FSX A-4E Topgun Viper 700

PreviewThis repaint brings to Microsoft Flight Simulator X a distinctive VS-21 “Redtails Bunny” scheme, originally created by Antonio Diaz for the freeware Lockheed S-3B Viking model from Dino Cattaneo. It references the aircraft stationed aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) at Naval Air Facility (NAF) A...

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This repaint brings to Microsoft Flight Simulator X a distinctive VS-21 “Redtails Bunny” scheme, originally created by Antonio Diaz for the freeware Lockheed S-3B Viking model from Dino Cattaneo. It references the aircraft stationed aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) at Naval Air Facility (NAF) Atsugi. It is exclusively a texture package and requires the separate installation of the base S-3B model available in the Fly Away Simulation library.

Naval Mission Profile and Background

The Lockheed S-3B Viking is a carrier-based jet designed for maritime operations. It was capable of tracking submarines, carrying advanced detection sensors, and handling various mission scopes such as surface warfare and in-flight refueling. In active duty, the S-3B offered substantial electronic surveillance and range-clearance capabilities that proved vital to carrier groups. Nicknamed the “Hoover” due to its unique engine acoustics, this aircraft served with the U.S. Navy until its front-line retirement in the early 2000s, although a few continue to fly with specialized test and evaluation squadrons today.

Repaint Highlights

  • Accurate markings replicating the VS-21 “Redtails Bunny” livery.
  • Textures designed to reflect historical service aboard the Kitty Hawk’s air wing.
  • Integration with all existing S-3B Viking features by Dino Cattaneo.
  • Realistic color tones and squadron insignia placement.

Screenshot of A-4E Topgun Viper 700 preparing for take-off.

Screenshot displaying the A-4E Topgun Viper 700 on the ramp prior to departure.

Installation Procedure

Before installing, acquire the freeware Lockheed S-3B Viking package from the Fly Away Simulation library. Place these texture files into the appropriate “Texture” folder under your S-3B installation, and then include the provided aircraft.cfg entry presented below. Be sure to adjust “XX” to the next sequential number. It is advisable to back up your original configuration before making any changes.

title=Lockheed S-3B Viking VS-21 Redtails BUNNY
ui_type=S-3B Viking
ui_variation=VS-21 Redtails BUNNY
description="This specialized variant of the Lockheed S-3 Viking was a four-seat, twin-turbofan carrier aircraft chiefly intended to detect adversarial undersea threats. Over time, its operational scope broadened to surface engagements and midair refueling. Known for its distinctive low-frequency noise profile, it acquired the 'Hoover' nickname among aviators. Although phased out from core service in 2009, some units continue with developmental test squadrons and NASA support roles at select research facilities."

Additional Notes

Be advised that this package includes only the paint scheme; the underlying aircraft files are not part of this download. Antonio Diaz has crafted each texture detail to deliver maximum realism. To experience the full effect, ensure that you have Dino Cattaneo’s S-3B model properly configured.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9

The archive fsx_s-3b_vs-21_bunny.zip has 32 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
fsx 2014-08-29 21-30-58-37.jpg08.29.14127.08 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-31-03-42.jpg08.29.14125.08 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-31-57-28.jpg08.29.14110.32 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-32-17-31.jpg08.29.14148.22 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-32-38-05.jpg08.29.14155.38 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-37-33-20.jpg08.29.1492.36 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-37-41-85.jpg08.29.1487.84 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-37-52-55.jpg08.29.1480.57 kB
fsx 2014-08-29 21-38-26-13.jpg08.29.1469.30 kB
readme.....txt08.29.141.63 kB
texture.VS-21_Bunny08.29.140 B
AA42R-1_D.dds06.19.14512.12 kB
S3_windshield_front1_T.dds08.17.1442.83 kB
S3_windshield_front2_T.dds08.17.1485.48 kB
S3_windshield_s_front_T.dds08.17.14170.83 kB
S3_wing_lt_bottom_T.dds08.17.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_lt_bottom_T_spec.dds06.19.14512.12 kB
S3_wing_lt_top_T.dds08.17.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_rt_bottom_T.dds08.17.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_rt_top_T.dds08.17.14682.83 kB
S3B_Control_surfaces_T.dds08.17.141.33 MB
S3B_Engine_nacelles_T.dds08.17.145.33 MB
S3b_nose_T.dds08.17.14341.48 kB
S3B_tail_T.dds08.17.141.33 MB
S3bfuselage_left_T.dds08.17.142.67 MB
S3bfuselage_right_T.dds08.17.142.67 MB
S3fuselageb_bottom_T.dds08.17.142.67 MB
S3fuselageb_top_T.dds08.17.145.33 MB
texture.cfg06.09.14137 B
thumbnail.jpg08.29.14127.08 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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MongojaxMon, 01 Feb 2016 23:33:07 GMT

Just FYI, the screenshots show a S3 Viking aircraft, not and A$ Skyhawk

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