FSX Tvilat Esh Mission Part 1 & 2

Part 1 & 2 all in one pack.

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Part 1 & 2 all in one pack.

Tvilat Esh - Part 1.

Tvilat Esh - Part 1.


THANKS (for those who care):

I started the research in Mai 2009, bought the first things like the stamps on the Russian Flee Market at Dizengoff Square. Had a long funny talk with the seller who gave the stamps to me for free as he liked the idea. Hope the pictures give him the credit. Then there was the model shop on HaAliya Street, Tel Aviv. He gave the decals for the painters as a reference. Of course the S-70 Rolling Sword Squadron in Palmachim. Those guys saved the life of a friend who suffered heavy burns. They prevented him from getting uglier than he already is. I had the privilege to see Palmachim from the inside, good food, nice guides, awesome! The rewards are real badges I collected on that 2009 visit and then they were scanned. I found out later that the reward for the DodoSim is actually a rare mistake happened by the sewing machine - I fixed it with Photoshop. Thanks to the voice actors. I could point them all out but some preferred to keep low profile. Sam jumped in the last moment. You saved me from further delay! Markus "Pidder" Hunold did the repaints for the Bell 206 Saifan (default and DodoSim).

And many thanks to the community! I haven't been there for long but most of the issues in mission building were solved there in a very friendly manner - if not discussed already before. In case you try mission building yourself, this would be the address I would refer to.Thanks also to Peter Stark, who's tutorial about mission building helped me step by step through the whole process. Also thanks to Thorsten Reichert with his input. He knows how to think around corners and considers issues until he has the solution. You are completely underrated, some guys are taking you for granted!Thanks also to Manfred, Manfred and Joerg. You guys are the reason why I still do flightsimming.

And many thanks to those guys who jumped in as last minute Beta Testers to sort the last issue out. You rock!


Well, it has to be said! As mentioned above: The Rolling Sword Squadron. Then to the Israeli simmer community (especially the developers). I fly in Israel since FS9 and whatever I downloaded was Freeware. Tvilat Esh is my contribution to that attitude. Thanks guys!
And last, but not least. My friend Seev Kahn, who passed away far too early. Was invited to his house for an interview and met an amazing family. Seev had visions for FS9 that are not even worked out for FSX, just because some people think it won't. I miss him.


I built this mission with FSX/Acceleration. Some objects might not appear as well as the AI-traffic, in case you do not have the Acceleration package.
I tried the mission on GlobalX. And, to be honest, even though the mesh is awesome for the Judean Desert, the placed objects are then misplaced. Do not look for Massade on a rock - pity, I know. Maybe I will work on a GlobalX version. Sorry lads!


Very easy:

1. Open the "Basic Package" folder and drag and drop the whole content into your FSX main folder. Whatever version you will install later, you have to install the basic package first. Otherwise, there will be no sound files, rewards, etc...

Well, actually, you can fly the mission already (you will find it as intermediate). However, you will have the default bare metal Bell 206, and that does not fit in the picture. I included three other versions for those you know how to work with FSX files:

a. Repaint for the default Bell as a version of the "IDF Flight Academy".
b. Repaint for the Alphasim UH-60 Blackhawk of the "Rolling Sword Squadron". (This is a repaint for Payware)
c. Repaint for the Dodosim Bell as a version of the "IDF Flight Academy". (This is a repaint for Payware)

If you do not have the Payware Helicopters, then just simply do not touch the files mentioned above (points 1b and 1c)


I tried as much as I could to work with the sounds, but you have to put the environmental sounds at least at 80% to understand the radio communications and go down with cockpit and engine sounds (to 30%). Sorry for that! :) Best acoustics are for sure in cockpit view.


This is FREEWARE and for FREEWARE use only!

Well, and this is it! Enjoy!

Tvilat Esh - Part 1.

Tvilat Esh - Part 1.

The archive tvilateshfinal.zip has 7 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
tvilateshfinal1.zip09.12.1299.49 MB
__MACOSX09.12.120 B
tvilateshfinal2.zip09.12.1250.93 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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