Preview Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, Russia, for use with the default scenery. By Matthew Brooks / Alpha-India Group.

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Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, Russia, for use with the default scenery. By Matthew Brooks / Alpha-India Group.

Plane taking off from Domodedovo Airport, Moscow.

Plane taking off from Domodedovo Airport, Moscow.

Domodedovo International is one of Moscow's three major airports and is the largest in terms of passenger numbers and cargo volume. 20.43 million passengers used the airport in 2008 through a terminal originally designed to handle far less than that and with just one wing each for domestic and international travel.

Domodedovo International commenced a significant expansion in runways and the taxiway system in 2003, which is now largely completed and this is the first airport in Russia approved for A380 operations. It benefits from very good public transport links and is owned by East Line who own sufficient land around the airport to add up to 7 further runways. Currently, their prime aim is to expand the terminal.

Domodedovo International is hub to S7 Airlines, Transaero and Moskovia Airlines to name but a few Russian airlines. It was hub to the AirUnion alliance dominated by Kras Air and Domodedovo Airlines. These companies went into bankrupcy in September 2008 but several of their aircraft are still parked at the airport. Many major international airlines have moved their Moscow services from Sheremetyevo International to Domodedovo International - British Airways, Lufthansa, Swiss International, Emirates, Qatar Airways and Singapore Airlines to name just a few.

Main Changes:

  • Completely re-drew the aprons based on Google Earth and Jeppesen charts.
  • Added the new runway 14C/32C. This is left used for takeoff only, as in real life according to Jeppesen charts. For this reason, no approach code exists for this runway.
  • Added a significant number of commercial airline, cargo and GA parking spaces to those provided in the default airport.
  • Allocated parking for domestic flights to the domestic wings and parking spots close to it, leaving the international wing spaces unallocated consistent with their apparently random use. Allocated appropriate other spaces as needed, leaving most unallocated for best use by traffic.
  • For the Terminal jetways, I added the JFK jetway extensions - please see Special Installation Instructions below - based on Google Earth images.
  • Added double jetways to three of the international terminal gates based on Google Earth images.
  • Placed the Tower viewpoint above the tower roof.
  • Corrected inaccurate radio frequencies and added the many missing from the default airport as per Jeppersen charts.
  • Created an extensive vehicle network to avoid delays to departing aircraft and to keep service vehicles off taxiways.
  • Added landclass where needed to add appropriate textures to the airport.
  • Added fire stations, missing roads, large areas of car parking, parked cars, cargo vehicles and various other elements to add realism to the airport.
  • Created areas of stored aircraft and provided static flightplans for aircraft to show there as in real life.

Special Thanks:

To Alexander Petrenko of Russian AI Traffic System (RATS) without whose very valuable input on the up to date situation at Domodedovo this afcad would have been significantly less accurate than it is.

To Garry Lewis of AIG for taking the time to study the complex approach details, preparing to add the approach code for the new runway 14C/32C, only to discover that there is none included in Jeppesen charts as the runway is currently used for take off only.


ADE (Airport Design Editor) by Jon Masterson is an invaluable freeware utility for developing Afcads and the latest version - 1.45 - is designed for both FSX and FS9 use - introducing Jim Vile's graphical approach editor to FS9 use as well. My thanks to both Jim and Jon for all their help and support on this and all AIG projects.


The situation at UUDD is in a state of flux currently, particularly with regard to the way runways are used. 14C/32C is currently in use for takeoff only, according to Jeppesen charts, but in practice is basically at this moment a taxiway, although it is a new runway and will ultimately largely replace 14R/32L. At the time of writing, 14L/32R is mostly used for landing and 14R/32L is mostly used for takeoff. FS is not good at simulating "mostly" and I found that traffic flowed better in the way I have this set:

14C/32C - takeoff only
14R/32L - landing and takeoff
14L/32R - landing and takeoff

This arrangement minimises 'go rounds' and departing traffic queues.

Special Installation Instructions:

This AFD/Afcad uses the JFK jetway short and long extensions on 3 gates. If you have previously installed Jim Vile's WSSS, Ray Smith's KPTA or my own ESMS you should have already taken the following steps. if not please do the following to see these jetways correctly:

  1. Go to your Scenery/NAME/Texture folder and locate the two files "" and "".
  2. Copy each of these files and paste them into your Scenery/Global/Texture folder - you only need to do this once and any subsequent AFDs/Afcads you install using this technique will show them also.


  1. Remove any existing UUDD AFD/Afcad file in your FSX installation.
  2. Place the two files AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL in your Addon Scenery/scenery folder and re-start FSX. AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL includes the landclass.
  3. I have also included static flightplans for the AirUnion and Domodedovo aircraft stored at the UUDD. This should be compiled in the usual way for your sim as a traffic.bgl with the repaints in your SimObjects/ folders.


  1. Remove or delete the two files AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL from your Addon Scenery/scenery folder and re-start FSX.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive has 10 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Aircraft_AirUnion_Static.txt07.05.09280 B
Airports_AirUnion_Static.txt07.05.0934 B
FlightPlans_AirUnion_Static.txt07.05.091.29 kB
AIG Ground FSX.png01.04.0926.71 kB
Readme.txt09.05.097.68 kB
UUDD.JPG07.06.09241.44 kB
AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL09.05.09154.55 kB
AIG_UUDD_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.bgl09.05.09428 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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