FSX DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth
DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth. Native FSX conversion of the DH80 Puss Moth by Milton Shupe and team. Three models with eight different liveries are included: with wheel skirts, no wheel skirts and a ski version. Original model by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Damian Radice and Tom Falley. FSX con...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.5K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- dh80fsx.zip
- File size
- 33.08 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 11 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth. Native FSX conversion of the DH80 Puss Moth by Milton Shupe and team. Three models with eight different liveries are included: with wheel skirts, no wheel skirts and a ski version. Original model by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Damian Radice and Tom Falley. FSX conversion by Rob Cappers, Tim Scharnhop, Hans Joerg Naegele and Tom Falley.
Screenshot of DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth.
1. Open the aircraft folder and copy the dh80am folder to your FSX/Airplanes folder.
2. Open the effects folder and copy the two effects to your FSX/effects folder.
The following must be read to ensure understanding of some of the features and options.
I changed the manufacturer to de Havilland Melrose to differentiate the race setup from the standard setup.
Wing Folding for storage requires the wing fold command setup in the FSX/Display/Assignments
Yoke Appear/Disappear: Slash key (spoilers)
Open left door: Shift-E-1
Open left door window: Shift-E-3
Open right door: Shift-E-2
Open right door window: Shift-E-4
Flaps: The DH.80a had no flaps but used airbrakes (activated by the flap key) providing drag by turning the upper and lower gear struts crossways to the wind.
Check the animated ASI on the wing
1. I provided many tank options in the aircraft.cfg for mileage ranges stated. Simply comment out the default and uncomment out the desired tankage.
2. The aircraft.cfg contact points section has two tailwheel setups; one castering, one steerable (default). Select the one you wish and comment out the other.
I hope this helps.
Milton Shupe
Screenshot of DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth in flight.
The archive dh80fsx.zip has 201 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
DH80FSX.jpg | 01.10.11 | 92.71 kB |
file_id.diz | 01.11.11 | 567 B |
INSTALLATION.txt | 09.23.10 | 1.35 kB |
Readme.txt | 09.23.10 | 3.92 kB |
thumbnail.gif | 01.10.11 | 14.97 kB |
fx_engstrt_dh80.fx | 10.14.09 | 6.07 kB |
fx_vclight_dh80.fx | 09.23.10 | 1.25 kB |
Airplanes | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DH80 FSX | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
Aircraft.cfg | 10.14.10 | 22.46 kB |
DH80.air | 10.06.10 | 7.32 kB |
Documentation | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
credits.txt | 09.23.10 | 1.06 kB |
INSTALLATION.txt | 09.23.10 | 1.35 kB |
Readme.txt | 09.23.10 | 3.92 kB |
Specs.txt | 10.15.09 | 1.02 kB |
USE and DISTRIBUTION.txt | 10.09.09 | 1.23 kB |
model.melrose | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DH80melrose.mdl | 10.06.10 | 3.82 MB |
DH80melrose_interior.mdl | 09.30.10 | 3.76 MB |
Model.cfg | 05.14.10 | 61 B |
model.noskirts | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DH80ns.mdl | 10.14.10 | 3.67 MB |
DH80ns_interior.mdl | 10.06.10 | 3.61 MB |
Model.cfg | 09.16.10 | 51 B |
model.ski | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DH80ski.mdl | 10.14.10 | 3.43 MB |
DH80ski_interior.mdl | 10.14.10 | 3.37 MB |
Model.cfg | 09.25.10 | 53 B |
panel.dark | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DeHavilland_Comet.cab | 06.12.03 | 686.53 kB |
DH80.bmp | 10.15.09 | 2.25 MB |
panel.cfg | 10.15.09 | 3.88 kB |
ST_DH80.CAB | 10.08.09 | 920.41 kB |
vc01.bmp | 10.05.09 | 4.00 MB |
panel.silver | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
DeHavilland_Comet.cab | 06.12.03 | 686.53 kB |
DH80.bmp | 10.07.09 | 769.05 kB |
panel.cfg | 08.25.10 | 3.42 kB |
ST_DH80.CAB | 10.08.09 | 920.41 kB |
sound | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
CAGEAR.WAV | 07.19.01 | 234 B |
canopy_latch_close.wav | 04.09.03 | 95.79 kB |
canopy_latch_open.wav | 04.09.03 | 84.69 kB |
CASTALL.WAV | 07.19.01 | 298 B |
CE1A.wav | 03.28.02 | 63.36 kB |
CE1B.WAV | 03.04.01 | 30.08 kB |
CE2A.wav | 03.28.02 | 81.58 kB |
CE2B.WAV | 03.04.01 | 30.07 kB |
CE3A.wav | 03.28.02 | 319.45 kB |
CE4A.wav | 03.28.02 | 74.23 kB |
CEP1A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 107.83 kB |
CEP1B.WAV | 03.01.01 | 195.54 kB |
CEP2A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 64.13 kB |
CEP2B.WAV | 03.28.02 | 73.82 kB |
CESHUTA.WAV | 03.28.02 | 46.27 kB |
CESHUTB.WAV | 03.28.02 | 65.98 kB |
CESTRTA.WAV | 03.28.02 | 37.71 kB |
CESTRTB.WAV | 03.28.02 | 83.06 kB |
cmflaps.wav | 06.04.01 | 342.70 kB |
geardn.wav | 03.28.02 | 216 B |
gearup.wav | 03.28.02 | 44 B |
L.wav | 03.28.02 | 33.24 kB |
R.wav | 03.28.02 | 63.00 kB |
Sound.cfg | 10.16.09 | 7.58 kB |
wind3.wav | 03.21.02 | 62.45 kB |
XCE1a.WAV | 03.28.02 | 93.43 kB |
XCE1B.WAV | 03.28.02 | 28.20 kB |
XCE2A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 94.96 kB |
XCE2B.WAV | 03.28.02 | 28.12 kB |
XCE3A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 83.65 kB |
XCE4A.wav | 03.28.02 | 145.54 kB |
XCEP1A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 107.83 kB |
XCEP1B.WAV | 03.28.02 | 53.47 kB |
XCEP2A.WAV | 03.28.02 | 64.26 kB |
XCEP2B.WAV | 03.28.02 | 58.30 kB |
XCESHUTA.WAV | 03.28.02 | 65.99 kB |
XCESHUTB.WAV | 03.28.02 | 65.99 kB |
XCESTRTA.WAV | 03.28.02 | 7.72 kB |
XCESTRTB.WAV | 03.28.02 | 107.40 kB |
texture.171 | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.26.10 | 62.81 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.black | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
chromeparts_t.dds | 09.16.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
prophub_t.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.18.10 | 57.42 kB |
vc01.dds | 10.14.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.blue | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 09.06.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
prophub_t.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.18.10 | 62.03 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.melrose | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_bump.dds | 05.26.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
panel.dds | 08.25.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 05.26.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 05.18.10 | 32.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.18.10 | 58.73 kB |
vc01.bmp | 08.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t.dds | 05.25.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_bump.dds | 05.26.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 05.26.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.red | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 09.06.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
prophub_t.dds | 09.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.18.10 | 62.11 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.US | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 09.06.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 09.23.10 | 32.12 kB |
prophub_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 32.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.24.10 | 59.95 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.wh | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
fuse_t.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.26.10 | 57.72 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.05.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.yellow | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
chromeparts_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
fuse_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 09.06.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 11.06.08 | 122 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.24.10 | 62.44 kB |
wings_t.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
wings_t_spec.dds | 09.23.10 | 1.00 MB |
texture | 01.11.11 | 0 B |
aluminum.dds | 09.25.10 | 32.12 kB |
aluminum_bump.dds | 09.25.10 | 64.12 kB |
aluminum_spec.dds | 09.25.10 | 64.12 kB |
Blacktexture.dds | 09.18.10 | 256.12 kB |
Blacktexture_bump.dds | 09.18.10 | 256.12 kB |
chrome_L.dds | 05.25.10 | 4.12 kB |
chrome_t.dds | 05.25.10 | 64.12 kB |
chromeparts_t.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
chromeparts_t_bump.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.33 MB |
chromeparts_t_spec.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
darkgray.dds | 05.25.10 | 4.12 kB |
dc2_pilot1.dds | 10.05.09 | 32.12 kB |
dc2_pilot2.dds | 09.02.09 | 32.12 kB |
fresnel_ramp.dds | 09.04.06 | 640 B |
fuse_t_bump.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
Lamp_glas.dds | 08.27.08 | 16.12 kB |
panel.dds | 09.02.10 | 1.33 MB |
parts_t.dds | 05.25.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_bump.dds | 09.24.10 | 1.00 MB |
parts_t_spec.dds | 05.26.10 | 1.00 MB |
propblade.dds | 05.25.10 | 64.12 kB |
prophub_t.dds | 05.25.10 | 64.12 kB |
propmesh.dds | 09.04.10 | 256.12 kB |
vc01.dds | 09.02.10 | 682.79 kB |
vcint.dds | 05.25.10 | 1.00 MB |
vcparts.dds | 05.25.10 | 1.00 MB |
windows_int.dds | 09.20.10 | 1.00 MB |
windows_int_bump.dds | 09.17.10 | 16.12 kB |
windows_int_spec.dds | 09.18.10 | 16.12 kB |
wings_t_bump.dds | 09.04.10 | 1.00 MB |
DH80FSX-2.jpg | 01.10.11 | 126.61 kB |
DH80FSX-3.jpg | 01.10.11 | 101.36 kB |
DH80FSX-4.jpg | 01.10.11 | 103.45 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Cool little plane! The instruments are really easy to see. The graphics are excellent. It was a very easy download. A fun little plane to fly. A pleasant change of pace from flying the big jets. Good job! Thanks!
It really feels like flying a historical plane.