EZ-Landclass Version 2.00

PreviewEZ-Landclass is a program that allows you to change the placement of landclass and waterclass textures in Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2002 & 2004. You can use it to add small towns that MS left out, for instance, or to correct the type of vegetation or ground cover in a certain area. EZ-Landcla...

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EZ-Landclass is a program that allows you to change the placement of landclass and waterclass textures in Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2002 & 2004. You can use it to add small towns that MS left out, for instance, or to correct the type of vegetation or ground cover in a certain area. EZ-Landclass is written as an Excel application. By Russel Dirks.

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The archive ezlc2.zip has 38 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Compiler Tools07.23.030 B
resample.exe05.01.00160.00 kB
tmf2bgl.exe05.03.0084.00 kB
tmfcompress.exe05.12.0084.00 kB
EZ-Landclass.xls08.04.03460.00 kB
FSConnect.dll08.02.0352.00 kB
images07.23.030 B
Capture.gif02.08.033.83 kB
edge.jpg05.05.0325.30 kB
FlyTo.gif02.08.032.45 kB
lca_map.gif02.09.032.04 kB
logo.gif05.02.033.59 kB
Name Box.gif05.12.035.99 kB
NewProject.gif06.10.0317.59 kB
small logo.gif05.08.031.94 kB
Landclass Gallery08.04.030 B
New for FS200408.02.030 B
012 Sandy Very Dry, fields and buildings.jpg08.02.0362.81 kB
095 Grasslands.jpg08.02.0325.51 kB
096 Grasslands.jpg08.02.0321.42 kB
097 Grasslands.jpg08.02.0325.47 kB
098 Barren Reddish Brown Rocky.jpg08.02.0343.92 kB
099 Barren Light Brown Rocky.jpg08.02.0359.20 kB
Readme.txt05.08.03531 B
Scenery07.23.030 B
Texture Gallery CEE8.bgl04.30.032.26 kB
Texture Gallery CEE8.ezl08.02.03108 B
Texture Gallery CEE8.inf08.02.03422 B
Texture Gallery CEE8.raw08.02.0364.50 kB
Readme.htm08.04.0332.06 kB
Readme.txt08.04.034.03 kB
thumbnail.gif05.14.032.78 kB
Waterclass Gallery08.02.030 B
Gallery FS2002.jpg06.09.0323.53 kB
Gallery FS2004.jpg08.02.0359.66 kB
EZ-Landclass08.04.030 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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