FS2004 Iran Air Cargo Boeing 747-200

PreviewThis repaint depicts the classic Iran Air Cargo color scheme on the Boeing 747-200 and is designed for seamless integration with AI traffic in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. The textures are tailored to the AI Aardvark (AIA) 747-200 base model, offering efficient performance through multiple le...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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This repaint depicts the classic Iran Air Cargo color scheme on the Boeing 747-200 and is designed for seamless integration with AI traffic in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. The textures are tailored to the AI Aardvark (AIA) 747-200 base model, offering efficient performance through multiple levels of detail. Below, you will find detailed installation steps, notes on flight dynamics, and essential insights into the aircraft’s heritage.

Highlighting the Jumbo and its Livery

The Boeing 747-200, widely recognized as a pioneering freighter, served numerous airlines around the globe. In particular, Iran Air Cargo employed this robust airframe for diverse logistics operations, ensuring reliable long-haul transport of goods. The older paint scheme showcased here preserves the legacy of that era by reflecting the airline’s distinct branding on a flagship cargo carrier. For virtual pilots seeking an authentic AI presence at major airports, this repaint is an essential addition.

In-sim display of the Iran Air Cargo Boeing 747-200 with older cargo livery.

Above: A glimpse of the aircraft in flight wearing the traditional Iran Air Cargo look.

Model Creators and Repaint Credits

The base model for this rendition is the esteemed AI Aardvark 747-200 (PW engine variant), expertly crafted for use in large-scale AI operations. The texture package, meticulously repainted by Pantee Farhangi, accurately captures the hallmark markings seen on Iran Air Cargo jets of the bygone era. Be sure to locate the AIA 747-200 package in the Fly Away Simulation library to complete the installation.

Step-by-Step Integration

  1. Texture Folder: Place the included texture.iccl folder into your AIA_747_200_PW directory. This ensures the correct paint scheme is recognized.
  2. Aircraft.cfg Update: Insert the corresponding [fltsim.x] entry into the aircraft.cfg file found with the AI Aardvark base package. Assign consecutive numeric values beginning with [fltsim.0] and increasing for each added livery.
  3. Flight Plans: Allocate the newly painted 747-200 to your AI schedules. Tools like Ttools by Lee Swordy simplify creating realistic timetables, making it easy to bring these cargo flights into your virtual airspace.

FS2002 Compatibility

If you choose to install this paint in FS2002, simply replace the aia_747_200.air and aircraft.cfg files with those located in the fs2002fde folder. These variant files provide flight dynamics optimized for the older simulator platform.

Built for AI Efficiency

This AI model from AI Aardvark employs multiple LOD (Levels of Detail) to maintain high performance even when numerous aircraft populate your skies. At extreme viewing distances, the geometry becomes increasingly simplified, reducing the impact on frame rates while still ensuring accurate airline recognition.

Customizable Flight Dynamics

The included flight dynamics have been fine-tuned for smooth arrivals and efficient ground movement. Because AI priorities often differ from human-piloted aircraft, you may notice firmer touchdowns to keep the landing queue orderly. If you desire gentler landings or a different flare profile, values such as cruise lift, parasite drag, and induced drag can be tweaked in the aircraft.cfg file to personalize the aircraft’s handling.

Additional Remarks

This package contains repaint textures only and does not include the base model. Prospective users should acquire the AI Aardvark 747-200 (PW) package from the Fly Away Simulation library to experience the best results. Once installed, enjoy the sight of the Iran Air Cargo 747-200 operating busy freight sectors in your virtual environment.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive ai742pir.zip has 10 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aia_747_200_pw_ircargo_old11.14.040 B
texture.icc11.14.040 B
Thumbs.db11.14.0438.00 kB
aia_747_200_pw_t.bmp10.29.041.00 MB
aia_747_200_pw_l.bmp07.18.041.00 MB
[flightsim.x].txt11.14.04504 B
AIA 747-200 Iran Air (EP-ICC) Readme.txt11.14.045.99 kB
Capture10ep.JPG11.14.0417.34 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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