FSX Spirit Of St. Louis

PreviewThis unique package brings the historic Ryan NYP, famously known as the Spirit of St. Louis, into Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Developed by David Grindele and based on the original default model from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, this conversion includes enhanced flight handling, a fresh live...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2
Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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13.37 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 6 PRO members.

This unique package brings the historic Ryan NYP, famously known as the Spirit of St. Louis, into Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Developed by David Grindele and based on the original default model from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, this conversion includes enhanced flight handling, a fresh livery, and integrated splash screens. Enthusiasts can now experience Charles Lindbergh’s legendary single-engine aircraft with minimal setup, making it possible to recreate its defining transatlantic missions in a present-day simulator.

In-Depth Look at the Ryan NYP Airframe

The real-world Spirit of St. Louis (sometimes referred to as the Ryan NYP) was a purpose-built variant of a Ryan M-2 design. Its configuration featured extensive fuel capacity to accommodate long-distance flights, and pilots often commented on the forward visibility limitations, which added an extra challenge to navigation. This add-on mirrors those characteristics carefully and subtly refines the flight model to make long-haul simulation flights feel more authentic.

Screenshot of Spirit Of St. Louis in flight.

Screenshot of Spirit Of St. Louis in flight.

Key Enhancements for Microsoft Flight Simulator X

  • Refined Flight Dynamics: Tailored control inputs and aerodynamic responses bring the aircraft’s unique performance envelope closer to reality.
  • Additional Repaint: An optional livery is pre-installed, allowing users to switch to a fresh finish right away.
  • Custom Splash Screens: A pair of new visuals greet you during your sim’s startup process, celebrating Lindbergh’s pioneering crossing.

Each of these improvements simplifies the user experience by bundling all required files together. David Grindele deliberately preconfigured elements like panels and sounds, so flyers can install and launch their transoceanic endeavor without chasing extra downloads or modifying configuration files manually.

Screenshot of Spirit Of St. Louis in flight.

Screenshot of Spirit Of St. Louis in flight.

Developer’s Vision and Retrofitting Efforts

The creator, who mentions a personal ambition to preserve classic aircraft for modern simulators, adapted this model for continued use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. He notes that a vast collection of FS2004 aircraft are in danger of becoming obsolete, so his intention is to maintain theiravailability by systematically converting them for newer platforms. In this process, all original artists, particularly texture creators, retain full credit for their tremendous work. Their notable talent is what allows each conversion to retain the detailed appearance simmers expect.

Installation Notes

  1. Extract the downloaded archive to a temporary location.
  2. Locate the “Microsoft Spirit_of_StLouis” folder and move it into your “SimObjects/Airplanes” directory inside Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
  3. Launch the simulator and select the “Spirit of St. Louis” from the aircraft menu to begin your flight.

This freeware add-on is >completely< free for flight simmers to enjoy. The included textures, along with any effects, remain the property of those who originally created them, and the community as a whole benefits from their generosity. Additionally, David Grindele has included everything necessary in one package so users can get airborne with minimal fuss.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive spirit1.zip has 73 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
File_id.DIZ.txt11.07.07327 B
Microsoft Spirit_of_StLouis FSX11.07.070 B
aircraft.cfg11.07.0716.15 kB
model11.07.070 B
model.cfg01.29.0234 B
Spirit_of_StLouis.mdl05.30.031.87 MB
panel11.07.070 B
panel.cfg04.08.033.92 kB
Panel_Decals_Spirit_1.bmp03.21.03257.05 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis.cab06.12.03224.51 kB
spirit_panel_background.bmp09.16.02769.05 kB
Thumbs.db11.07.077.50 kB
sound11.07.070 B
sound.cfg05.16.035.80 kB
spirit_door_close.wav04.09.0349.76 kB
spirit_door_open.wav04.09.0342.42 kB
spirit_noncombust.wav01.16.0358.12 kB
spirit_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
spirit_rpm1.wav01.16.03532.71 kB
spirit_rpm2.wav01.16.03545.77 kB
spirit_rpm3.wav01.16.03480.58 kB
spirit_rpm4.wav01.16.03495.11 kB
spirit_shutdown.wav01.16.03411.12 kB
spirit_starter.wav02.06.03175.20 kB
spirit_startup.wav02.06.03526.04 kB
xspirit_noncombust.wav01.16.0345.38 kB
xspirit_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
xspirit_rpm1.wav01.16.03260.07 kB
xspirit_rpm2.wav01.16.03155.96 kB
xspirit_rpm3.wav01.16.03256.57 kB
xspirit_rpm4.wav01.16.03200.13 kB
xspirit_shutdown.wav01.16.03262.13 kB
xspirit_starter.wav02.06.0356.20 kB
xspirit_startup.wav02.06.03181.13 kB
soundai11.07.070 B
AIdc3_rpm1_leftF.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_leftR.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_rightF.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_rightR.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_leftF.wav07.13.06215.36 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_leftR.wav07.13.06215.36 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_rightF.wav07.13.06244.44 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_rightR.wav07.13.06244.44 kB
soundai.cfg07.13.068.27 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis.air06.12.035.82 kB
spirit_of_stlouis_check.htm05.21.0334.43 kB
spirit_of_stlouis_ref.htm05.21.032.55 kB
Texture11.07.070 B
Damage_Spirit.bmp08.06.0364.07 kB
Prop_Spirit.bmp08.06.03256.07 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis_c.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Spirit_of_StLouis_d.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Spirit_of_StLouis_t.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg11.07.0718.10 kB
Thumbs.db11.07.0723.00 kB
Texture.111.07.070 B
Damage_Spirit.bmp04.08.0310.74 kB
Prop_Spirit.bmp11.27.02341.40 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis_c.bmp03.22.03682.74 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis_d.bmp05.12.03682.74 kB
Spirit_of_StLouis_t.bmp04.04.061.33 MB
thumbnail.jpg11.07.0714.28 kB
Thumbs.db11.07.0712.50 kB
Read Spirit of StLouis.txt11.07.072.29 kB
Splash Screens11.07.070 B
Spirit.bmp11.07.072.25 MB
Spirit2.bmp11.07.072.25 MB
thumbnail.jpg11.07.0718.10 kB
thumbnail2.jpg11.07.0714.28 kB
Use agreement,credits and Thanks.txt11.07.071.35 kB
Spirit111.07.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

David C OgbornThu, 03 Jun 2021 04:27:01 GMT

Is there a possibility that the Spirit could be made for X-Plane 11? Even if it is payware, it would be worth it.

Steven C DevineSat, 02 Feb 2019 13:45:42 GMT

Will it be made to work in P3DV4?

p3d pilotMon, 22 Jan 2018 23:09:36 GMT

This doesn't work in P3Dv4.

Nick WatsonWed, 12 Oct 2016 03:07:35 GMT

It should be noted that this package contains an extra repaint - that's it - nothing else WHATSOEVER is changed from the FS9 version of this aircraft.

fsxpilotThu, 14 Jul 2016 04:37:54 GMT

Yikes. The flight dynamics are crazy. Using any rudder causes the plane to spin like it is in slew mode and the plane takes forever to takeoff.

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