FS2004 Conair DC-6 Air Tanker

Preview The Conair DC-6 Air Tanker is the "heavy lift" aircraft used to fight forest fires throughout Canada and the world. Features red fire retardant drop. Textures only. You will require Tom Gibson's and Greg Pepper's original Douglas DC6A/B, sounds and panel. Repainted by Vern Opperman.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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1.48 MB
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The Conair DC-6 Air Tanker is the "heavy lift" aircraft used to fight forest fires throughout Canada and the world. Features red fire retardant drop. Textures only. You will require Tom Gibson's and Greg Pepper's original Douglas DC6A/B, sounds and panel. Repainted by Vern Opperman.

Screenshot of Conair DC-6 Air Tanker in flight.

Screenshot of Conair DC-6 Air Tanker in flight.

NOTE: This installation uses Ken Mitchell's panel and as such, the model=v2 and panel=vc in the aircraft.cfg file points to his panel according to his instructions. If you do not use his panel then the lines model= and panel= lines have the v2 and vc respectively removed to look like, model= and panel=

  • Download and install the DC6A/B along with the FS2004 update, sound, and panel of your choice. I used the United Airlines version.
  • Move the 'texture.conair' folder to your DC-6 aircraft folder.
  • Copy the following text into your DC-6 aircraft.cfg file in sequential order in the [flightsim.x] section. NOTE THE MODEL AND PANEL NOTE ABOVE.

title=DC-6B Conair
description=The DC-6B was generally considered to possess the \nbest operating economics of any piston airliner built. \nPassengers also appreciated their smooth, quiet ride. \nThis DC-6B was probably a CB-17 equipped \nlong range version.

performance=Four P&W R-2800-CB16\neach 2400hp for take off\n1800hp METO to 8500feet\n1700hp to 14,500 feet

  • Change the x in [fltsim.X] to the next sequential number.
  • In the aircraft.cfg file find any section called [SMOKESYSTEM] and either delete it or disable it with \\ in front of each line. Insert the following [SMOKESYSTEM] into the aircraft.cfg file:

smoke.0= 0.0, -3.0, 0.0, fx_largage03_red

  • Copy the fx_largage03_red.fx to your Effects folder.

That's it .. go flying and put out all them forest fires. To activate the fire retardant dispersal, press and hold the "I" key.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive dc6conar.zip has 29 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
DC6Conar.gif11.22.0513.64 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ12.01.05343 B
fx_largage03_red.fx08.03.031.18 kB
Readme.txt12.01.053.25 kB
blurred_prop.bmp11.17.0564.07 kB
dc6b-3.bmp05.06.03256.07 kB
dc6b-4.bmp05.06.03256.07 kB
DC6B_cockpit.bmp03.23.03257.05 kB
DC6b_leftaft_L.bmp11.17.051.00 MB
DC6b_leftaft_t.bmp11.18.051.00 MB
DC6b_leftfwd_L.bmp11.17.051.00 MB
DC6b_leftfwd_t.bmp11.18.051.00 MB
DC6b_rtaft_L.bmp11.17.051.00 MB
DC6b_rtaft_t.bmp11.18.051.00 MB
DC6b_rtfwd_L.bmp11.17.051.00 MB
DC6b_rtfwd_t.bmp11.18.051.00 MB
DC6cowl14_L.bmp11.17.052.05 kB
DC6cowl14_t.bmp11.17.05256.07 kB
DC6cowl23_L.bmp11.17.052.05 kB
DC6cowl23_t.bmp11.17.05256.07 kB
DC6cowl_flaps_L.bmp11.17.052.05 kB
dc6cowl_flaps_t.bmp11.17.0532.07 kB
Thumbs.db04.15.053.50 kB
texture.Conair11.22.050 B
Conair 02 Climbout.jpg11.19.0580.13 kB
Conair 03 enroute.jpg11.19.0593.26 kB
Conair 04 drop1.jpg11.19.05100.47 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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