FSX North American P-51D 'Scat VII'

PreviewThis is a repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang 'Restored Part 2' pack depicting P-51D-25-NA 44-72922 'Scat VII' of the 434th FS, 479th FG, and flown by Maj. Robin Olds. This was the last of Maj. Olds' Mustangs and survived the war, being sold on to Sweden then bought privately in 1958. This a...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2
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This is a repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang 'Restored Part 2' pack depicting P-51D-25-NA 44-72922 'Scat VII' of the 434th FS, 479th FG, and flown by Maj. Robin Olds. This was the last of Maj. Olds' Mustangs and survived the war, being sold on to Sweden then bought privately in 1958. This aircraft has been rebuilt twice, lastly following the tragic death of the owner Jim Shuttleworth in 2003, and now sports the high tail of a TF-51D. It now flies in Belgium as 'PH-VDF' though the scheme adopted is inaccurate. This repaint has some of the inaccuracies corrected, nor does it have the lengthened canopy of the TF-51D, so is not a true representation of the aircraft in its present form. Published by kind permission of John Terrell, the original author. By Dave Quincey.

Screenshot of North American P-51D 'Scat VII' in flight.

Screenshot of North American P-51D 'Scat VII' in flight.

Copy the texture.ScatVII folder to your Simobjects/Airplanes/P-51D_Restored_Part2 directory. Paste the following into the aircraft.cfg file after the last [fltsim.xx] entry, and save.

title = Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang "Scat VII"
sim = P-51D
model = IAT
panel =
sound =
texture = ScatVII
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id = 472992
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
ui_manufacturer = North American Aviation
ui_type = P-51D (Cavalier Mk.II)
ui_variation = Scat VII
description =North American Aviation P-51D, N93NT ex-44-72922 'ScatVII'flown by Brig. Gen Robin Olds 434th FS 479th FG RAF Wattisham from mid-April 1945. Send to Sweden, recovered to the US, crashed twice and rebuilt now in Belgium. With Cavalier extended tail.
visual_damage = 0

Replace the xx with the next available [fltsim.xx] number and save the file.

This repaint is based on the excellent detailed 'Little Friends' paint kit, and modified for the Cavalier model. It is published by kind permission of JoHn Terrell, the original author of the 'Restored Part 2' pack.

This repaint is freeware; it can be used and modified as you wish for your own use. It must not be used or sold for commercial gain. If you want to publish any repaints based upon it they must be published as freeware and must acknowledge the authors Dave Quincey, Warbirdsim and John Terrell.

Dave Quincey

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive scatvii.zip has 22 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
P-51D Cavalier 4.jpg08.22.11680.32 kB
Read Me.txt08.25.112.16 kB
texture.ScatVII08.25.110 B
Exterior_Cockpit.dds02.04.111.00 MB
IAT.dds02.04.114.00 MB
IAT2.dds02.04.114.00 MB
P-51D_1_T.dds02.04.114.00 MB
P-51D_1_T_Spec.dds02.03.114.00 MB
P-51D_1_TSpec.dds02.03.114.00 MB
P-51D_2_T.dds08.22.114.00 MB
P-51D_2_T_Bump.dds02.03.114.00 MB
P-51D_2_TSpec.dds08.22.114.00 MB
P-51D_3_T.dds08.16.114.00 MB
P-51D_3_T_Bump.dds02.03.114.00 MB
P-51D_3_TSpec.dds08.04.114.00 MB
P-51D_Misc.dds02.04.111.00 MB
Placards.dds08.25.111.00 MB
Prop.dds10.19.10256.12 kB
texture.cfg02.03.11166 B
Thumbnail.jpg08.16.1152.04 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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