FSX FCB9o9 Sci-Fi Spaceplane

Preview The FCB9o9 is a fully automated Sci-Fi spaceplane. Simply enter the destination airport into the GPS, click the "WRS" or "WRP" button (you can choose the landing runway with the "Runway/Heading" button), and the plane will takeoff, fly to, and land itself on the chosen airport's runway. "WRS" ...

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Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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13.31 MB
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The FCB9o9 is a fully automated Sci-Fi spaceplane. Simply enter the destination airport into the GPS, click the "WRS" or "WRP" button (you can choose the landing runway with the "Runway/Heading" button), and the plane will takeoff, fly to, and land itself on the chosen airport's runway. "WRS" can only be used on the ground. It will do a vertical takeoff and apply the autopilot modes that will fly the plane into space and takes just one hour to fly half way around the world. "WRP" will Warp you to any destination in just a few seconds. Strange things happen due to time distortions in WRP mode. You'll see things that have passed and things that are yet to transpire. The plane will flip upside down, and when it arrives at its destination, things will look blurry for a while. In Non-Warp mode, the plane behaves like a 747 under 30000 feet, and it behaves like a spaceship above 30000 feet.



- Simple Controls: control the aircraft in any situation using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Eg. Up arrow = go up. On the ground, the plane will try to go up by increasing speed until it has enough speed to takeoff itself.
- VNAV: guides the plane vertically to a destination airport. It controls how high and how fast the plane climbs, cruise altitude (if any) and when and how fast the plane descends.
- RWY: guides the plane horizontally to the destination airport and lines it up with the selected runway. It takes the shortest direct route to the airport (turning to line up with the runway when the time arise).
- LDS: holds the plane in landing configuration.
- SPS: Allows the plane to go into space and fly very high and very fast.
- Warp ability: Warp modes allow the plane to fly itself at Warp speed (a significant fraction of the speed of light with almost instantaneous acceleration).
- Water Handling: Takeoff and landing on water is possible.
- Detailed Model: Multi-LOD with lights and special effects placed on the model. Custom triggered special effects and animations. 3D cockpit with 3D world map gauge. UFO style landing gear.

If you have a previous installation of the FCB9o9, please delete it. Copy the folder "FCB9o9" to the folder "SimObjects\Airplanes\" of your FSX installation. When the plane loads in FSX, it will ask if you want to use Doug Dawson's sound gauge; Answer "Yes" to these questions. If you answer "No", the plane should still work; You just won't hear some sounds.

Detailed operating instructions can be found in the file "FCB9o9\FCB9o9_ref.htm". Inside FSX, press Shift-F10 to bring up the kneeboard then click the "Reference" tab to view the document.

dsd_xml_sound3 gauge by Doug Dawson.



Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14

The archive fcb9o920.zip has 88 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FCB9o911.23.100 B
aircraft.cfg11.23.1025.58 kB
boeing747-400.air09.04.066.78 kB
FCB9o9_ref.htm11.23.1018.09 kB
model11.23.100 B
FCB9o9.mdl11.23.105.12 MB
model.cfg11.23.1042 B
panel11.23.100 B
dsdxmls3.zip11.23.1068.35 kB
dsd_xml_sound3.gau10.28.0692.80 kB
dsd_xml_sound3.ini11.23.10983 B
FCB9o9.cab11.23.1023.71 kB
panel.cfg11.23.101.35 kB
ref_files11.23.100 B
ALT.png11.23.10218 B
APP.png11.23.10400 B
GPS.png11.23.10240 B
GS.png11.23.10229 B
HDG.png11.23.10217 B
ILS.png11.23.10424 B
LAND.png11.23.10269 B
LDS.png11.23.10229 B
LOC.png11.23.10226 B
PFD.png11.23.1010.11 kB
Radio.png11.23.10573 B
RWY.png11.23.10236 B
SPS.png11.23.10264 B
VNAV.png11.23.10266 B
WRP.gif11.23.10194 B
WRS.gif11.23.10194 B
sound11.23.100 B
dahh.wav11.23.1017.27 kB
dahl.wav11.23.1017.27 kB
debris.wav11.23.10147.37 kB
dith.wav11.23.108.65 kB
ditl.wav11.23.108.65 kB
hover.wav11.23.10254.94 kB
idle.wav11.23.10307.96 kB
sound.cfg11.23.1019.26 kB
UFOh.wav11.23.1024.51 kB
UFOl.wav11.23.1024.51 kB
soundai11.23.100 B
soundai.cfg11.23.1034 B
texture.chameleon11.23.100 B
FCB9o9_Globe_t.bmp11.23.101.33 MB
FCB9o9_t.bmp11.23.102.67 MB
FCB9o9_t2.bmp11.23.102.67 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump2.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_lm.dds11.23.10202 B
FCB9o9_t_lm2.dds11.23.10202 B
thumbnail.jpg11.23.106.40 kB
texture.retro11.23.100 B
FCB9o9_Globe_t.bmp11.23.101.33 MB
FCB9o9_t.bmp11.23.102.67 MB
FCB9o9_t2.bmp11.23.102.67 MB
FCB9o9_tt01.png11.23.1051.25 kB
FCB9o9_tt02.png11.23.1059.51 kB
FCB9o9_t_bump.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump2.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_lm.dds11.23.10202 B
FCB9o9_t_lm2.dds11.23.10202 B
thumbnail.jpg11.23.105.41 kB
Thumbs.db02.27.07451.50 kB
texture.white11.23.100 B
FCB9o9_Globe_t.bmp11.23.101.33 MB
FCB9o9_t.bmp11.23.101.33 MB
FCB9o9_t2.bmp11.23.101.33 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump2.dds11.23.101.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_lm.dds11.23.10202 B
FCB9o9_t_lm2.dds11.23.10202 B
thumbnail.jpg11.23.105.22 kB
images11.23.100 B
FCB9o9_01.jpg11.23.1068.71 kB
FCB9o9_02.jpg11.23.10168.39 kB
FCB9o9_03.jpg11.23.1025.94 kB
FCB9o9_04.jpg11.23.1039.75 kB
FCB9o9_05.jpg11.23.1028.27 kB
FCB9o9_06.jpg11.23.1035.66 kB
FCB9o9_07.jpg11.23.1079.61 kB
FCB9o9_08.jpg11.23.1078.21 kB
FCB9o9_09.jpg11.23.1065.26 kB
FCB9o920.gif11.23.107.04 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.23.10489 B
readme.txt11.23.103.32 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Craig farrowThu, 11 Oct 2018 12:54:20 GMT

Any ideas why my fs9o9 plane stalls before it gets to the 30000ft mark ?

HolyMatt123Wed, 26 Oct 2011 02:18:29 GMT

This is really cool

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