FSX RCAF McDonnell CF-101B Voodoo 416 Sqdn 1982

PreviewThis is a repaint for the Alphasim/Virtavia CF-101B Voodoo (alphacf101bupx.zip) representing 101021 (US serial 57-0321) as it was in the early 1980's when assigned to No. 416 (Lynx) Sqdn. RCAF. Withdrawn in 1984, later used as an instructional airframe at Winnepeg and currently at the Calgary Air...

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This is a repaint for the Alphasim/Virtavia CF-101B Voodoo (alphacf101bupx.zip) representing 101021 (US serial 57-0321) as it was in the early 1980's when assigned to No. 416 (Lynx) Sqdn. RCAF. Withdrawn in 1984, later used as an instructional airframe at Winnepeg and currently at the Calgary Air and Space Museum. These textures are 2048 x 2048 textures for FSX only. The folder contains a thumbnail and texture.cfg file. In addition there is a separate texture. shared folder containing all the common textures for the F-101B Voodoo. By Dave Quincey.

Screenshot of RCAF McDonnell CF-101B in flight.

Screenshot of RCAF McDonnell CF-101B in flight.

Place both folders in your Simobjects/Airplanes/Alphasim F-101 2-str folder. Open the aircraft.cfg folder and copy and paste the following after the last [fltsim.xx] entry.

title=ALPHA CF-101B Voodoo 021
ui_type=F-101 Voodoo
ui_variation=25. CF-101B 101021
description= CF-101B (US Serial 57-0321) served with No. 416 (Lynx) Squadron, RCAF in the 1980's. Retired as an instructional airframe to Winnepeg, Manitoba before being transferred to the Calgary Air nad Space Museum where it still remains.
atc_airline=Air Force

Replace the xx's with the next available fltsim number and save the file.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive cf101b-1.zip has 54 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CF-101B 3.jpg10.17.11559.27 kB
CF-101B 4.jpg10.17.11622.14 kB
Readme.txt10.17.111.72 kB
texture.02110.17.110 B
Nose_t.dds10.13.111.00 MB
Pilot.dds10.14.11256.12 kB
Rudder-B_t.dds10.17.1164.12 kB
Scoops_t.dds01.19.1016.12 kB
texture.cfg09.06.0844 B
thumbnail.jpg10.17.1145.11 kB
Voodoo_1_t.dds10.17.114.00 MB
Voodoo_2_t.dds10.17.114.00 MB
texture.shared10.17.110 B
Air-2A_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Air-2A_t.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Black.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Chrome_t.dds09.06.084.12 kB
Cockpit_1.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Cockpit_2.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Cockpit_3.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Cockpit_4.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Cockpit_5.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Cockpit_6.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
CockpitB_1.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Column.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
DkGrey.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Drum.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Falcon.dds01.27.1064.12 kB
Falcon_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Falcon_t.dds10.17.1164.12 kB
Flapwell.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Glass_t.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Grey.dds09.06.084.12 kB
Int_edge.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Int_face.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Lens_L.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Lens_T.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Nose_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Pilot.dds09.06.08256.12 kB
Rudder-B_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Scoops_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Scope_l.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Scope_t.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Tread.dds09.06.0816.12 kB
Turbine_l.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Turbine_t.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Voodoo_1_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Voodoo_2_L.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
Voodoo_3.dds09.06.081.00 MB
Voodoo_Pnl_B - Copy.dds09.06.081.00 MB
Voodoo_Pnl_B.dds09.06.081.00 MB
Wrap.dds09.06.0864.12 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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