FSX RAF Thorney Island Scenery

PreviewRAF Thorney Island (EGYT) for FSX and Horizon GenX photoscenery Volume 1 only. The basic scenery includes the entire airfield and domestic buildings as they were when the airfield closed in 1974. Optional files included cover the village of West Thorney, local autogen trees, moving boats and vari...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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1.31 MB
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RAF Thorney Island (EGYT) for FSX and Horizon GenX photoscenery Volume 1 only. The basic scenery includes the entire airfield and domestic buildings as they were when the airfield closed in 1974. Optional files included cover the village of West Thorney, local autogen trees, moving boats and various VFR landmarks. Requires the additional download and installation of scenery object files, please see the full istructions for details. By Trevor Clark.

RAF Thorney Island Scenery.

RAF Thorney Island Scenery.

This small file will give moving motor boats and yachts around the busy channels of Chichester Harbour, alonside Thorney I sland. The whole area is a mecca for sailing and boating enthusiasts from all around Europe.

Place the small traffic file in your '...\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight SimulatorX\Scenery\World\Scenery\' folder and set your AI settings to at least 2%.

My thanks go to Andy Ford for creating this nice addition to the scenery.

RAF Thorney Island Scenery.

RAF Thorney Island Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive rafthorneyislandfsx.zip has 144 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
RAF Thorney Island scenery for FSX12.01.090 B
Boat Traffic around Thorney Island12.01.090 B
Traffic read-me first.txt12.01.09472 B
trafficThorneyIsland.bgl12.01.0927.93 kB
RAF Thorney Island11.25.090 B
RAF Thorney Island for FSX Instructions.doc12.01.09504.00 kB
RAF Thorney Island text only instructions.txt12.01.099.62 kB
scenery11.25.090 B
cvxTHORNEY FLATTEN2.BGL11.24.09736 B
EGYT_ADEX_TJ.BGL11.26.0913.01 kB
thorneyhangars1.bgl10.16.091.96 kB
thorneytrees1.bgl10.11.091.40 kB
texture11.24.090 B
Thorney extras11.26.090 B
evenmorextras.bgl11.26.092.43 kB
Thorney village.bgl11.21.092.06 kB
thorneyAMQbuildings.bgl10.16.092.95 kB
thorneyAMQextras.bgl11.24.091.40 kB
thorneycarsandextras.bgl11.26.09908 B
thorneytrees2.bgl10.16.094.50 kB
Thorney Island FSX id.txt12.01.09465 B
Thorney thumbnail.jpg11.25.0910.96 kB
Thorney trees11.26.090 B
010331332311332AN.AGN11.24.097.56 kB
010331332311333AN.AGN11.24.099.45 kB
010331332313110AN.AGN11.24.096.05 kB
010331332313111AN.AGN11.24.099.34 kB
010331332313130AN.AGN11.24.093.62 kB
010331332313131AN.AGN11.24.096.59 kB
010331332313133AN.AGN11.24.091.17 kB
010331332313301an.agn11.24.09244 B
010331332313302an.agn11.24.09124 B
010331332313303an.agn11.24.09220 B
010331332313310an.agn11.24.09124 B
010331332313312an.agn11.24.09168 B
010331332313320an.agn11.24.09240 B
010331332313321an.agn11.24.09352 B
010331332313322an.agn11.24.09384 B
010331332313323an.agn11.24.09400 B
010331332313330an.agn11.24.09428 B
010331332313332an.agn11.24.09208 B
010331332331100an.agn11.24.09368 B
010331332331101an.agn11.24.09896 B
010331332331102an.agn11.24.09432 B
010331332331103an.agn11.24.09768 B
010331332331110an.agn11.24.09492 B
010331332331112an.agn11.24.09752 B
010331332331113an.agn11.24.09260 B
010331333200223an.agn11.24.09112 B
010331333201003an.agn11.24.09144 B
010331333201011an.agn11.24.09128 B
010331333201012AN.AGN11.24.095.39 kB
010331333201013an.agn11.24.09128 B
010331333201100AN.AGN11.24.097.73 kB
010331333201101AN.AGN11.24.099.05 kB
010331333201110AN.AGN11.24.099.50 kB
010331333201111AN.AGN11.24.099.44 kB
010331333201120AN.AGN11.24.098.08 kB
010331333202000an.agn11.24.09508 B
010331333202001an.agn11.24.09416 B
010331333202002an.agn11.24.09572 B
010331333202003an.agn11.24.09760 B
010331333202010an.agn11.24.09464 B
010331333202012an.agn11.24.09704 B
010331333202013an.agn11.24.09260 B
010331333202020an.agn11.24.09848 B
010331333202021an.agn11.24.09512 B
010331333202022an.agn11.24.091.47 kB
010331333202023an.agn11.24.09416 B
010331333202030an.agn11.24.09144 B
010331333202031an.agn11.24.09892 B
010331333202032an.agn11.24.09436 B
010331333202033an.agn11.24.09628 B
010331333202120an.agn11.24.09584 B
010331333202121an.agn11.24.09544 B
010331333202122an.agn11.24.09476 B
010331333202123an.agn11.24.09376 B
010331333202130an.agn11.24.09360 B
010331333202131an.agn11.24.09280 B
010331333202132an.agn11.24.09612 B
010331333202133an.agn11.24.09600 B
010331333202200an.agn11.24.09168 B
010331333202201an.agn11.24.09500 B
010331333202202an.agn11.24.092.15 kB
010331333202203an.agn11.24.09696 B
010331333202210an.agn11.24.09664 B
010331333202211an.agn11.24.09836 B
010331333202213an.agn11.24.09404 B
010331333202220an.agn11.24.091.52 kB
010331333202221an.agn11.24.093.70 kB
010331333202223an.agn11.24.09132 B
010331333202230an.agn11.24.09124 B
010331333202231an.agn11.24.09576 B
010331333202233AN.AGN11.24.09664 B
010331333202300an.agn11.24.09636 B
010331333202301an.agn11.24.0996 B
010331333202302an.agn11.24.09340 B
010331333202303an.agn11.24.09480 B
010331333202310an.agn11.24.09288 B
010331333202312an.agn11.24.09400 B
010331333202320an.agn11.24.09640 B
010331333202321an.agn11.24.09380 B
010331333202322AN.AGN11.24.091.37 kB
010331333202323AN.AGN11.24.092.20 kB
010331333202330an.agn11.24.09404 B
010331333202331an.agn11.24.09164 B
010331333202332an.agn11.24.09432 B
010331333202333AN.AGN11.24.091.30 kB
010331333203131AN.AGN11.24.095.98 kB
010331333203132AN.AGN11.24.095.96 kB
010331333203133an.agn11.24.09184 B
010331333203222AN.AGN11.24.091.17 kB
010331333203223AN.AGN11.24.09944 B
010331333203232AN.AGN11.24.092.77 kB
010331333203233AN.AGN11.24.093.59 kB
010331333203310AN.AGN11.24.093.39 kB
010331333203311AN.AGN11.24.093.05 kB
010331333203312AN.AGN11.24.091.69 kB
010331333203313AN.AGN11.24.092.72 kB
010331333203322AN.AGN11.24.093.05 kB
010331333203323AN.AGN11.24.093.56 kB
010331333203330AN.AGN11.24.092.00 kB
010331333203331AN.AGN11.24.093.81 kB
010331333203332AN.AGN11.24.094.08 kB
010331333203333AN.AGN11.24.092.86 kB
010331333220010an.agn11.24.09112 B
010331333220011an.agn11.24.09624 B
010331333220012an.agn11.24.092.47 kB
010331333220013an.agn11.24.091.01 kB
010331333220030an.agn11.24.09364 B
010331333220031an.agn11.24.09112 B
010331333220100an.agn11.24.0996 B
010331333220101an.agn11.24.0996 B
010331333220102an.agn11.24.09440 B
010331333220120an.agn11.24.09144 B
010331333221111AN.AGN11.24.092.22 kB
Thorney-1.jpg11.25.0989.12 kB
Thorney-2.jpg11.25.09116.28 kB
Thorney-3.jpg11.25.09105.88 kB
Thorney-4.jpg11.25.09126.38 kB
Thorney1.jpg11.25.09139.18 kB
Thorney2.jpg11.25.09144.45 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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