FSX Bristol Airport Scenery

Preview Bristol Airport Scenery (EGGD) UK. This is a complete re-work of Bristol Airport. The airport has been corrected to satellite images and certified maps, it also includes the new terminal buildings. The whole airport has been done on ADE9x, showing the power of this product. It uses Gmax create...

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Bristol Airport Scenery (EGGD) UK. This is a complete re-work of Bristol Airport. The airport has been corrected to satellite images and certified maps, it also includes the new terminal buildings. The whole airport has been done on ADE9x, showing the power of this product. It uses Gmax created buildings and some default ones. By Chris Barrott.

Overview of Bristol Airport.

Overview of Bristol Airport.

This is the second of a series of airport corrections, the default airports simply do not do the job!

This is Bristol (EGGD) and it has only been tested in FSX. It will not work for FS2004.

The airport is correct to certified NAT maps. It also includes the new terminal and its buildings.

The airport has been done on ADE (Airport Design Editor) and it uses some GMax created objects, but mostly default ones.


1) Copy the folder 'Bristol Airport' into you FSX Addon Scenery folder.

2) When in FSX, go to settings, then scenery library and click add area. Select the 'Bristol Airport' folder and click OK.

3) Enjoy your scenery in FSX.


By Chris Barrott

Aerial shot of Bristol Airport.

Aerial shot of Bristol Airport.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive bris_fsx_2010.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ADE_Pic.jpg12.21.10877.41 kB
Bristol Airport12.21.100 B
scenery12.21.100 B
EGGD_ADEX_CJB.BGL12.21.1029.05 kB
terminal3.BGL12.21.104.59 kB
terminal3.MDL12.21.104.38 kB
texture12.21.100 B
Bristol Airport Parking.jpg12.20.10374.76 kB
Bristol Airport.jpg12.20.10768.95 kB
terminal3.bmp12.21.1085.32 kB
terminalroof.bmp12.21.101.56 MB
terminalroof2.bmp12.21.1034.76 MB
terminalroof3.bmp12.21.10341.32 kB
terminalroof4.bmp12.21.10170.70 kB
terminalroof4_lm.bmp12.21.10170.70 kB
Pics12.21.100 B
After.jpg12.21.101.54 MB
Before.jpg12.21.101.30 MB
Readme.txt12.21.10865 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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