FSX JPS Streak Shadow

PreviewA weather beaten John Player Special paint job for the payware Rarewings Streak Shadow. The Streak Shadow is a fantastic microlight first flown back in the 1970's by the designer David Cook. It is a rugged high performance aircraft and will cruise at 100 mph. It also has brilliant short field cap...

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A weather beaten John Player Special paint job for the payware Rarewings Streak Shadow. The Streak Shadow is a fantastic microlight first flown back in the 1970's by the designer David Cook. It is a rugged high performance aircraft and will cruise at 100 mph. It also has brilliant short field capabilities as proven by David when he took off from a cricket pitch. By Neil Birch.

Screenshot of JPS Streak Shadow in flight.

Screenshot of JPS Streak Shadow in flight.

The Streak Shadow is a fantastic microlight first flown back in the 70's by the designer David Cook it is a rugged high performance aircraft and will cruise at 100mph. It also has brilliant short field capabilities as proven by David when he took off from a cricket pitch. See more about it on U-Tube.

Unzip the zip folder to a temp directory then copy the texture.usa to the CFM Streak Shadow folder in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\CFM Streak Shadow

As this will probably be your first re-paint in this folder simply edit the aircraft config file (aircraft.cfg) within the CFM Streak Shadow folder. You will see and identical display as to the one pictured below except it will say [fltsim.1] copy and paste the section below underneath the
fltsim.1 entry and it should work okay.

title= Streak Shadow JPS SPECIAL
sim=CFM Streak Shadow
description= Neil's Stars and Stripes

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive streak-1.zip has 31 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
README.txt11.07.101.53 kB
shadow.bmp11.07.10128.30 kB
streak-shadow.DIZ11.07.10457 B
$vc105.06.101.00 MB
bcolor.bmp05.09.1021.43 kB
bcolor1.bmp05.09.1021.43 kB
black.bmp05.06.10341.43 kB
body.bmp05.11.101.33 MB
co_pilot.bmp05.06.10341.43 kB
cyl.bmp05.06.10341.43 kB
glass.bmp05.01.1021.43 kB
glass11.07.100 B
glass.bmp10.10.1021.43 kB
glassvc.bmp10.10.1021.43 kB
glassvc.bmp10.10.1021.43 kB
glassvc.Spp10.10.105.50 kB
jps-special.jpg05.11.101.16 MB
jps-special.Spp05.11.102.83 MB
mech.bmp05.03.101.33 MB
panel.bmp05.06.101.33 MB
panel2_L.bmp05.06.10512.07 kB
pilot.bmp05.09.10341.43 kB
pilot.Spp05.09.10687.50 kB
spinpropb18.bmp05.06.1021.43 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.11.1033.37 kB
vc1.bmp05.06.10682.75 kB
vc1_L.bmp05.06.101.33 MB
wing.bmp05.11.101.33 MB
wing.Spp05.09.10368.00 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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