FSX RAF Airbus A400M
This is an update of the A400M by Patrick LE Luyer and repainted by Stephen Browning. The 2D panel background has been redone so it is a bit more like the VC, and gauges have been changed and added to it so it is more user friendly. The flight dynamics have been updated so it will reach 37,000 fe...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 4.3K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- a400mrafupx.zip
- File size
- 27.22 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 12 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This is an update of the A400M by Patrick LE Luyer and repainted by Stephen Browning. The 2D panel background has been redone so it is a bit more like the VC, and gauges have been changed and added to it so it is more user friendly. The flight dynamics have been updated so it will reach 37,000 feet, if you want to, and so it will fly at mach 0.72 at 29,000 feet and at up to 16x time compression. The rest of the wheels have been added and the contact points and lights changed as necessary. This is the whole aircraft. By Bob Chicilo.
Screenshot of Airbus A400M on runway.
Unzip to a folder of your choice. Copy the aircraft folder to the main FS airplanes folder. Copy the effect to the main FS effects folder.
If you have not already done so, copy the .cab files from the default aircraft panel folders that have them to the main FS gauges folder. For some the .cab flies will be .zip files, as .cab files are a type of zip file.
The effect is for landing and taxi lights. It won't show from the cockpit and won't brighten or reflect off the ground textures; but it looks better than no lights.
[Reference Speeds]
cruise_speed=430.0 //knots over the ground at 29,000 ft. (285 indicated, mach 0.72)
max_level_speed= 475.00 knots //knots over the ground at 29,000 ft. (320 indicated mach 0.80)
The above is an easy reference to set cruise speed and altitude.
The hardest part of the update was realizing that record 1545 had to be changed to be able to use the correct wing area and still have the aircraft have enough lift for an easy take off.
The archive a400mrafupx.zip has 107 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
A400M.air | 01.15.15 | 12.93 kB |
aircraft.cfg | 01.16.15 | 13.20 kB |
model | 01.16.15 | 0 B |
A400M.MDL | 01.09.15 | 6.43 MB |
A400M_interior.MDL | 01.09.15 | 1.46 MB |
Model.cfg | 01.09.15 | 49 B |
panel | 01.16.15 | 0 B |
$casquette.bmp | 01.09.15 | 3.00 MB |
$CLOCK.bmp | 01.09.15 | 3.00 MB |
$essai.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai_d.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai_d1.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai1.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.03 MB |
$essai2.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai3.bmp | 01.09.15 | 199.27 kB |
$essai4.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai5.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai6.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$essai7.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$hud_vc.bmp | 01.09.15 | 527.40 kB |
$icones.bmp | 01.09.15 | 3.00 MB |
$mfd_g.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$p_a.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$pylone1.bmp | 01.09.15 | 384.05 kB |
$r_hud.bmp | 01.09.15 | 768.05 kB |
$tdb_vc.bmp | 01.09.15 | 360.09 kB |
cpt.toggles.777.cab | 11.07.02 | 31.20 kB |
FP_Airbus_Clock9X_v3.CAB | 01.09.15 | 39.83 kB |
genhud.cab | 01.09.15 | 11.94 kB |
MAIN.BMP | 01.16.15 | 3.00 MB |
MMMAP.cab | 01.09.15 | 152.89 kB |
Panel.cfg | 01.16.15 | 6.70 kB |
radar.cab | 01.09.15 | 7.58 kB |
RKG_fuelstat.gau | 08.11.05 | 601.50 kB |
TCAS_V2.CAB | 01.09.15 | 366.43 kB |
Sound | 01.16.15 | 0 B |
c4wind4.wav | 01.09.15 | 274.56 kB |
cockpit.wav | 01.09.15 | 696.52 kB |
door_close.wav | 01.09.15 | 131.94 kB |
door_open.wav | 01.09.15 | 116.44 kB |
ExJet1.wav | 01.09.15 | 145.09 kB |
ExJet2.wav | 01.09.15 | 163.09 kB |
ExProp1-1.wav | 01.09.15 | 227.45 kB |
ExProp1-2.wav | 01.09.15 | 348.34 kB |
ExProp1-3.wav | 01.09.15 | 319.84 kB |
ExProp2-1.wav | 01.09.15 | 221.59 kB |
ExProp2-2.wav | 01.09.15 | 346.34 kB |
ExProp2-3.wav | 01.09.15 | 311.98 kB |
ExShutdown1.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.34 MB |
ExShutdown2.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.30 MB |
ExStarter.wav | 01.09.15 | 602.34 kB |
ExStartup.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.14 MB |
flaps.wav | 01.09.15 | 860.40 kB |
geardown.wav | 01.09.15 | 527.85 kB |
gearup.wav | 01.09.15 | 527.85 kB |
HORN.wav | 01.09.15 | 140.43 kB |
INNERMK.wav | 01.09.15 | 106.33 kB |
MIDDMK.wav | 01.09.15 | 136.33 kB |
OUTERMK.wav | 01.09.15 | 60.64 kB |
Prop1-1.wav | 01.09.15 | 306.34 kB |
Prop1-2.wav | 01.09.15 | 359.69 kB |
Prop1-3.wav | 01.09.15 | 181.23 kB |
Prop2-1.wav | 01.09.15 | 320.34 kB |
Prop2-2.wav | 01.09.15 | 444.69 kB |
Prop2-3.wav | 01.09.15 | 181.23 kB |
RVR-1.wav | 01.09.15 | 105.26 kB |
RVR-2.wav | 01.09.15 | 172.46 kB |
RVR-3.wav | 01.09.15 | 105.26 kB |
Shutdown1.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.34 MB |
Shutdown2.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.30 MB |
sound.cfg | 01.09.15 | 8.65 kB |
SOUND400.wav | 01.09.15 | 172.60 kB |
Starter.wav | 01.09.15 | 601.84 kB |
Startup.wav | 01.09.15 | 2.12 MB |
touchmain.wav | 01.09.15 | 52.16 kB |
texture.raf | 01.16.15 | 0 B |
A400M_ FUSE10_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 4.00 MB |
A400M_ FUSE10_T_bump.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
A400M_ FUSE7.bmp | 01.09.15 | 341.43 kB |
A400M_ MOTOR_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 4.00 MB |
A400M_ MOTOR_T_bump.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
A400M_Fuse11_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 4.00 MB |
A400M_Fuse11_T_Bump.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
A400M_HELICE1_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 64.07 kB |
A400M_HELICE2.bmp | 01.09.15 | 85.43 kB |
A400M_HELICE2_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 85.43 kB |
A400M_HELICE21_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 85.43 kB |
A400M_train.bmp | 01.09.15 | 682.75 kB |
cokpit.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.00 MB |
interieur_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 4.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 01.09.15 | 66.16 kB |
train.bmp | 01.09.15 | 4.00 MB |
train_bump.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc01_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc02_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc1_t.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc3_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc4_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vc6_t.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
vitre_T.bmp | 01.09.15 | 1.33 MB |
fx_siroccogtx2_reflectors.fx | 07.16.09 | 18.62 kB |
A400M-2.jpg | 01.15.15 | 50.34 kB |
A400Mpan-2.JPG | 01.16.15 | 176.23 kB |
file_id.diz | 01.16.15 | 562 B |
Read me.txt | 01.16.15 | 1.81 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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Amazing plane flys great, is a blast to fly with. The attention to detail is top notch for this. This could be payware in my opinion.