FSX/FS2004 Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah

PreviewThe Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah, introduced in the mid-1970s, differs significantly from contemporary light aircraft due to its bonded honeycomb fuselage. This freeware package, developed by Tim “Piglet” Conrad, brings the AA-5A’s distinct airframe and upgraded powerplant into Microsoft ...

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Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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5.46 MB
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3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 5 PRO members.

The Grumman American AA-5A Cheetah, introduced in the mid-1970s, differs significantly from contemporary light aircraft due to its bonded honeycomb fuselage. This freeware package, developed by Tim “Piglet” Conrad, brings the AA-5A’s distinct airframe and upgraded powerplant into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It features a complete model, authentic paint scheme, functional animations, extra FSX port-over files, and a custom virtual cockpit with specialized gauges. This add-on includes the entire base model and does not require any previous releases.

Bonded Honeycomb Construction and Aerodynamic Refinements

Grumman’s distinctive approach involved utilizing a honeycomb core covered with thin skins, ensuring a lightweight yet rigid airframe. This technique offers a minimal drag profile, translating into enhanced speed performance and smoother handling. The sliding canopy, which is part of the design, gives pilots outstanding visibility while still providing quick access to the cockpit. Aside from its aerodynamic advantages, the canopy arrangement facilitates easy ground operations and simpler procedures during pre-flight checks.

Improvements Over the Earlier Variants

The AA-5 series first appeared in 1974, and subsequent iterations featured progressive updates aimed at refining flight characteristics. Although the original lineup boasted reliable flight qualities, later releases such as the AA-5B Tiger received additional horsepower to address performance demands. This specific AA-5A version stands out for its balanced power-to-weight ratio and nimble control response, making it popular with pilots who appreciate spirited climbs and responsive maneuvering. Even with its compact dimensions, the Cheetah is recognized for efficient fuel consumption and reliability on longer cross-country flights.

Pilot-Oriented Cockpit Configuration

Inside this downloadable add-on, you will find a fully realized virtual cockpit equipped with custom gauges that reflect the aircraft’s actual instrument arrangement. Tim “Piglet” Conrad ensured that the 3D cockpit environment closely mirrors the real-world panel layout, allowing users to become familiar with authentic switch locations and flight instruments. The resulting immersion is further strengthened by the presence of functional animations, such as movable control surfaces, operating canopy, and other relevant details.

Simulation Compatibility Enhancements

To assist enthusiasts using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Microsoft Flight Simulator X, this mod features dedicated files that simplify the installation process. While easily ported over to FSX, the add-on seamlessly integrates into FS2004 as well. No dependency on the developer’s earlier AA-5B Tiger release is required, ensuring a straightforward setup experience for users who wish to fly the AA-5A Cheetah exclusively.

Real World Livery and Package Contents

One of the highlights of this freeware aircraft mod is its real-world paint scheme. With detailed texturing and carefully placed markings, the external fuselage replicates the genuine look of an actual AA-5A in service. The package itself comprises a refined flight model, exterior and interior textures, and the extra port-over assets. Pilots and virtual aviation enthusiasts can experience the entire aircraft without needing any additional downloads, as this update includes the complete base model.

Installation Considerations and Additional Notes

The downloadable content fits seamlessly into typical add-on folders, following the standard format recognized by both major simulator platforms. Before flying, it can be helpful to review the aircraft’s documentation to grasp engine performance factors and operating tips. Tim “Piglet” Conrad’s implementation of special code also ensures appropriate compatibility in newer program environments, which optimizes frame rates while preserving visual fidelity. Ultimately, this rendition of the AA-5A Cheetah caters to those seeking a balanced single-engine trainer or touring aircraft within a convenient, freeware package.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive aa-5a.zip has 33 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AA-5A12.25.060 B
aa-5a_pic.jpg12.25.06116.12 kB
aircraft_FSX.cfg12.25.0616.44 kB
file_id.diz12.25.06556 B
gauges12.25.060 B
panel_FSX.cfg12.25.065.92 kB
readme.txt12.25.064.00 kB
Sound_FSX.cfg12.25.0628 B
AA-5A.air11.11.0612.10 kB
aircraft.cfg12.25.0614.31 kB
model12.25.060 B
panel12.25.060 B
sound12.25.060 B
texture12.25.060 B
AA-5B.cab11.17.06259.95 kB
Extra-300.gau06.12.031.56 MB
fx_vclight_deepred.fx10.17.051.30 kB
AA-5A.mdl12.25.06950.33 kB
Model.cfg12.23.0624 B
aa-5a_panel.bmp12.25.063.75 MB
aa5b_console.bmp11.19.06703.18 kB
aa5b_sub_panel.bmp11.19.06450.05 kB
panel.cfg12.25.065.93 kB
Sound.cfg04.07.0528 B
aa-5a_01.bmp12.25.064.00 MB
aa-5a_02.bmp12.25.064.00 MB
aa-5a_prop.bmp12.25.06512.07 kB
aa-5b_aircrew.bmp11.07.062.00 MB
aa-5b_glass.bmp11.04.06256.07 kB
aa-5b_placards.bmp11.19.064.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg12.25.06107.87 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Adrian BiggsSat, 06 Jan 2024 17:15:46 GMT

Recently turned 84. Wishing to rekindle a favorite model from previous use. This was a favorite aircraft for flying as a passanger and trainee.

dchanson55Fri, 11 Jan 2019 22:29:29 GMT

the nose is not centered relative to the instrument panel, it points left.

dchanson55Fri, 11 Jan 2019 21:15:51 GMT

no sound, auto pilot heading function inop

St.Paul GuyWed, 30 Nov 2016 00:56:02 GMT

HI. Great aircraft. I cannot seem to get the autopilot to work. Does the heading indicator correspond with the autopilot? Once I set a heading and enable the autopilot with the heading enabled the plane starts to bank in continuous circles. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

fsxpilotWed, 21 Sep 2016 02:51:52 GMT

If you are about to download this for FSX, Tim made another version that he rebuilt for fsx.

Trev91284Thu, 05 May 2016 22:08:19 GMT

Great plane no sound. Get it to work and I'll re download it!

lanepulciniWed, 25 Apr 2012 21:32:13 GMT

To get the sound to work, just open the cfg file in the sound folder and change the airplane to something that actually exists, I changed mine to the C172 instead of the C182; worked after that.

Karl88Thu, 05 Aug 2010 22:35:15 GMT
Same problem....no sound at all. What a shame cuase it looked like a good one.
LambyBambySat, 20 Oct 2007 18:56:01 GMT
Fantastic plane. Very good VC and very fun to fly. and its very easy to taxi cause it can turn in very tight places. The only thing wrong with it is i think it is under powered. Anything above 4000 feet and it will cruise very slowly but i have got it up to 16000 feet. Not that i would recomend flying that high in one of these plane. Fantastic plane.
tiger-stripeFri, 05 Jan 2007 19:01:24 GMT
It's a cool plane. it doesnt have any sound though

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