FS2004/FSX BrightStar Swift Hang Glider

PreviewBrightStar Swift for FSX and FS2004. The SWIFT, for SWept Wing with Inboard Flap for Trim, was designed by a team at Stanford University led by Dr. Ilan Kroo, and developed through a collaborative effort with BrightStar Gliders as a high performance foot-launched sailplane, Although it is a f...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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BrightStar Swift for FSX and FS2004. The SWIFT, for SWept Wing with Inboard Flap for Trim, was designed by a team at Stanford University led by Dr. Ilan Kroo, and developed through a collaborative effort with BrightStar Gliders as a high performance foot-launched sailplane, Although it is a fully-cantilevered rigid wing with aerodynamic controls and flaps, it weighs only about 100 lbs and is easily transported on the top of a car. Almost doubling the performance of conventional hang gliders at the time it was introduced,it dominated several competitions and was subsequently allowed to compete only in a separate class.

Many pilots have flown the SWIFT for 100-200 miles. BrightStar originally manufactured SWIFTs in the U.S. but subsequently sold the licence to the Belgian company Aeriane This model made with g-Max features full aircraft animations and a running pilot during landing and take-off,detailed VC cockpit and custom built gauges. By David Rowberry.

BrightStar Swift Hang Glider

BrightStar Swift Hang Glider virtual cockpit

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The archive bswift.zip has 83 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg09.13.0810.81 kB
brightstar.air08.04.0812.45 kB
FILE_ID.diz09.09.081011 B
FS200409.14.080 B
cliff launch09.14.080 B
Pedra Bonita.FLT09.10.086.68 kB
Pedra Bonita.WX09.10.08183.41 kB
ramp scenery09.10.080 B
hang_glider_ramp.BGL08.25.089.21 kB
hang_glider_ramp.mdl08.25.089.01 kB
hang_glider_ramp.XML08.25.08497 B
Planks_a.bmp08.18.08257.05 kB
read me.txt09.10.08271 B
St hilaire hillstart n02.FLT09.10.086.41 kB
St hilaire hillstart n02.WX09.10.08182.88 kB
x read me x.txt09.10.08108 B
dll files09.09.080 B
FSSound.dll12.27.0013.00 kB
SOARRec.dll08.07.02111.50 kB
mr-gt3a.gau08.27.021.16 MB
read me.txt09.21.081.31 kB
Information09.21.080 B
BrightStar Swift polar.txt08.05.08805 B
BrightStar Swift VC.jpg09.09.0893.54 kB
Brightstar Swift.jpg09.09.0870.79 kB
mountain starts.txt09.10.08966 B
Swift-ref data.doc09.09.0886.00 kB
swift-ref data.txt09.10.085.64 kB
take-off.jpg09.21.0880.25 kB
Thumbs.db09.21.0832.00 kB
vario.jpg09.09.0857.01 kB
Model09.09.080 B
brightstar.mdl08.14.081.11 MB
Model.cfg04.08.0829 B
Panel09.14.080 B
autobrake07.12.080 B
brake.xml08.14.08220 B
Brightstar.cab09.09.08102.31 kB
keypad.bmp08.10.0865.05 kB
panel.cfg09.09.082.12 kB
Thumbs.db08.10.0837.50 kB
vario_body4.bmp08.08.0865.05 kB
read me.txt09.21.083.54 kB
Sound09.09.080 B
bright_flaps.wav07.03.06322.38 kB
bright_gear.WAV07.11.9710.15 kB
bright_gear2.wav07.26.08432.08 kB
canopy_damaged.wav07.30.02992.03 kB
down.wav05.12.0631.18 kB
grunt.wav06.08.0010.55 kB
snrigg.wav04.18.0167.93 kB
Snwind5.wav05.12.0626.25 kB
sound.cfg08.27.083.51 kB
stress.wav06.23.0343.15 kB
vup.wav08.14.088.25 kB
Walk.wav12.22.0010.43 kB
wind.wav07.28.08428.89 kB
wind01.wav08.06.08278.07 kB
xbo_jerk.wav08.11.00296.04 kB
xDG_wind01.wav05.12.06269.53 kB
xDG_wind02.wav05.12.06268.04 kB
xDG_wind03.wav05.12.06528.07 kB
xSmtouch3.wav04.18.0114.19 kB
st. Hilaire cliff launch(FSX)09.14.080 B
st hilaire launch .WX08.28.08182.93 kB
st hilaire launch.FLT08.28.088.61 kB
x read me x.txt09.09.0882 B
Texture09.09.080 B
cockpit_T.bmp07.25.081.00 MB
grp.bmp08.11.081.00 MB
legs.bmp08.03.081.00 MB
plaid.bmp04.14.08128.07 kB
quilt.bmp08.19.0617.05 kB
swift_pilot.bmp08.03.081.00 MB
swift_T.bmp12.15.071.33 MB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg08.11.085.16 kB
Thumbs.db08.11.08120.00 kB
vario parts.bmp08.11.08256.07 kB
vc-pilot.bmp08.02.081.00 MB
Bright Star09.14.080 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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my full nameThu, 18 Nov 2021 19:45:33 GMT

You guys gotta bring this into MSFS.

C SmithSun, 07 Jun 2020 12:59:02 GMT

Is it possible to get this for X-Plane? As well as other hang gliders and swift 3D.

fsxpilotSat, 13 Aug 2016 18:11:41 GMT

This is one of the best planes i have for FSX. It is extremely well modeled and done, like the guys running legs and even his jeans textures! The whole package is awesome and the saved flight is a god spot to glide around.

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