FSX Route Pack VI Waypoints

Preview Route Pack VI Waypoints. These are the waypoints for the infamous "Route Pack VI" flight routes. There are two USAF routes and one Navy route. See accompanying map for the routes. Low-level VOR are use for the "markers". Includes map routes, and VOR frequencies. By Larry Steinborn.

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Route Pack VI Waypoints. These are the waypoints for the infamous "Route Pack VI" flight routes. There are two USAF routes and one Navy route. See accompanying map for the routes. Low-level VOR are use for the "markers". Includes map routes, and VOR frequencies. By Larry Steinborn.

Route Pack VI Waypoints.

Route Pack VI Waypoints.

This package is for use with the FSX sceries of sceneries for the Vietnam Project.

This is the waypoints for the infamous "Route Pack VI" flight routes. There are two USAF routes and one Navy Route. See accompaning map for the routes. I used low-level VOR for the "markers".

The far west route is RP VI A, originating from Korat with the outbound way points being: RPA1, RPA2, and RPA3, and the return is RPA4, RPA5, RPA6, and, RPA7. THis route came into Hanoi/Haiphong from the west over "Thud Ridge". Flights should come over the "ridge" at approx. 5-7000'.

The central route is RP VI B, originating from NKP with the outbound way points being: RPB1, and RPB2, and the return is RPB3, RPB4, RPB5, and RPB6. This route is mostly over water just west of the naval route.

THe navy route originates at Yankee Station, flies due north to RPN1 then west to RPN2 the southwest to Hanoi/Haiphong. CAUTION: this route as inbound and outbound are over a North Vietnamese airbase. Outbound is east of the inbound route, being northeast to RPN3 and east to RPN4, then south to the carriers.

The original files were done as AF2 for FS2004, converted to FSX.

Installation: Unzip file and place folder "roue Pack VI Waypoints" with the BGL's into your addon scenery/scenery file. Start FSX and add as any other scenery package. (RJTY AFCAD just needs to be placed into your addon scenery/scenery file.

I claim no responsibility for any danger/damage, and this has been tested on multiple systems with no problem. This is freeware, and should not be put in any payware packages, or any other scenery packages without due credit.

Please enjoy.

Larry Steinborn

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive routepackviwaypoints.zip has 25 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Route Pak VI waypoints.ZIP01.26.110 B
Route Pack VI Waypoints01.26.110 B
AF2_RPA1.BGL01.25.11558 B
AF2_RPA2.BGL01.25.11558 B
AF2_RPA3.BGL01.26.11638 B
AF2_RPA4.BGL01.25.11581 B
AF2_RPA5.BGL01.26.11554 B
AF2_RPA6.BGL01.25.11582 B
AF2_RPA7.BGL01.25.11543 B
AF2_RPB1.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPB2.BGL01.25.11550 B
AF2_RPB3.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPB4.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPB5.BGL01.25.11581 B
AF2_RPB6.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPN1.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPN2.BGL01.25.11581 B
AF2_RPN3.BGL01.25.11557 B
AF2_RPN4.BGL01.26.11557 B
Marker Frequencies.txt01.26.11303 B
Read Me.txt02.18.111.68 kB
RP VIA-B-N.jpg03.18.1063.88 kB
RJTY.ZIP.zip01.26.1111.56 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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