FSX Brownsville Texas Scenery

Preview Modern scenery of KBRO, Brownsville / South Padre Island International Airport, TX. Includes terminal with interior views, 1931 restored Pan Am building, and others. EZ Scenery, Rwy12 and Dan French CoreLibrariesVol1_FSX (DLFCORELIBRARIES2FSX.ZIP) libraries required. By Dan French.

Screenshot 1
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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1.3 MB
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Modern scenery of KBRO, Brownsville / South Padre Island International Airport, TX. Includes terminal with interior views, 1931 restored Pan Am building, and others. EZ Scenery, Rwy12 and Dan French CoreLibrariesVol1_FSX (DLFCORELIBRARIES2FSX.ZIP) libraries required. By Dan French.

Screenshot of Brownsville Texas scenery.

Screenshot of Brownsville Texas scenery.

This scenery requires The following free downloadable libraries for some things to show up:

  • EZ Scenery libraries (David Grindele's all-inclusive available for free download (ez_1.zip).
  • Runway 12 libraries (rw12l112.zip, rw12l212.zip, rw12l312.zip).
  • Dan French Core LibrariesVol1_FSX or higher (dlfcorelibraries1FSX.zip).

This scenery is a rendering of KBRO Brownsville/ South Padre Island International Airport at the southern tip of Texas. Being at the US "jumping off place" for southern out of country flights, Brownsville boasted a terminal complex for Pan American World Airways for refueling
and passenger comfort before leaving or upon entering the United States. The old Pan Am building, built in 1931, has been restored and sits on the apron just north of the current terminal. Brownsville is currently served by American and United through connection airline services. Aerial photos show an Air Force C 130 sitting at the north apron edge so a parking spot for military cargo has been added. An air freight terminal has been built at the northeast airport corner.

This scenery includes:

  • The modern terminal with working jetways and an interior lobby.
  • Air freight center.
  • Pan Am building.
  • Fire station.
  • Warehouses.

The facility is placed using USA Extreme Landscapes for FSX and Ultimate Terrain X. They should work for default and others but if you don't like the result, you may use the "place your own" library dlf_lib_Brownsville which should appear in your object placement tool dropdown window to place the objects where you like. I used Google Earth and suggest it for accuracy.

AFX ("AFCAD") file included with gate assignments.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive kbro_dlffsx.zip has 75 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ04.03.12314 B
KBRO Brownsville TX04.03.120 B
scenery04.03.120 B
AFX_KBRO.bgl04.04.1231.66 kB
dlf_lib_Brownsville.bgl04.03.121.39 MB
dlf_lib_Brownsville.txt04.03.12431 B
IS_KBRO_bldgs.bgl04.04.125.34 kB
IS_KBRO_people.bgl04.03.12812 B
IS_KBRO_vehicles.bgl04.03.12956 B
texture04.03.120 B
American_Modern_1x8.dds04.01.121.44 kB
AnodAluminum.dds03.12.122.79 kB
Asphalt.dds03.12.122.79 kB
Berber.dds03.16.12808 B
Berber15_LM.dds03.16.12296 B
BGGlass.dds03.11.1210.75 kB
BGGlass_LM.dds03.11.125.44 kB
BrickBeige.dds02.21.1210.79 kB
BrickDkBrwn.dds02.29.1210.79 kB
BrnsvlAirprt.dds04.01.1221.38 kB
BrnsvlAirprt_LM.dds04.01.1210.75 kB
Brown_Vinyl.dds04.02.1210.78 kB
CargoBldg0.dds12.08.1142.79 kB
CargoBldg1.dds12.08.1185.44 kB
CargoBldgRoof.dds12.08.1121.45 kB
CargoDoors3.dds12.08.11170.78 kB
CargoDoors3_LM.dds12.09.112.78 kB
CargoDoors3_LM_orig.dds12.08.112.78 kB
CargoDoors3v3_LM.dds12.09.112.78 kB
CargoDrs3forLMrender.dds03.16.1210.78 kB
CargoDrs3forLMrender_LM.dds03.16.1210.78 kB
Carpet_blue1.dds12.05.1110.79 kB
Carpet_blue1_LM.dds12.05.11808 B
CeilingTileLights.dds12.05.1110.79 kB
CeilingTileLights_LM.dds12.05.112.79 kB
Concrete_Aggregate_Smoke.dds03.22.1221.45 kB
ConcreteBlock.dds02.16.1210.79 kB
Doors_auto.dds12.05.1142.79 kB
Doors_auto_LM.dds12.05.1110.79 kB
Doors2dark.dds12.07.1110.79 kB
Doors2dark_LM.dds12.07.112.79 kB
DoorsGray.dds12.07.112.79 kB
DoorsGray_LM.dds12.07.11808 B
GarageDoor.dds02.29.1210.79 kB
GarageDoor_LM.dds02.29.1210.79 kB
Gateway_Roof1.dds02.21.1242.78 kB
KSATRoof1.dds02.08.1242.79 kB
Metal_Corrogated.dds12.05.1110.79 kB
Metal_Seamed.dds12.07.1110.79 kB
MetalRuf.dds12.08.1142.79 kB
PanAmLongFrnt.dds04.02.121.45 kB
PanAmLongFrnt_LM.dds04.02.1221.45 kB
PanAmPortico.dds04.02.125.45 kB
PanAmPortico_LM.dds04.02.125.45 kB
PanAmStucco.dds04.02.12808 B
PinkAdobe.dds12.07.1142.79 kB
Roof_G.dds03.22.125.45 kB
RoofACequip.dds03.10.122.79 kB
RoofBlue.dds03.27.121.45 kB
RoofGrayPiping.dds12.18.1110.79 kB
RoofSpanish.dds11.20.1121.45 kB
SidingRed.dds03.02.1210.79 kB
Skyway_1024x128_noBase.dds12.07.1142.75 kB
Skyway_1024x128_noBase_LM.dds12.09.112.75 kB
Skyway_1024x128_noBase_LM_orig.dds12.07.1110.75 kB
Swearingenroofplain.dds12.13.112.78 kB
United_New_1x4.dds04.01.122.78 kB
Vegetation_Blur7_.dds02.28.1242.79 kB
Wall_Whitetxtr.dds04.01.12296 B
WhiteStucco.dds10.26.1142.79 kB
Wood_Cherry.dds04.01.122.79 kB
kbro_dlfFSX.gif04.03.12338.06 kB
kbro_dlfFSX_readme.txt04.04.124.85 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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