FSX Airbus A320 with FD-FMC and VC

PreviewFSX/P3D PROJECT AIRBUS A320 FD-FMC v1.0. New FMC with true vertical navigation.

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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370.97 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 20 PRO members.

FSX/P3D PROJECT AIRBUS A320 FD-FMC v1.0. New FMC with true vertical navigation.

  • A complete aircraft pack, provided with an airport database with SID/STAR and Approaches.
  • Real Airbus navigation mode (managed, selected) in N1 mode (pitch controlled by the gauges).
  • Virtual cockpit with all switch working. Please, read install and user manual.

Author: Francois Dore.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22Screenshot 23Screenshot 24Screenshot 25Screenshot 26Screenshot 27Screenshot 28Screenshot 29Screenshot 30Screenshot 31Screenshot 32Screenshot 33Screenshot 34Screenshot 35Screenshot 36Screenshot 37Screenshot 38Screenshot 39Screenshot 40Screenshot 41Screenshot 42Screenshot 43Screenshot 44Screenshot 45Screenshot 46Screenshot 47Screenshot 48Screenshot 49Screenshot 50Screenshot 51Screenshot 52Screenshot 53Screenshot 54Screenshot 55Screenshot 56Screenshot 57Screenshot 58Screenshot 59Screenshot 60

The archive pa_a320fd-fmc_iae_cfm.zip has 2009 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ10.09.15389 B
Install Manual (ENG).PDF10.09.15107.56 kB
Manuel d’installation (FR).PDF10.09.15124.83 kB
Pack Airports list.PDF09.26.15367.78 kB
Project Airbus Readme.pdf07.06.1057.34 kB
Readme.txt10.09.154.75 kB
PA_A320FD-FMC_IAE_CFM.gif10.09.1510.43 kB
Thumbnail.png09.26.1538.18 kB
VC texture Upgrade.txt09.26.15849 B
Addon Scenery09.26.150 B
Scenery09.26.150 B
FreenavAIRAC_09262015.BGL09.26.15196.52 kB
BONUS09.26.150 B
Night_VC_ Texture_orange09.26.150 B
Airbus_A321_1_night_C.dds05.09.14682.80 kB
Airbus_A321_2_night_C.dds05.09.14682.80 kB
Airbus_A321_3_night_C.dds05.09.14682.80 kB
Airbus_A321_4_night_C.dds05.09.14682.80 kB
Night_VC_Texture_Blue09.26.150 B
Airbus_A321_1_night_C.dds11.19.124.00 MB
Airbus_A321_2_night_C.dds11.19.124.00 MB
Airbus_A321_3_night_C.dds11.19.124.00 MB
Airbus_A321_4_night_C.dds11.19.124.00 MB
VC texture Upgrade.txt09.26.15948 B
Effects09.26.150 B
fx_beacon3202pa.fx07.24.023.03 kB
fx_beacon320pa.fx07.24.023.01 kB
fx_beaconh.fx08.03.063.55 kB
fx_contrail_320.fx07.24.021.17 kB
fx_engFire.fx08.10.064.85 kB
fx_engstrt.fx05.12.065.14 kB
fx_landing.fx05.12.063.37 kB
fx_navgre320pa.fx07.24.024.56 kB
fx_navred320pa.fx07.24.024.56 kB
fx_navwhi320pa.fx07.24.023.03 kB
fx_navwhih.fx05.12.062.99 kB
fx_pa380logo.fx11.10.081.21 kB
fx_PAland.fx11.20.081.15 kB
fx_sparks.fx05.12.065.04 kB
fx_spray.fx05.12.064.97 kB
fx_strobe.fx08.03.064.75 kB
fx_strobe2320pa.fx07.24.022.44 kB
fx_strobe320pa.fx07.24.024.80 kB
fx_strobeh.fx08.03.064.75 kB
fx_T332logo.fx11.11.081.21 kB
fx_tchdrt.fx05.12.063.74 kB
fx_tchdwn.fx05.12.063.71 kB
fx_tchdwn320.fx07.24.024.54 kB
fx_tchdwn_m.fx04.06.053.53 kB
fx_vclight.fx08.10.061.26 kB
fx_vclighth.fx08.11.061.26 kB
FD_FMC09.26.150 B
CYLW09.26.150 B
BOLDI.csv01.08.15345 B
CYLW.txt01.10.151.68 kB
SID_data.csv01.08.152.65 kB
SID_index.csv01.08.15721 B
STAR_data.csv01.09.152.29 kB
STAR_index.csv01.08.15576 B
WTMAN.csv01.08.15807 B
CYQB09.26.150 B
CYQB.txt08.17.141.24 kB
IKDEB.csv07.06.14376 B
IMOVA.csv07.06.14411 B
KAVAT.csv07.06.14453 B
MAXOG.csv07.06.14382 B
SID_data.csv07.06.14469 B
SID_index.csv07.06.14301 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.144.63 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14709 B
CYQT09.26.150 B
CYQT.txt05.30.153.52 kB
EBKIL.csv05.25.15471 B
FESET.csv05.25.15538 B
GABUR.csv05.25.15471 B
KEBTU.csv05.25.15608 B
MOGOV.csv05.25.15395 B
QT.csv05.25.15691 B
STAR_data.csv05.29.151.17 kB
STAR_index.csv05.25.15411 B
SUTUK.csv05.25.15426 B
ZQT.csv05.25.15479 B
CYUL09.26.150 B
ALWAR.csv07.06.14415 B
CYUL.txt08.17.143.63 kB
FULFO.csv07.06.14434 B
GAUTI.csv07.06.14557 B
LONNA.csv07.06.14491 B
SID_data.csv07.06.141.13 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.14464 B
SLOKA.csv07.06.14490 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.1416.19 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.141.54 kB
XULTA.csv07.06.14432 B
CYYJ09.26.150 B
AGBAR.csv09.05.15594 B
AP.csv09.05.151.62 kB
CYYJ.txt09.05.151.58 kB
IMPOR.csv09.05.15616 B
IRKON.csv09.05.15842 B
LAFFO.csv09.05.15511 B
OMINU.csv09.05.15687 B
SID_data.csv09.05.15885 B
SID_index.csv09.05.15414 B
STAR_data.csv09.05.151.45 kB
STAR_index.csv09.05.15445 B
CYYZ09.26.150 B
ALORU.csv07.06.141.00 kB
BEFNI.csv07.06.14365 B
CALVY.csv07.06.14515 B
CYYZ.txt08.04.144.32 kB
DAVNO.csv07.06.141.29 kB
DENKA.csv07.06.141.40 kB
DULPA.csv07.06.14392 B
DUNOP.csv07.06.141.50 kB
FAYOL.csv07.06.14391 B
FLINE.csv07.06.141.00 kB
GADOG.csv07.06.141.00 kB
IKBAT.csv07.06.141.47 kB
LEPUX.csv07.06.141.40 kB
LEVIG.csv07.06.141.29 kB
MASAR.csv07.06.141.50 kB
MERKI.csv07.06.141.00 kB
OKOKU.csv07.06.141.00 kB
OMTIP.csv07.06.141.00 kB
SID_Data.csv07.06.1415.16 kB
SID_Index.csv07.06.142.10 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.1417.95 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.142.25 kB
DTTA09.26.150 B
BADIL.csv07.06.142.18 kB
BELED.csv07.06.142.48 kB
CBN.csv07.06.142.36 kB
DIDON.csv07.06.142.90 kB
DTTA.txt07.06.142.44 kB
GAMRA.csv07.06.14332 B
GIBLI.csv07.06.142.61 kB
GOLLA.csv07.06.141.14 kB
ICANI.csv07.06.142.38 kB
KEMIR.csv07.06.142.42 kB
MARSA.csv07.06.143.25 kB
MEDAR.csv07.06.142.18 kB
NEBRO.csv07.06.142.48 kB
RATBA.csv07.06.142.48 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.1410.54 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.141.70 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.143.64 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14710 B
TISRI.csv07.06.142.58 kB
ZAHRA.csv07.06.142.51 kB
EBAW09.26.150 B
ANT.csv06.12.151.09 kB
EBAW.txt06.17.151.65 kB
SID_DATA.csv06.17.151.61 kB
SID_INDEX.csv06.10.15455 B
STAR_DATA.csv06.10.151.41 kB
STAR_INDEX.csv06.10.15350 B
EBBR09.26.150 B
ANT.csv07.06.142.60 kB
EBBR.txt07.06.141.57 kB
FLO.csv07.06.142.71 kB
KERKY.csv07.06.142.63 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.148.87 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.141.55 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.141.91 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14532 B
EBCI09.26.150 B
EBCI.txt07.01.152.25 kB
GSY.csv06.20.151.79 kB
SID_DATA.csv06.13.154.51 kB
SID_INDEX.csv06.13.15780 B
STAR_DATA.csv06.30.151.81 kB
STAR_INDEX.csv06.13.15398 B
EBLG Read install file09.26.150 B
AFCAD09.26.150 B
EBLG_ILS05R.bgl07.11.1518.04 kB
EBLG.txt07.03.151.85 kB
Install.txt07.19.15497 B
LGE.csv07.11.151.82 kB
SID_DATA.csv07.02.153.14 kB
SID_INDEX.csv06.16.15586 B
STAR_DATA.csv06.26.151.32 kB
STAR_INDEX.csv07.02.15310 B
EBOS Read install file09.26.150 B
AFCAD09.26.150 B
EBOS_ILS_08.bgl07.09.1516.00 kB
EBOS.txt07.10.151.51 kB
Install.txt07.19.15497 B
ONO.csv07.11.152.19 kB
SID_DATA.csv07.10.151.61 kB
SID_INDEX.csv07.08.15463 B
STAR_DATA.csv07.10.15996 B
STAR_INDEX.csv07.08.15327 B
EDDB09.26.150 B
ATGUP.csv07.06.14983 B
DB452.csv07.06.14583 B
DB552.csv07.06.14583 B
EDDB.txt07.06.141.52 kB
FWE.csv07.06.14864 B
KLF.csv07.06.141.95 kB
LANUM.csv07.06.141.14 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.141.60 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.14429 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.145.19 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14895 B
TERDA.csv07.06.141.05 kB
EDDB- Freeware version Gernot Zander 201109.26.150 B
ATGUP.csv07.06.141.44 kB
DB452.csv07.06.14658 B
DB552.csv07.06.14658 B
EDDB.txt07.06.141.78 kB
FWE.csv07.06.141.27 kB
KLF.csv07.06.143.00 kB
LANUM.csv07.06.141.70 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.141.67 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.14503 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.145.34 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14971 B
TERDA.csv07.06.141.57 kB
EDDF09.26.150 B
CHA.csv07.06.141.74 kB
DF403.csv07.06.142.05 kB
DF439.csv07.06.141.80 kB
DF601.csv07.06.142.05 kB
DF621.csv07.06.14835 B
DF631.csv07.06.142.04 kB
DF632.csv07.06.142.04 kB
DF651.csv07.06.14835 B
EDDF.txt07.06.142.17 kB
IBLUS.csv07.06.14585 B
KUGUK.csv07.06.14593 B
MTR.csv07.06.141.73 kB
ORVIV.csv07.06.14591 B
Readme.txt07.06.141.05 kB
RID.csv07.06.142.06 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.1413.65 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.142.01 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.1410.10 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.141.42 kB
TAU.csv07.06.141.77 kB
ULNOK.csv07.06.14585 B
EDDF Aerosoft Mega airport 1.0509.26.150 B
CHA.csv07.06.142.01 kB
DF403.csv07.06.142.14 kB
DF439.csv07.06.141.89 kB
DF601.csv07.06.142.14 kB
DF621.csv07.06.14932 B
DF631.csv07.06.142.14 kB
DF632.csv07.06.142.14 kB
DF651.csv07.06.14932 B
EDDF.txt04.06.152.01 kB
IBLUS.csv07.06.14682 B
KUGUK.csv07.06.14690 B
MTR.csv07.06.142.01 kB
ORVIV.csv07.06.14688 B
RID.csv07.06.142.06 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.1413.75 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.142.11 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.1410.27 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.141.58 kB
TAU.csv07.06.142.05 kB
ULNOK.csv07.06.14682 B
EDDH09.26.150 B
ANEXI.csv07.06.14667 B
DEVOD.csv07.06.14709 B
EDDH.txt07.06.141.86 kB
LBE.csv07.06.142.25 kB
PISAS.csv07.06.14711 B
SID_data.csv07.06.144.86 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.14797 B
SOSAX.csv07.06.14481 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.1412.91 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.141.45 kB
EDDM09.26.150 B
DM431.csv07.06.14851 B
DM438.csv07.05.14940 B
DM441.csv07.05.14822 B
DM448.csv07.05.14940 B
DM831.csv07.06.14816 B
DM838.csv07.05.14816 B
DM841.csv07.05.14717 B
DM848.csv07.05.14816 B
EDDM.txt07.06.141.72 kB
MIQ.csv07.06.142.53 kB
MUN.csv07.05.142.39 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.148.47 kB
SID_index.csv07.05.141.33 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.1410.44 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.141.36 kB
EDDW09.26.150 B
BMN.csv09.26.152.79 kB
DW421.csv09.26.15378 B
DW455.csv09.26.15311 B
DW521.csv09.26.15373 B
EDDW.txt09.26.1510.60 kB
SID_Data.csv09.26.155.29 kB
SID_Index.csv09.26.15798 B
STAR_Data.csv09.26.154.33 kB
STAR_Index.csv09.26.15533 B
EFHK09.26.150 B
ARVUX.csv07.24.14623 B
EFHK.txt07.30.141.50 kB
ELKUN.csv07.24.14636 B
GEDLO.csv07.24.14547 B
OBONU.csv07.24.14479 B
PODOM.csv07.24.14782 B
SID_data.csv07.24.141.77 kB
SID_index.csv07.24.14536 B
STAR_data.csv07.24.148.05 kB
STAR_index.csv07.24.141.04 kB
TEDMU.csv07.24.14649 B
EGCC09.26.150 B
DALEY.csv05.28.156.53 kB
DAYNE.csv05.28.156.89 kB
EGCC.txt09.26.154.30 kB
MIRSI.csv05.29.156.91 kB
ROSUN.csv05.28.156.53 kB
SID_Data.csv05.10.155.58 kB
SID_Index.csv05.27.15637 B
STAR_Data.csv05.15.155.15 kB
STAR_Index.csv05.27.15700 B
EGJB09.26.150 B
EGJB.txt09.26.153.43 kB
GUR.csv09.26.152.55 kB
JB2AP.csv09.26.15313 B
REMAP.csv09.26.15313 B
SID_data.csv09.26.152.70 kB
SID_index.csv09.26.15411 B
STAR_data.csv09.26.152.46 kB
STAR_index.csv09.26.15588 B
EGJJ09.26.150 B
EGJJ.txt09.26.154.22 kB
GIPTA.csv07.19.14319 B
JSY.csv07.19.14983 B
JW.csv07.19.14804 B
NENRI.csv07.19.14349 B
SID_data.csv07.19.142.48 kB
SID_index.csv07.19.14568 B
STAR_data.csv07.19.144.27 kB
STAR_index.csv07.19.14864 B
EGLL09.26.150 B
BIG.csv07.12.145.17 kB
BNN.csv07.11.144.93 kB
EGLL.txt07.14.141.66 kB
LAM.csv07.11.144.94 kB
OCK.csv07.12.144.28 kB
SID_data.csv07.11.144.38 kB
SID_index.csv07.11.14855 B
STAR_data.csv07.11.143.50 kB
STAR_index.csv07.11.14683 B
EHAM09.26.150 B
ARTIP.csv07.06.143.42 kB
EHAM.txt07.06.143.06 kB
RIVER.csv07.06.143.47 kB
SID_data.csv07.06.1410.26 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.141.49 kB
STAR_data.csv07.06.142.87 kB
STAR_index.csv07.06.14691 B
SUGOL.csv07.06.143.40 kB
EIDW09.26.150 B
EIDW.txt07.30.141.96 kB
KERAV.csv07.26.141.52 kB
LAPMO.csv07.26.14585 B
NASRI.csv07.26.14768 B
SID_data.csv07.26.144.34 kB
SID_index.csv07.26.14845 B
SORIN.csv07.26.141005 B
STAR_data.csv07.26.1410.75 kB
STAR_index.csv07.26.141.35 kB
ULTAG.csv07.26.141.24 kB
EKCH Read Install File09.26.150 B
EKCH09.26.150 B
CH44E.csv03.23.15332 B
CH88C.csv03.23.15332 B
EKCH.txt03.27.154.86 kB
KAS.csv03.27.152.38 kB
SID_data.csv03.19.159.69 kB
SID_index.csv03.18.151.23 kB
STAR_data.csv03.27.158.63 kB
STAR_index.csv03.27.151.18 kB
EKCH (KAS)09.26.150 B
CH44E.csv03.23.15332 B
CH88C.csv03.23.15332 B
EKCH.txt03.27.154.86 kB
KAS.csv03.27.152.38 kB
SID_data.csv03.19.159.69 kB
SID_index.csv03.18.151.23 kB
STAR_data.csv03.27.1511.95 kB
STAR_index.csv03.27.151.16 kB
Install note.txt04.04.152.11 kB
ELLX09.26.150 B
DIK.csv01.12.154.71 kB
DIK2A.csv01.12.153.43 kB
ELLX.txt09.26.156.91 kB
MOSET.csv01.11.152.04 kB
SID_data.csv01.08.153.49 kB
SID_index.csv01.08.15471 B
STAR_data.csv01.13.153.21 kB
STAR_index.csv01.13.15661 B
WLU.csv01.13.152.38 kB
WLU4A.csv01.13.152.71 kB
ENBR09.26.150 B
ENBR.txt09.02.152.04 kB
GILVA.csv08.31.15780 B
GODID.csv08.31.15780 B
NEPAM.csv08.31.15780 B
RIVIP.csv08.31.15780 B
SID_DATA.csv08.29.151.95 kB
SID_INDEX.csv08.28.15454 B
STAR_DATA.csv09.04.154.55 kB
STAR_INDEX.csv09.02.15530 B
ENGM09.26.150 B
BAVAD.csv01.07.151.05 kB
ENGM.txt01.10.156.65 kB
INSUV.csv01.07.151.03 kB
SID_data.csv11.15.144.30 kB
SID_index.csv11.15.14749 B
STAR_data.csv11.16.146.01 kB
STAR_index.csv11.15.14640 B
TITLA.csv01.07.151.05 kB
VALPU.csv01.07.151.03 kB
ENTO09.26.150 B
ASLAK.csv03.01.15524 B
ENOVA.csv03.01.15461 B
ENTO.txt03.21.151.11 kB
SID_data.csv03.04.151.58 kB
SID_index.csv03.04.15449 B
STAR_data.csv03.04.152.22 kB
STAR_index.csv03.04.15458 B
ENVA09.26.150 B
AKIRI.csv03.18.15615 B
ENVA.txt03.21.151.52 kB
GIRDI.csv03.18.15615 B
OKELO.csv03.18.15811 B
SID_data.csv03.18.151.69 kB
SID_index.csv03.18.15460 B
STAR_data.csv03.18.153.14 kB
STAR_index.csv03.18.15620 B
VEDOL.csv03.18.15811 B
EPWA09.26.150 B
BRONI.csv04.14.151.53 kB
DOBRZ.csv04.15.15915 B
EPWA.txt04.12.157.85 kB
KIKOL.csv04.15.15825 B
LEONC.csv04.15.151.53 kB
LUCZN.csv04.14.15899 B
PLECE.csv04.15.151.51 kB
SID_data.csv03.31.155.43 kB
SID_index.csv03.31.15614 B
SKURC.csv04.14.151.39 kB
STAR_data.csv04.12.1511.91 kB
STAR_index.csv04.12.15927 B
SZCZY.csv04.14.15684 B
ESSA09.26.150 B
BALVI.csv08.28.14514 B
ERK.csv08.28.142.79 kB
ESSA.txt08.30.141.35 kB
LNA.csv08.28.141.79 kB
SA473.csv08.28.14501 B
SA486.csv08.28.14493 B
SA801.csv08.28.14501 B
SID_data.csv08.28.148.28 kB
SID_index.csv08.28.141.22 kB
STAR_data.csv08.28.144.05 kB
STAR_index.csv08.28.14688 B
TEB.csv08.28.142.79 kB
EYVI09.26.150 B
APSOL.csv08.03.141.41 kB
BILDI.csv08.03.141.59 kB
EYVI.txt08.07.141.54 kB
GEKBI.csv08.03.141.50 kB
KOTOV.csv08.03.141.70 kB
NILNA.csv08.03.141.41 kB
RAMUB.csv08.03.141.50 kB
SID_data.csv08.03.143.49 kB
SID_index.csv08.03.14797 B
STAR_data.csv08.03.143.62 kB
STAR_index.csv08.03.14760 B
FD-FMC database.kmz09.26.1515.94 kB
FMC_Path.ini05.30.1584 B
GCRR09.26.150 B
GCRR.txt07.06.142.09 kB
KLATO.csv07.06.14330 B
LTE.csv07.06.14458 B
LTE1.csv07.06.14827 B
LZR.csv07.06.141.16 kB
SHI03.csv07.06.14642 B
SHT03.csv07.06.14361 B
SID_data.csv07.06.142.79 kB
SID_index.csv07.06.14395 B
STAR_data.csv07.06.14931 B
STAR_index.csv07.06.14363 B
GMAD09.26.150 B
ADM.csv07.19.152.06 kB
CF28.csv07.18.15331 B
GMAD.txt07.07.15983 B
SID_data.csv07.09.154.34 kB
SID_index.csv07.09.15506 B
STAR_data.csv07.18.158.85 kB
STAR_index.csv07.18.15865 B
GMME09.26.150 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Andrew Talbot HopkinsonMon, 02 Oct 2023 07:18:24 GMT

The database freenavdbgroup.com which you need to download the airports and sids and stars for the FMC appears to be no longer available

Painsi45Sun, 02 Apr 2023 00:11:03 GMT

After following the instructions as precisely as I can, I can't get the FMC to work with SID/STARS, any help would be greatly appreciated!

pgp22Fri, 11 Nov 2022 18:07:15 GMT

It put autopilot automatic how can I fix it?

StonewallUSMCThu, 14 Apr 2022 07:51:24 GMT


Get a compressed download, decompress, right-click, go to properties, at the very bottom you will see unblock check that and save, now go to permissions and make sure you're the admin and user if listed and make sure whichever you are you have priv. Now to the main properties and check admin, when doing anything you put in do the admin and it won't reject or crash like with Capt. Sim and a few others. to save ram and space do a right click and compress your FSX root file, and then compress your main drive.

If you want to gain more ram by about 70 pct leave a msg and ill leave everything from the last 15 years. There's a lot to be said about the time and effort dealing with all of the ups and downs of FSX, but it was a good way to get to know the application.

capimateoWed, 03 Feb 2021 02:14:09 GMT

How do I put it on the simulator?

Christian CostantinoMon, 10 Aug 2020 06:04:11 GMT

Does it have real-life engine sounds or just the default one that came with FSX?

Ayden CoutinhoThu, 03 Oct 2019 04:52:04 GMT

Can't use FMC numbers or letters, pls fix.

Barrett Lee GoldsmithSun, 01 Sep 2019 05:38:58 GMT

You guys and your authors do amazing work. We are fortunate to have this awesome service that you provide. Sincerely, Barrett.

AHARON HAR EVENMon, 17 Jun 2019 09:22:22 GMT

Sorry, I can't find a few files mentioned in the Instructions... and the gauges look ... just grey... It is done for FSX-SE too?

pgthaiSun, 16 Jun 2019 07:52:52 GMT

Too complicated to set up.

freeflight guySat, 11 May 2019 19:32:42 GMT

The altitude button doesn't work and there is a message on the checklist which says FMCG off. The FMC doesn't work and the flight plan route thing. PLEASE HELP OR FIX!

mulhamMon, 15 Apr 2019 07:28:27 GMT

how can i install the files to p3d v4 please help me

Rishabh KhannaTue, 02 Apr 2019 06:10:17 GMT

The weather radar is not working as in the above pictures.

SpeedPlayzSat, 22 Dec 2018 15:08:22 GMT

This is a great aircraft, I've been looking for this a very long time, considering there is no actual PA A320 FSX download on the Project Airbus website. 5 out of 5 stars. Great work!

BefcunhaMon, 26 Nov 2018 20:05:02 GMT

The best one, if you follow all instructions correctly

GUILLAUMETue, 02 Oct 2018 07:55:57 GMT

works perfectly amazing plane, just cant get the terrain to show as in your pic .

TheoSun, 30 Sep 2018 18:54:58 GMT

Turn of dx10 in your display settings! Hope this fixes the issue.

Oscar JonesWed, 19 Sep 2018 15:57:55 GMT


Sorry to bother you but when I load the airplane, all the displays are just grey. Its not like its off, its like their not loading properly.

Thanks, Oscar

marshallMon, 10 Sep 2018 13:05:20 GMT

g'day mate, the fmc scratchpad dosent work. I click the numbers and nothin happens. please help.


jpop8807Thu, 23 Aug 2018 03:42:39 GMT

Nevermind unlike Michael Dumasskiss I went back and read the manuals to use the knows right click which pulls them out then roll the mouse wheel up or down. This is a perfect plane, I haven't found anything I can think of that I dislike. There is so much detail. Keep up the good work.

jpop8807Thu, 23 Aug 2018 03:36:04 GMT

Maybe I'm missing something everything looks great and flys great the only issue I have is that I can't adjust any of the autopilot settings. I'm going to look back over the read me incase I missed something.

Rhys SmithSat, 09 Jun 2018 18:13:21 GMT

I would love to say, I was gobsmacked of how amazing this aircraft is after I loaded in after installing. The sound, the physics, everything! This aircraft is just amazing, I don't know what to say. other than, I highly recommend this.

Ken WrightTue, 08 May 2018 21:32:50 GMT

works great but I would like the fmc screen to be a bit smaller , can this be done?

Michael DumaschefskiTue, 20 Mar 2018 15:26:55 GMT

I completed the complex installation completely. But with the machine one can not adjust also SPD, HDG, CRS and ALT. You can not fly the plane. Unfortunately I did not see the screenshots in time. You can recognize that as well. If basics do not work, the whole plane is not good !!! Maybe I'll get an answer, it's the second time I have to complain.

WILLIEThu, 25 Jan 2018 22:57:24 GMT

What programs do I need to have the A320 program? I need this ASAP 8325153522

ChuckPCpilotMon, 22 Jan 2018 01:41:13 GMT

I could not get the gauges to appear. They're blank.

cadavis7261ytFri, 15 Sep 2017 04:11:34 GMT

The A320FD-FMC.CAB file appears to be missing under the Gauges folder of the .zip file.

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