FSX Cessna US Army O2

PreviewThis is Mike Stone's FS9 Cessna 337 Super Skymaster / 02 Modified For FSX as a U S Army Cessna 02 painted in a low luster OD Green. The O-2 is a military version of the Cessna Model 337 Super Skymaster. Distinguished by twin tail booms and tandem-mounted engines, it features a tractor-pusher pro...

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This is Mike Stone's FS9 Cessna 337 Super Skymaster / 02 Modified For FSX as a U S Army Cessna 02 painted in a low luster OD Green. The O-2 is a military version of the Cessna Model 337 Super Skymaster. Distinguished by twin tail booms and tandem-mounted engines, it features a tractor-pusher propeller arrangement. Derived from the Cessna Model 336, the Model 337 went into production for the civilian market in 1965. In late 1966, it was selected as a military variant, designated the O-2, to supplement the O-1 Bird Dog forward air controller (FAC) aircraft then operating in Southeast Asia. Having twin engines enabled the O-2 to absorb more ground fire and still return safely, endearing it to its crews. The O-2 first flew in Jan. 1967 and production deliveries began in March. Production ended in June 1970 after 532 O-2s had been built. Modifications and textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft.

US Army O2 for FSX

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The archive cessna02.zip has 7 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Cessna Army O-2.zip01.24.0921.79 MB
Pictures.zip01.24.096.45 MB
Read Me First.txt01.24.093.16 kB
Reg. Text.txt01.24.09906 B
Screen Cessna 02.jpg01.24.09121.71 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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Daraious BillimoriaThu, 27 Feb 2020 06:40:50 GMT

Not bad overall. The graphics could be a lot better and a virtual cockpit would really help. Flight characteristics were pretty decent. One weird thing was that as the time of day swung into DUSK mode the spinning props become really weird looking. Solid round discs with double white borders. I took a couple of screen caps but I don't think there is a way to upload them here.

SeaBear89Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:36:13 GMT

Does not work for me. The included texture-file does not extract. Any ideas?

AhmadThu, 12 Dec 2013 10:14:08 GMT

Just like the one flown by "Bird dog" (Danny Glover) in the movie "B.A.T. 21".

kansaskidWed, 02 Oct 2013 03:53:45 GMT

I was glad to find this complete aircraft. I found it using the new search program. In the past I have found the old search program pretty useless. Thanks for the improvement!

beachcomb1_2000Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:38:09 GMT
excellent download, flys great, a must have if you like smaller props aircraft

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