FSX Handley Page Herald

Preview A rewritten aircraft config for Rick Piper's Handley-Page Herald. This will allow you to view the aircraft in the main aircraft menu and with FSX default camera views. Requires the FSDS Handley-Page Herald model by Rick Piper. By Dave Evans.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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2.78 MB
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A rewritten aircraft config for Rick Piper's Handley-Page Herald. This will allow you to view the aircraft in the main aircraft menu and with FSX default camera views. Requires the FSDS Handley-Page Herald model by Rick Piper. By Dave Evans.

Screenshot of Handley Page Herald AUK in flight.

Screenshot of Handley Page Herald AUK in flight.

Extract zip to desktop open all folders and move the JPEGs to the corresponding aircraft texture folders in the main aircraft folder. Move the aircraft config file to the main aircraft folder and overwrite the file already there.

Dave Evans

Screenshot of Handley Page Herald AUT in flight.

Screenshot of Handley Page Herald AUT in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12

The archive herdfsx.zip has 42 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
read me.txt11.04.06268 B
Aircraft.cfg11.06.0616.57 kB
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06219.59 kB
AUK11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06206.02 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
AUT11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06235.60 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.064.50 kB
AVIA11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06216.33 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BAF11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06237.70 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.064.50 kB
BAV11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06224.01 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BEA11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06219.59 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BIA11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06235.48 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BIA211.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06239.79 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BRY11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06202.22 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
BUA11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06201.82 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.064.50 kB
CEX11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06203.96 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.064.50 kB
ELAN11.06.060 B
Thumbnail.JPG11.06.06227.25 kB
Thumbs.db11.06.065.00 kB
I.D File.txt11.06.06261 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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RickSat, 09 Nov 2013 12:41:28 GMT

Sorry! I thought I couldn't get this aircraft to work, but I need to read things a little more carefully. First, even though I have FSX, I thought Rick Pipers model was ONLY for FS2004 (FS9). It IS, but I still needed to download that FIRST! Dumb, dumb, dumb, that's what I didn't do.

NEXT, I needed to organise the files and the names of the files...then change the aircraft.cfg file so that the SIM= name was "Herald200", not "Herald" so to match the name of the .air file. Then move the gauges .cab file the the main FSX gauges file and then....bingo! It works....

Thanks to everyone who made this super aircraft available.


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