FSX RealEngineV11 Module For Vertigo Studios P36

PreviewRealEngineV11 Module For Vertigo Studios P36. Gunter (teson1) RealEngine module is to (severely) penalize flying an aircraft under conditions outside of those recommended. Engine, gear, flaps. Adapted for the Vertigo P36 Hawk. Easy install to panel.cfg. By T. Marson.

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RealEngineV11 Module For Vertigo Studios P36. Gunter (teson1) RealEngine module is to (severely) penalize flying an aircraft under conditions outside of those recommended. Engine, gear, flaps. Adapted for the Vertigo P36 Hawk. Easy install to panel.cfg. By T. Marson.

Screenshot of P36 in flight with real engine effects.

Screenshot of P36 in flight with real engine effects.

Not endorsed by Vertigo Studios, for personal use only.
Use at your own risk.
Inslalls in panel cfg.

Gunter (teson1) RealEngine module Adapted for Vertigo P36 Hawk.
Gunter (teson1) RealEngine module is to (severely) penalize flying.
an aircraft under conditions outside of those recommended. Engine, Gear, Llaps.
Adapted for Vertigo Studios - P36 Hawk. Easy install to panel CFG.

1. Copy lines from panel CFG.(opens with note pad, found in panel folder of this download) in to your Vertigo Studios - P36 Hawk panel CFG.
2. Copy RealEngine folder into your Vertigo Studios - P36 Hawk Panel folder.
3. Place gauges from Gauges folder into your FSX Gauges folder.
4. Start the sim.

Cycle to the 2D panel after loading the aircraft. After loading the aircraft the failure effects will only become active after the failure module gauges have been open in the active window. By default the failure modules and the status panel are open in the 2D panel, so if you fly with the 3D panel, cycle to the 2D panel at least once after loading the aircraft.

Engine and aircraft parameters:
Not as bad as it looks, read through it once. Test aircraft parameters.

Spark plug fouling parameters:

1) If RPM is below (RPM) --> 1000 after start up. Plugs foul within (min) --> 3

2) Perform the engine run-up at > 1400 rpm befor take off.
Plugs are cleared if (RPM) --> 1400
During the run-up within seconds --> 8 (Plug Clean Time Ground)
If rolling/fly within seconds --> 120 (2 minutes (Plug Clean Time to Air)

Engine Mixture Controls:

1) Requires Full Rich Mixture below 5000 ft DENSITY altitude or 3000 ft TRUE altitude. (Even with automixture active, the mixture lever has to be advanced to full rich position below 5000 ft dens; alt. /3000 ft)

2) Maximum Cruise Parameters - Continuous Operation.
Max Continuous Power with Lean Mixture (%) --> 45
Max Continuous Power with Rich Mixture (%) --> 75
Maximum Climb Power (%) --> 85 // I think this is throttle limit, I tested it at Maximum Cruise Rich mixture with 80% throttle. 85% was default. \

Engine MP(Manifold) pressure and RPM Limitations:

1) Maximum Take-Off Parameters - Time-limited Operation.

Take-Off MP (in Hg) --> 36
Take-Off RPM (rpm) --> 2700
Take-Off Time-to-fail (min) --> 3
Take-Off Power Rich Mixture --> Full Rich
(Requires Full Rich mixture below 3000 ft)
(TTF will be reduced if mixture is too lean)

2) Cruise Climb Parameters - Time-limited Operation.

Climb MP (in Hg) --> 36
Climb RPM (rpm) --> 2700
Climb Time-to-fail (min) --> 30
Maximum Climb Power (%) --> 85 // I think this is throttle limit, I tested it at Maximum Cruise Rich mixture with 80% throttle. \
(Requires Full Rich mixture below 3000 ft, Rich mixture above.)
(TTF will be reduced if mixture is too lean)
(Maximum Climb Power 30 minute limited)

3) Maximum Cruise Parameters - Continuous Operation Limitations.

(Limitations with Lean (Weak) mixture)
(Any mixture can be set at MP/RPM below these limitations)
Maximum Continuous MP with Lean Mixture (in Hg) --> 29
Maximum Continuous RPM with Lean Mixture (rpm) --> 2050
Lean Mixture (%) --> 45

(Limitations with Rich mixture)
(Engine will be damaged if mixture is Lean)
Maximum Continuous MP with Rich Mixture (in Hg) --> 34
Maximum Continuous RPM with Rich Mixture (rpm) --> 2600
Rich Mixture (%) --> 75

Mixture State:

Engine runs rough if mixture is too lean or too rich. Engine can be damaged if mixture is too lean at higher power. High power operations like take-off or climb require rich/full rich mixture to avoid damage to the engine due to overheating or detonation.

"Full Rich" mixture: Advance the mixture lever to full rich (100%).
Required for TO and climb at altitudes below 3000 ft.
Above 3000 ft (and at any altitude for cruise power settings) the mixture can be leaned.
"Rich" mixture: Required for any MP/RPM setting above Lean (weak) cruise.
At most mixture should be leaned to best power (typically maximum RPM), and then slightly enriched.
Best power mixture is just at the lower edge of the rich mixture range.

Cylinder Head Temperature .F(Fahrenheit) Limitations:

Max Allowed Cylinder Head Temperature .F --> 518 ( .C(Celsius) 270 )
Time-to-fail (min) --> 5

Oil Temperature .F(Fahrenheit) Limitations:

Max Allowed Oil Temperature deg .F --> 185 ( .C((Celsius) 85 )
Time-to-fail if Oil Temp is exceeded (min) --> 5

Flaps Overspeed:

Maximum Flap Extended Speed (KIAS) --> 152
Maximum Flap Extended Speed: Full flaps (KIAS) --> 122

Gear Overspeed:

Maximum Gear Extended Speed (KIAS) --> 152

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive vertigostudiosp36realengine.zip has 36 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ..txt12.01.10521 B
Gauges12.01.100 B
dsd_xml_sound3.gau10.28.0692.80 kB
dsd_xml_sound3_RealEngine_v10.ini06.03.10482 B
P36 RealEngine Read Me.txt11.28.104.99 kB
RealEngine - Manual v11.pdf06.14.101.40 MB
RealEngine - Readme v11.txt06.14.1012.91 kB
SimObjects12.01.100 B
Airplanes12.01.100 B
VS_P-3612.01.100 B
panel12.01.100 B
panel.cfg11.28.101.52 kB
RealEngine12.01.100 B
dsd_xml_sound3.gau10.28.0692.80 kB
dsd_xml_sound3_RealEngine_v10.ini06.03.10482 B
RE1_CHTLimitations_EngineFailure_v10.xml11.28.102.54 kB
RE1_Effect_AsymmetricFlapsFailure_v10.xml06.13.103.35 kB
RE1_Effect_EngineMaxPowerLoss_v10.xml06.13.101.28 kB
RE1_Effect_EngineRoughness_v10.xml06.13.102.28 kB
RE1_Effect_HydraulicElectricalFailure_v10.xml06.13.101.82 kB
RE1_Effect_MixtureState_v10.xml06.13.103.67 kB
RE1_Effect_RandomNumber_v10.xml06.13.10958 B
RE1_EngineMPRPMLimitations_EngineRoughnessFailure_v10.xml11.28.1010.04 kB
RE1_EnginePowerLimitations_EngineRoughnessFailure_v10.xml11.28.109.14 kB
RE1_FlapsOverspeed_Failure_v10.xml06.13.106.23 kB
RE1_GearOverspeed_Failure_v10.xml06.13.104.91 kB
RE1_MixtureLeanLimit_EngineRoughness_v10.xml06.13.102.57 kB
RE1_MixtureRichLimit_EngineRoughness_v10.xml06.13.102.44 kB
RE1_OilTemperatureLimitations_EngineFailure_v10.xml11.28.102.73 kB
RE1_SparkPlugFouling_PowerLoss_v10.xml11.28.104.07 kB
RE1_StatusPanel_v10.xml06.13.1071.33 kB
RealEngine - Manual v11.pdf06.14.101.40 MB
RealEngine - Readme v11.txt06.14.1012.91 kB
P26engineblow.jpg11.28.10178.02 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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