FS2004 South African Airways Vickers Viking 1B

PreviewSouth African Airways purchased three new Viking 1B's during September 1947 for use on its services to neighbouring Rhodesia, where Central African Airways has standardised on the type. A further five Vikings arrived in December 1947 and brought the total to eight. The Viking was used on routes w...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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South African Airways purchased three new Viking 1B's during September 1947 for use on its services to neighbouring Rhodesia, where Central African Airways has standardised on the type. A further five Vikings arrived in December 1947 and brought the total to eight. The Viking was used on routes within Southern Africa before being disposed of in March 1952. All eight SAA Vikings were sold to British European Airways. ZS-BNL 'Mount Prospect' (c/n 297) was sold to BEA as G-AMGI. It later wound up with Eagle Aviation and served as a cabin crew trainer before being broken up at Heathrow in 1960.

Screenshot of South African Airways Vickers Viking 1B on the ground.

Screenshot of South African Airways Vickers Viking 1B on the ground.

  • Place the unzipped texture folder into the folder where you have the Viking installed, e.g. (Flight simulator)\aircraft\FSDS2 Vickers Viking.
  • Open the Aircraft.cfg file in the FSDS2 Vickers Viking folder in notepad. Add the following section to the beginning of the file, just below the similar sections already present. Change the x in [fltsim.x] to the next number following the [fltsim. ] sections already present.

title=Vickers Viking South African Airways
sim=FSDS2 Vickers Viking
description=ZS-BNL 'Mount Prospect' arrived in September 1947 for use on regional and domestic routes before being sold to BEA as G-AMGI in March 1952. It later wound up with Eagle Aviation and served as a cabin crew trainer before being broken up at Heathrow in 1960.
ui_variation=South African Airways ZS-BNL

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The archive saa_zsbnl.zip has 15 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Readme.txt08.03.102.75 kB
saa_zsbnl.gif08.03.105.23 kB
saa_zsbnl_1.jpg08.01.1071.09 kB
saa_zsbnl_2.jpg08.01.1094.34 kB
4blade1.bmp07.30.1064.07 kB
4blade11.bmp07.26.1032.07 kB
cyl_16.bmp07.12.1017.05 kB
Fuse.bmp07.31.10512.07 kB
Glass.bmp07.12.104.07 kB
prop.bmp07.27.1064.07 kB
Thumbs.db08.01.105.50 kB
wing.bmp07.31.10512.07 kB
file_id.diz08.01.10653 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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