FSX Scenery Of St Vincent The Grenadines

Preview Scenery Of St Vincent The Grenadines and The Grenada. Requires the Meshs Caraibes (LOD 10) file MESHANTILLES.ZIP. Includes redesign of all roads, coasts and landclass of islands. Includes six airports of St Vincent et les Grenadines: Canouan (TVSC) E.T. Josua (TVSV) J.F. Mitchell (TVSB), Musti...

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Flight Simulator X
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21.83 MB
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Content Rating
3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Scenery Of St Vincent The Grenadines and The Grenada. Requires the Meshs Caraibes (LOD 10) file MESHANTILLES.ZIP. Includes redesign of all roads, coasts and landclass of islands. Includes six airports of St Vincent et les Grenadines: Canouan (TVSC) E.T. Josua (TVSV) J.F. Mitchell (TVSB), Mustique (TVSM), Union I. Int (TVSU) plus airport Argyle (may be open for 2013, TVSG). Also two airports of The Granada: Maurice Bishop (ex Pointe Saline) (TGPY) and Lauriston (TGPZ). By Valladier Jean-Louis.

Screenshot of St Vincent, The Grenadines scenery.

Screenshot of St Vincent, The Grenadines scenery.

Redisign of all roads ,coasts and land class of islands.

6 airports of St Vincent et les Grenadines.

CANOUAN (TVSC) E.T.JOSUA(TVSV) J.F.MITCHELL(TVSB) MUSTIQUE(TVSM) UNION I.Int(TVSU) plus airport Argyle in project (May be open for 2013...(I name it TVSG).

2 airports Of The Granada.

Maurice Bishop (ex Pointe Saline) (TGPY) and Lauriston(TGPZ).

Scenerys of principals islands absent of FSX.

It is running under FSX SP1 and SP2.


Unzip the GRENADINESV2.ZIP into a work subfolder.

From your work subfolder:

Copy subfolder in <\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery>

From your work subfolder\\

Open subfolder.

Copy all files into <\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects\texture.

Open subfolder.

Copy all files into <\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects.

Run Simulator X.

2-library of the scenery
3-add a zone
4-select Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon
5-select: GRENADINE

This scene it is free to use for any simmor but it not to use for REGULAR COMMERCIAL PRACTICES.

For FSX I have use the following tools:

GMAX for the buildings, ADE for airport, WHISPLACER for positionements and effects of characters and geologic, PAINTSHOP for image processing textures or photographs, SBUILDER X and well on FSX of Microsoft and its SDK.

Thank you with many persons which made it possible to know this new word and in particular for their programs articles or blogs and or councils.

Guy Nemos, Patrick RENAUDIN, Marc guitteny.

JL Valladier

Screenshot of St Vincent, The Grenadines scenery.

Screenshot of St Vincent, The Grenadines scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22Screenshot 23Screenshot 24Screenshot 25Screenshot 26Screenshot 27Screenshot 28

The archive grenadinesv2.zip has 128 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
effects11.14.110 B
jf_rp_strobe_blue.fx04.28.114.74 kB
jf_rp_strobe_red.fx09.21.071.24 kB
JL-Barnstorm.fx11.27.096.11 kB
JL-Cntrl_Barn.fx11.27.09294 B
jl-lightgreen.fx04.28.111.27 kB
jl-redlight.fx04.28.111.26 kB
jl-spotblanc.fx08.22.111.28 kB
jl-spotblancbig.fx08.23.111.28 kB
jlvfummeesblanches.fx06.30.087.38 kB
JL_beacon.fx07.24.114.79 kB
JL_Regee.fx11.28.091.35 kB
texture11.14.110 B
lampadairejlv.bmp07.27.0921.40 kB
projecteurb.bmp09.23.1121.40 kB
grenadines11.14.110 B
scenery11.14.110 B
cvx_moustique2.BGL11.13.11249.11 kB
LC_3127.bgl10.27.111.22 kB
moustique2_OBX.BGL11.13.112.43 kB
moustique2_TELL.BGL10.02.111.28 kB
moustiquewishplacer.BGL11.14.1116.81 MB
PhotoMAP28.bgl11.13.1168.76 kB
PhotoMAP30.bgl11.13.1126.71 kB
PhotoMAP34.bgl11.13.11171.50 kB
TGPY_ADEX_JLV.BGL11.12.115.36 kB
TGPY_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl11.12.11368 B
TGPZ_ADEX_JLV.BGL10.17.111.18 kB
TGPZ_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl10.17.11669 B
TVSB_ADEX_JLV.BGL08.28.111.71 kB
TVSB_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl08.28.111.11 kB
TVSC_ADEX_JLV.BGL07.01.115.39 kB
TVSC_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl07.01.111.20 kB
tvsgobjetcs.BGL10.02.1112.15 kB
TVSG_ADEX_JLV.BGL10.01.1110.75 kB
TVSG_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl10.01.11640 B
tvsmobjects.BGL06.24.118.17 kB
tvsmpath.BGL10.17.113.55 MB
TVSM_ADEX_JLV.BGL08.12.11974 B
TVSM_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl08.12.11308 B
TVSU_ADEX_JLV.BGL10.21.093.38 kB
TVSU_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl10.21.091.14 kB
TVSV_ADEX_JLV.BGL08.07.117.05 kB
TVSV_ADEX_JLV_CVX.bgl08.07.111.22 kB
texture11.14.110 B
argyleday.dds10.02.11682.79 kB
argylenuit.dds10.04.11682.79 kB
ArnosValeStadiumd.dds08.07.11682.79 kB
ArnosValeStadiumn.dds08.08.11682.79 kB
bequiaairport.dds10.06.09682.79 kB
bequiaairport2.dds07.18.11682.79 kB
bequiaairport2nuit.dds07.21.11682.79 kB
bequiaairportnigh.dds07.21.11682.79 kB
bequiapiste.dds10.05.09682.79 kB
bequiapistenight.dds10.05.09682.79 kB
cailloux.dds07.13.1110.79 kB
canouanday.dds10.12.09682.79 kB
canouannuity.dds10.12.09682.79 kB
carriacouday.dds10.14.11682.79 kB
carriacounight.dds10.17.11682.79 kB
corsaire.dds11.02.09170.79 kB
drapeaux.dds10.12.09682.79 kB
foret.dds11.09.11682.79 kB
foretnuit.dds11.09.11682.79 kB
grenade.dds11.09.11682.79 kB
grenadenight.dds11.14.11512.12 kB
grenadinetday.dds06.24.11682.79 kB
grenadinetnuit.dds06.24.11682.79 kB
herbe.dds06.27.1110.79 kB
herbenuit.dds08.05.1110.79 kB
light.dds04.29.1110.79 kB
lightnuit.dds05.24.1110.79 kB
maisonscreole1.dds04.08.09682.79 kB
maisonscreole1nuit.dds04.20.09682.79 kB
marque.dds06.18.1110.79 kB
marquenuit.dds08.20.1110.79 kB
marquestop.dds08.21.1110.79 kB
marquestopnight.dds08.21.1110.79 kB
marquetvsgday.dds08.20.1110.79 kB
moustikpiste.dds06.15.1110.79 kB
moustikpistenuit.dds08.27.1110.79 kB
oldzi.dds07.25.09682.79 kB
oldzinuit.dds08.12.09682.79 kB
PATHTDOUBLE.dds10.27.1110.79 kB
PATHTDOUBLEnight.dds10.27.1110.79 kB
PATHTVSM.dds11.08.1110.79 kB
PATHTVSMnuit.dds09.24.1110.79 kB
rocks.dds08.30.09682.79 kB
stvincentday.dds11.03.09682.79 kB
stvincentnight.dds07.23.10682.79 kB
tvsmparking2.dds05.13.1110.79 kB
unionday.dds10.21.09682.79 kB
unionnight.dds10.21.09682.79 kB
vetements..dds09.01.09170.79 kB
lisezmoi.txt11.14.113.99 kB
readme.txt11.14.113.79 kB
tgpy1.jpg11.14.11244.29 kB
tgpy2.jpg11.14.11235.65 kB
tgpy3.jpg11.14.11200.99 kB
tgpy4.jpg11.14.11227.29 kB
tgpy5.jpg11.14.11151.93 kB
tgpz1.jpg11.14.11223.65 kB
tgpz2.jpg11.14.11256.84 kB
tgpz3.jpg11.14.11135.24 kB
TVSB1.jpg11.14.11230.47 kB
TVSB2.jpg11.14.11259.73 kB
TVSB3.jpg11.14.11122.26 kB
tvsc1.jpg11.14.11243.29 kB
tvsc2.jpg11.14.11232.47 kB
tvsc3.jpg11.14.1196.99 kB
TVSG1.jpg11.14.11267.34 kB
TVSG2.jpg11.14.11252.96 kB
TVSG3.jpg11.14.11251.87 kB
TVSG4.jpg11.14.11246.12 kB
TVSG5.jpg11.14.11107.29 kB
tvsm1.jpg11.14.11273.77 kB
tvsm2.jpg11.14.11297.61 kB
tvsm3.jpg11.14.11151.42 kB
tvsu1.jpg11.14.11300.10 kB
tvsu2.jpg11.14.11318.89 kB
tvsu3.jpg11.14.11143.81 kB
TVSV1.jpg11.14.11298.76 kB
TVSV2.jpg11.14.11299.91 kB
TVSV3.jpg11.14.11143.98 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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robert henrySat, 26 Nov 2022 23:17:08 GMT

Hello, Is it possible to update Argyle airport? The ICAO code is TVSA Thanks and best regards.

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