FSX KLAS Janet Terminal Scenery

Preview This is add-on scenery for the KLAS Janet Terminal. It includes five gate and three ramp parking spots for the Janet planes and the taxiways. It adds gate parking spots 110-114 and ramp parking spots 115-117. Spots 110-114 are best for the 737 type Janet planes. Spots 115-117 are best for the ...

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This is add-on scenery for the KLAS Janet Terminal. It includes five gate and three ramp parking spots for the Janet planes and the taxiways. It adds gate parking spots 110-114 and ramp parking spots 115-117. Spots 110-114 are best for the 737 type Janet planes. Spots 115-117 are best for the smaller Janet planes. The spots accommodate JAN, WWW and JNT parking codes. There is even a waving American flag by the terminal although the Government does not want the terminal and area to be identified as U.S. Government property.

Screenshot of planes on the ground by Janet Terminal.

Screenshot of planes on the ground by Janet Terminal.

In real world you can stay at the Tropicana Hotel or the Mandalay Bay Hotel and get a room facing the KLAS airport and watch the workers cars entering the parking lot and the planes loading and taking off and landing. See the Janet1.jpg for a screenshot of the real area from Google Earth.

Installation Instructions:

Unzip the file and place the Janet Terminal folder (with the Scenery and Texture subfolders) in the Addon Scenery folder of FSX. Go to the FSX Scenery Library and install it in the usual manner.

In case the addon scenery, KLAS_V1.1.0,is being used, the bgl file KLASCADAD.bgl must be deleted, because it is in conflict with this Janet scenery.

Recommended Planes:

The recommended planes are the default 737-800 in the Janet paint (paint #6) although Janet does not fly 737-800's. They fly 737-600's and other small planes like the Beechcraft B1900D's. Three more planes are (b736J.zip) and (Boeing_737-600_janet.zip) and (Janet_b1900.zip).

If you want AI planes taxiing, taking off and landing there are several traffic programs available. One is the World of AI Janet flightplans.


By Dietmar Loleit and Bob Familton.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive klas_janet_terminal.zip has 27 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
File_id.diz07.19.12221 B
Janet Terminal07.19.120 B
scenery07.19.120 B
Janet.BGL07.10.122.68 kB
Janet_LAS34.BGL07.07.1218.96 kB
KLAS_ADEX_ADE_DL34.BGL.old07.07.12120.27 kB
KLAS_ADEX_RSF.BGL07.08.12121.07 kB
LAS_JanetTerm.BGL06.26.1258.61 kB
texture07.19.120 B
gold.dds06.12.1185.48 kB
gold_LM.dds06.13.1185.48 kB
Janet.bmp07.10.121.33 MB
mast.dds06.12.1185.48 kB
mast_LM.dds06.13.1185.48 kB
Thumbs.db06.26.127.00 kB
USFlagB.dds12.10.1185.48 kB
USFlagB_LM.dds12.10.1185.48 kB
USFlagF.dds02.24.1285.48 kB
USFlagF_LM.dds12.10.1185.48 kB
janet1.jpg07.07.12107.47 kB
Janet2.jpg07.19.1289.50 kB
Janet3.jpg07.19.1292.16 kB
Janet4.jpg07.19.1286.29 kB
Janet5.jpg07.19.1295.43 kB
Readme.txt07.20.122.61 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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