchReadme.txt09.24.061.00 kB
Thumbs.db04.20.1013.00 kB
TrafficReadme.txt09.03.061.09 kB
KC135RT.air06.05.0410.25 kB
KC-135T1_refuel.jpg08.30.0624.29 kB
model.drog04.19.100 B
kc135rt.mdl08.15.06598.85 kB
model.cfg06.05.0426 B
MODEL04.19.100 B
kc135rt.mdl08.13.06552.01 kB
model.cfg06.05.0426 B
PANEL04.19.100 B
gps.bmp10.05.042.25 MB
kc135.cab10.07.04140.92 kB
KC135_Empty.bmp02.22.10769.05 kB
KC-AUTO-P.bmp02.22.1030.06 kB
main.bmp10.07.042.25 MB
panel.cfg04.19.105.15 kB
PLAT_Camera.CAB12.18.091.31 kB
radio.bmp10.05.042.25 MB
RefuelingGauge.CAB02.21.109.09 kB
throttle.bmp10.07.042.25 MB
Thumbs.db04.20.1089.50 kB
Refueling Pictures04.20.100 B
A2ARefueling_Northbound.JPG04.20.10192.37 kB
A2ARefueling_Northbound2.JPG04.20.10227.63 kB
A2ARefueling_Northbound3.JPG04.20.10109.63 kB
Thumbs.db04.20.1013.50 kB
SOUND04.19.100 B
767APU.wav02.22.10103.28 kB
767COCKPIT.wav02.22.1091.67 kB
767COCKPITFANS.wav02.22.10228.09 kB
767FLAPS.wav02.22.1071.86 kB
767GEAR_DN.wav02.22.10149.68 kB
767GEAR_UP.wav02.22.10140.35 kB
767ROLL.wav02.22.1093.79 kB
767ROLL2.wav02.22.1093.79 kB
767TOUCH_C.wav02.22.1047.90 kB
767TOUCH_L.wav02.22.1047.90 kB
767TOUCH_R.wav02.22.1047.90 kB
767WIND.wav02.22.1078.24 kB
A_CMB_0.wav02.22.1023.00 kB
A_CMB_1.wav02.22.1036.54 kB
A_CMB_2.wav02.22.1024.91 kB
A_CMB_3.wav02.22.1020.75 kB
A_REVRS.wav02.22.101.57 MB
A_WHN_0.wav02.22.10363.90 kB
A_WHN_1.wav02.22.10172.36 kB
A_WHN_2.wav02.22.10130.05 kB
A_WHN_3.wav02.22.10335.58 kB
A_WHN_4.wav02.22.10501.80 kB
B_CMB_0.wav02.22.1023.00 kB
B_CMB_1.wav02.22.1036.57 kB
B_CMB_2.wav02.22.1025.05 kB
B_CMB_3.wav02.22.1020.75 kB
B_REVRS.wav02.22.101.57 MB
B_WHN_0.wav02.22.10363.90 kB
B_WHN_1.wav02.22.10172.36 kB
B_WHN_2.wav02.22.10130.05 kB
B_WHN_3.wav02.22.10335.58 kB
B_WHN_4.wav02.22.10501.80 kB
bmgwarn.wav02.22.1014.73 kB
FPDA_A330_1000FT.wav05.16.0044.49 kB
FPDA_A330_100FT.wav05.14.0035.44 kB
FPDA_A330_10FT.wav05.16.0032.05 kB
FPDA_A330_200FT.wav05.23.0040.76 kB
FPDA_A330_20FT.wav05.16.0066.02 kB
FPDA_A330_2500FT.wav05.16.0073.09 kB
FPDA_A330_300FT.wav05.12.0022.01 kB
FPDA_A330_30FT.wav05.12.0033.52 kB
FPDA_A330_400FT.wav05.13.0099.20 kB
FPDA_A330_40FT.wav05.16.0034.38 kB
FPDA_A330_500FT.wav05.12.0045.31 kB
FPDA_A330_50FT.wav05.16.0034.96 kB
Sound.cfg02.22.1015.15 kB
T_COMB_SHUT.wav02.22.101.17 MB
T_COMB_START.wav02.22.10119.17 kB
T_START.wav02.22.101.24 MB
X_A_COMB_1.wav02.22.10435.16 kB
X_A_COMB_2.wav02.22.1024.68 kB
X_A_COMB_3.wav02.22.1042.60 kB
X_A_COMB_4.wav02.22.1074.66 kB
X_A_REVRS.wav02.22.10877.45 kB
X_B_COMB_1.wav02.22.10435.16 kB
X_B_COMB_2.wav02.22.1036.49 kB
X_B_COMB_3.wav02.22.1057.18 kB
X_B_COMB_4.wav02.22.1043.52 kB
X_B_REVRS.wav02.22.10877.45 kB
X_T_COMB_SHUT.wav02.22.10498.41 kB
X_T_COMB_START.wav02.22.10194.23 kB
X_T_START.wav02.22.101.98 MB
X_T_WHN_0.wav02.22.10519.93 kB
X_T_WHN_1.wav02.22.10402.70 kB
X_T_WHN_2.wav02.22.10335.82 kB
X_T_WHN_3.wav02.22.10297.78 kB
X_T_WHN_4.wav02.22.10489.03 kB
X_T_WHN_5.wav02.22.10266.36 kB
TEXTURE04.19.100 B
cockpit.bmp04.24.06170.75 kB
kc135rt_2_L.bmp09.01.061.00 MB
kc135rt_2_T.bmp09.03.061.00 MB
kc135rt_L.bmp08.16.061.00 MB
kc135rt_T.bmp08.16.061.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg08.30.0624.29 kB
Thumbs.db04.20.1010.00 kB
Thumbs.db04.23.105.00 kB
Traffic05.13.100 B
Traffic_KSAN_KLAS_KSAN.bgl05.12.102.06 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B


Normally, I’m not really bothered by things like tankers and extra add-ons like this as I tend to spend more time actually worrying about the flight than anything nice but not quite necessary like these add-ons. However, I was asked to try this out and see what I thought and despite going in with rather low expectations I soon found myself quite enjoying the prospect of the tanker. This remake of the KC-135T is not something I knew a whole lot about but after spending more than a few hours in its company, I’m now a paid-up member of the fan club!

Preview screenshot

Adapted for use with FSX, this does a lot of things right and ensures that you are able to get the most out of this new addition without really having to worry. It’s fully usable and you can even fly the thing when you use it in FSX, which obviously offers a nice little difference to the usual style of flight simulation when it comes to tankers – most of the time you can’t fly them. This package also does a rather spectacular job of listing all of the key extras and features that the aircraft would have used with everything from the B737 style radio stack being included to the autopilot panels being modeled just on the real thing.

Additionally, this comes with a great AI traffic plan that means the aircraft will more or less just fly around using USAF tanker standards and commands. This adds to the realism obviously, but it also makes it much easier for you to find the tanker when it’s just flying around and you need a bit of re-fueling! This AI add-on was one of the best parts of the whole thing for me as I love seeing more variety in the skies within FSX.

This packages comes loaded with some very useful features as we mentioned, including a throttle quadrant and a GPS. It even comes with an FSX-style virtual cockpit that ensures you’ll have no problems whatsoever getting into the frame of mind that you needed to get to where you wanted to be within this aircraft. Everything in this tanker is made for it to be nice and simple to fly around in and to feel comfortable using. The fact you can actually have working tankers is a privilege and a use that you should not turn your nose up at, by the way, as they are incredibly useful additions to any good flight sim experience.

I have to admit that in the past I underrated them myself but a few hours spend looking into them has made it a whole lot easier for me to understand what they bring to the table, now. If you like to have another little layer of realism and quality to pick from then you will be happy to know that this package does a perfect job of capturing the reality of using a tanker – I’ll be using these tankers from now on, that’s for sure!

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe is a flight sim enthusiast who has been simming since the days of FS95. Adam writes all of the download section editorials after testing each of the files. Adam has extensive knowledge using various flight simulator packages and thoroughly tests the files before writing about them. Adam also like to fly real-world aircraft in his spare time and is training for his PPL.

Should you wish, you can contact Adam via email at adam@flyawaysimulation.com.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

flyjames2Wed, 27 May 2020 05:49:48 GMT

Some one has a KC-135T that has the boom retracted so that it is not always down?

If so contact me.

jpop8807Wed, 15 Aug 2018 20:03:05 GMT

Great plane. I did as the download guide said. Yet there is no virtual cockpit. The 2d cockpit in this plane is really good though so I don't mind that at all. Its a great plane, and everything works with it. I highly recommend it....Just don't take off on short runways if your weight is us. I used all the runway at denver's longest runway.

GianlucaMon, 22 Jun 2015 21:54:37 GMT

I've download the aircraft, i follow the indication to install it but... The KC-135 is at the KSAN parking area, but it don't take off...i can't understand

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