Preview London Biggin Hill Airport, UK, for use with the default scenery. By Matthew Brooks and Joost de Wit / Alpha-India Group.

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London Biggin Hill Airport, UK, for use with the default scenery. By Matthew Brooks and Joost de Wit / Alpha-India Group.

View of London Biggin Hill Airport.

View of London Biggin Hill Airport.

London Biggin Hill Airport is the only one of London's airports with no commercial services being totally dedicated to general aviation and executive jets. In these respects, it handles the largest volume of traffic of any airport in the U.K. Biggin Hill handles sufficient volume to merit having its own customs and passport control facilities.

Biggin Hill first became well known as a major fighter base during World War II. The RAF retain a very small presence but the airport in the main provides a large executive aviation airport as well as serving as base to many flying clubs and flying schools.

Located just 12 miles from the heart of London, Biggin Hill can handle aircraft up to B737/A320 size. It is also well known for its annual air show, which normally attracts many much larger aircraft in flying displays - this year including a Virgin Atlantic B747-400 flying in formation with the Red Arrows to mark Virgin's 25 year anniversary.

Main Changes:

  • Completely re-drew the aprons based on Google Earth and Jeppesen charts.
  • Re-drew and changed the textures of the taxiway system to closer match real life.
  • Added a large number of GA parking spaces to those provided in the default airport, including larger spaces for GV and A319CJ as well as one for a German Air Force A310, as the airport features in the WOAI package flightplans.
  • Added several parking spaces specifically for the Hawks and Tornados that visit from the MAIW packages. If you prefer not to install those packages, the parking spaces can easily be changed to Ramp Ga Small (7.3m) in ADE.
  • Made the two runways crosswind. 11/29's length dictates that it is only used by single prop aircraft but this relives pressure at busy times. A non-crosswind version is also provided for those who prefer this.
  • Placed the Tower viewpoint above the tower roof.
  • Created an extensive vehicle network to avoid delays to departing aircraft and to keep service vehicles off taxiways, aside from the west side of the airport, where this seemed more realistic.
  • Added landclass and excludes where needed to add appropriate textures to the airport and to trim the airport background back to its real world limits.
  • Added fire station, missing roads, large areas of car parking, parked cars, other vehicles and various other elements to add realism to the airport.


ADE (Airport Design Editor) by Jon Masterson is an invaluable freeware utility for developing Afcads and the latest version - 1.45 - is designed for both FSX and FS9 use - introducing Jim Vile's graphical approach editor to FS9 use as well. My thanks to both Jim and Jon for all their help and support on this and all AIG projects.


  1. Remove any existing EGKB AFD/Afcad file in your FSX installation.
  2. Place the two files AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL (for the crosswind runway version) or AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL (for the version without crosswind runways) in your Addon Scenery/scenery folder and re-start FSX. AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL includes the landclass and exclude.


  1. Remove or delete the two files AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL or AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL and AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.BGL from your Addon Scenery/scenery folder and re-start FSX.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive has 9 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
EGKB.JPG07.11.09241.76 kB
AIG Ground FSX.png01.04.0926.71 kB
Readme.txt09.05.095.21 kB
AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL09.05.0960.80 kB
AIG_EGKB_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.bgl09.05.091.25 kB
AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default.BGL08.25.0963.17 kB
AIG_EGKB_CW_ADEX_MB_Default_CVX.bgl08.25.091.25 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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