FSX LCL Cargo Saab 340F

Preview LCL Cargo Saab 340F. This is a complete Project AI Saab 340F aircraft of LCL Cargo. To keep the operating costs in place, the airline is powered by DFW Cargo, member of The DFW group. All is fictitious. Repaint by The DFW Group.

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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LCL Cargo Saab 340F. This is a complete Project AI Saab 340F aircraft of LCL Cargo. To keep the operating costs in place, the airline is powered by DFW Cargo, member of The DFW group. All is fictitious. Repaint by The DFW Group.

Screenshot of LCL Cargo Saab 340F in the air at night.

Screenshot of LCL Cargo Saab 340F in the air at night.

This is a complete "Project AI " Saab 340F aircraft of " LCL Cargo ". That stands for " Low Cost Logistics ". This fictitious airline/aircraft serves as a "newcomer" in the world of parcel logistics , not seriously competing with the DHL's and FedEx. To keep the operating costs in place , the airline is powered by DFW Cargo , member of "The DFW group", well known by it's role as a globe-span airline , charters , military and cargo aircraft such as their B747-800i F aircraft as well as it's DC-8-71 F. All just as fictitious. These aircraft are easy to find if you use "stellweg" in the search box.

This LCL-airline has a busy program of flying cargo runs in eastern France.

Routes are to:
Gap , Frjus and Toulon in the PACA-region (Provence/Alpes/Cote dAzur), Grenoble and Chambery in the Isre and Savoie region respectively, Dole-Tavaux in the Jura provence, Metz / Nancy in the Lorraine / Moselle, up north in France and serving Luxembourg Findel airport to connect with Cargolux , giving them the gateway to the rest of the world .

Original aircraft and flightdynamics by the "ProjectAI.com" website. The re-paint is done by; " The DFW group " .

For filesize reasons the panel is from a Saab340B and the sound and checklists are of the default Beech King Air. Feel free to alter into any other engine-sound and/or panel of your liking.

Remember that this aircraft is an AI aircraft !

I added the "Traffic_LCL_Cargo.BGL" file, making this aircraft visible when you visit the airports mentioned above at their local cargo-aprons. I'm sure you will find them on the globe.

Some tech-talk of the "Project AI " Saab 340. The Saab 340 was a product of a 1979 joint feasibility study involving Fairchild and Saab-Scania, into a 30-40 seat commercial airliner design. The SF340 was launched in 1980. Saab was responsible for fuselage, fin and final assembly, and Fairchild was responsible for wings, engines and empennage. The first prototype flew 25 January 1983, with production aircraft following from 1984. From the beginning of November 1985 Saab took over production entirely, eventually re-designating the aircraft from SF340 to 340A. Deliveries of a more powerful version, the 340B, commenced in 1989. A further improved 340B Plus followed in 1994; but slow sales forced production to cease in 1998. The 340 is powered by two GE CT7-5A2 turboprops and is 64 feet (19.73m) long and has a wingspan of 70 feet (21.44m). It flies at a maximum cruise speed of 278 kts (515 km/hr) and has a range of 785 nm (1455 km).

Installation Instructions:
Unzip the "LCL Cargo Saab340F" zipfile into, let's say "C:\Temp". From here drag the yellow folder called "Saab 340F LCL Cargo" into C:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes than start-up Flightsimulator X and find the aircraft under Lockheed. Drag the "Traffic_LCL_Cargo.BGL" file into C:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World and than in the scenery subdirectory (not in the texture).

Screenshot of LCL Cargo Saab 340F on the ground.

Screenshot of LCL Cargo Saab 340F on the ground.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive lclcargosaab340f.zip has 46 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
LCL Saab 340F.jpg11.20.0975.15 kB
Traffic_LCL_Cargo.bgl11.20.09560.12 kB
Aircraft.cfg11.20.0915.62 kB
beech_king_air_350_check.htm07.27.0662.14 kB
beech_king_air_350_ref.htm05.12.0611.73 kB
Model11.20.090 B
MODEL.CFG12.03.0328 B
PAI_S340B.MDL12.03.03247.63 kB
PAIS340BV5.AIR06.05.0313.97 kB
Panel11.20.090 B
ecu.bmp03.19.09769.05 kB
gps.bmp03.19.09769.05 kB
main.bmp03.19.09769.05 kB
overhead.bmp03.19.09769.05 kB
panel.cfg03.19.094.85 kB
radio.bmp03.19.09769.05 kB
saab340.cab03.19.0936.97 kB
sound11.20.090 B
SOUND.CFG08.20.0642 B
soundai11.20.090 B
AIkan11.wav06.30.06237.27 kB
AIkan13.wav06.30.06228.26 kB
AIkan21.wav06.30.06196.30 kB
AIkan23.wav06.30.06189.73 kB
AIkbn11.wav06.30.06240.27 kB
AIkbn13.wav06.30.06225.25 kB
AIkbn21.wav06.30.06143.12 kB
AIkbn23.wav06.30.06254.22 kB
SOUNDAI.CFG06.30.066.87 kB
xAIkan11.wav06.30.0660.29 kB
xAIkan13.wav06.30.0658.29 kB
xAIkan21.wav06.30.0650.25 kB
xAIkan23.wav06.30.0648.25 kB
xAIkbn11.wav06.30.0661.29 kB
xAIkbn13.wav06.30.0657.29 kB
xAIkbn21.wav06.30.0636.79 kB
xAIkbn23.wav06.30.0664.75 kB
Texture.LCL11.20.090 B
s340_l.bmp11.20.09256.07 kB
s340_t.bmp11.20.091.00 MB
Thumbnail.jpg11.20.0955.21 kB
A Please read me first.txt11.20.093.12 kB
LCL Cargo Saab 340F.jpg11.20.0955.21 kB
LCL Saab340F.jpg11.20.0945.29 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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