FSX Where Is Pete? Flight Adventure

PreviewFlight Adventure--Where Is Pete? Back in 1957, Lord Peter Asroll Buckmartes got up from his dinner table and told his wife Ethelflor that the strawberries needed some mint cream liqueur and that he would go to the corner deli to get some. He got up called Presley, his driver, and boarded his silv...

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Flight Adventure--Where Is Pete? Back in 1957, Lord Peter Asroll Buckmartes got up from his dinner table and told his wife Ethelflor that the strawberries needed some mint cream liqueur and that he would go to the corner deli to get some. He got up called Presley, his driver, and boarded his silver car. Up to now Pete has not returned home! London papers had this tale on the headlines next day and for many more but no one has ever seen Pete since. There is a dirty rumor that Lord Buckmartes took off to some far off land with his secretary, lovely 28 year old Laura Bussward, but this has never been proven. Now Lady Ethelflor is paying the sum of three million pounds to anyone who finds him. If the tale is true, she wants total revenge and is willing to spend half of her fortune to get it. Detective, Ivan Zikli, has approached you in order to acquire your flying service. You are to fly him to Ethiopia where Ivan believes old Pete is hiding with his girl friend...he is willing to pay you twenty five thousand pounds for the long trip and share one quarter of the reward with you if he gets his hands on dubious Pete. By Gera Godoy C.

Where Is Pete? Flight Adventure.

Where Is Pete? Flight Adventure.

1) Place all .bgl files in your FSX/ Add On scenery/scenery directory. Activate files.

2) Print optional flights plans.jpg´s (You need these if you want to take these flights and find landing areas).

3) Place .PLN file in your directory.

4) Start flight as per Flight Plan.

That´s it.

Have a nice flight.


Where Is Pete? Flight Adventure.

Where Is Pete? Flight Adventure.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive ethiopia2.zip has 29 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
MENETEKE.bgl06.14.0822.29 kB
HAR5.jpg06.17.0859.87 kB
AFX_HA1T.bgl06.07.08917 B
AFX_HA7X.bgl06.07.081.82 kB
AFX_HA8X.bgl06.07.081.58 kB
AFX_HA9X.bgl06.06.081007 B
AFX_HA9Y.bgl06.06.081.49 kB
AFX_HAR3.bgl06.08.08823 B
HAT9_ADE_GGC.BGL06.09.081.03 kB
HAR5_ADE_GGC.BGL06.08.08451 B
CVX_monte.BGL06.13.08232 B
CVX_KAPLUN-F-1.BGL06.08.08228 B
CVX_BURKI-1.BGL06.07.08228 B
CVX_buktu-01.BGL06.06.08380 B
CVX_ABUR-LIMP1.BGL06.07.08228 B
CVX_BILOIK-F-1.BGL06.08.08243 B
CVX_BIRMIKA-F-1.BGL06.07.08227 B
VFR -FSAdventureSky-Find-Pete.PLN06.14.084.26 kB
Silplaneshow.JPG06.24.0882.44 kB
Kuri-GAS-STOP.JPG06.24.0864.80 kB
Hideout map.JPG06.24.0867.87 kB
sailshow.JPG06.24.0889.47 kB
READ ME FIRST.txt06.24.08644 B
WP-Instructions.txt06.24.081.99 kB
FileID.diz06.24.081.20 kB
petin.PNG06.24.0833.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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