FSX NPA AW109 Helicopter

PreviewNPA AW109 Helicopter. An Agusta 109 operated by the National Ports Authority in Richards Bay, South Africa. Model by Nemeth Designs. By Nickey van Rensburg.

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NPA AW109 Helicopter. An Agusta 109 operated by the National Ports Authority in Richards Bay, South Africa. Model by Nemeth Designs. By Nickey van Rensburg.

NPA AW109 Helicopter.

NPA AW109 Helicopter.

This is the A109 operated by the National Ports Authority in South Africa.
This Aircraft is based in Richards Bay (near FARB) and is used to drop and pick up crew that will pilot ships in and out of the harbour.
I do believe it is used for SAR too.

Thanks to ND for the repaint kit.I will fine-tune this repaint if and when time allows.

Nickey van Rensburg.

Copy this textures to ND_AW109_medw and copy the below text to your aircraft.cfg file

title=AgustaWestland A109 National Ports Authority South Africa
ui_type="A109 LUH"
ui_variation="Transnet NPA"
ui_createdby="Nemeth Designs & MILVIZ"
description=This is the A109 operated by the National Ports Authority in South Africa. This Aircraft is based in Richards Bay (near FARB) and is used to drop and pick up crew that will pilot ships in and out of the harbour.

NPA AW109 Helicopter on the ground.

NPA AW109 Helicopter on the ground.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive nd_a109_npa.zip has 13 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
readme.txt07.27.111.08 kB
Texture.NPA07.27.110 B
AgustaA109_LUH_ZS-RRB.jpg07.24.1145.29 kB
aw109_1_T.dds07.27.114.00 MB
aw109_2_T.dds07.27.114.00 MB
aw109_3_T.dds07.27.114.00 MB
aw109_4_T.dds07.27.114.00 MB
aw109_5_T.dds07.27.114.00 MB
NPA.jpg07.24.115.87 kB
texture.cfg07.24.11215 B
thumbnail.jpg07.27.11135.67 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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