FS2004 Canary Islands - Supplement to Canarias 2006

This download contains bgl files from Toni Agramont's Canary Islands scenery (canary04.zip), modified so that the airports and scenery will work with project Canarias 2006. This should nicely fill out the whole of the Canary Islands, until such a time as Canarias 2006 complete their project (when...

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This download contains bgl files from Toni Agramont's Canary Islands scenery (canary04.zip), modified so that the airports and scenery will work with project Canarias 2006. This should nicely fill out the whole of the Canary Islands, until such a time as Canarias 2006 complete their project (when this file will doubtless be redundant!). My defaults remove static aircraft, but there is an option to retain these if required. Also a few corrections of the default scenery.

Let me reiterate that all I have done here is patch Toni's files so that they now fit into the Project Canarias 2006 scenery with as few clashes as possible: I have removed buildings and objects which end up in the sea, or block runways, and so forth. 99% of the work was done by Toni in creating the scenery in the first place: therefore, if you like the results, 99% of the credit should go to him as well. For good measure, I added one or two bits of my own, which correct errors in the default scenery.

Areas covered:

Fuerteventura - island scenery & airport. (Not included in Canarias 2006 at the time of writing).
Lanzarote - island scenery & airport. (Not included in Canarias 2006 at the time of writing).
Tenerife - GCTS & GCXO. Airport corrections only.

Areas NOT covered:

La Palma. Already in Canarias 2006
Smaller islands - by the time I had removed misplaced airport buildings, there was little left to see, so I have left the defaults as they are.
Gran Canaria - canary04.zip adds very little extra to the default, which is already reasonably well constructed.


Simply replace the scenery folder in canary04.zip (delete it, or store it away somewhere) with the scenery folder in this download. Leave the texture folder as it is. Place the whole Canaries folder, containing scenery and texture subfolders, into whichever main FS folder you normally put your addon scenery. Then start up Flight Simulator and enable the scenery as usual. (Settings/scenery library/Add Area ... then navigate to this Canaries folder and double-click it). In the FS9 scenery list move the entry down to below your Canarias 2006 folders. Restart FS9, and you should see the scenery database being rewritten. If it isn't, you have done something wrong! The folder contains one new AFCAD for CGTS (very similar to the default layout): I have simply moved a taxiway away from the hangars so that aircraft may pass! Make sure you have no other AFCADs or this airport or you will encounter errors.

If you don't have other AI traffic and want static aircraft at your airports, overwrite the bgl files in my scenery folder with the ones in the 'statics' folder. Otherwise, you can just delete that folder. (The files have the same name - the larger of each pair is the one with the static aircraft).

The archive canary_islands.zip has 39 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ReadMe.txt04.20.063.68 kB
Scenery04.20.060 B
AF2_GCTS.bgl04.20.066.63 kB
AIRP_CAN.BGL09.26.03785 B
FRTV_01.bgl09.29.03401.71 kB
FRTV_02.bgl09.29.03517.43 kB
FRTV_03.bgl09.29.03508.18 kB
FRTV_04.bgl09.29.03597.14 kB
GCFVAirp.bgl04.20.06200.33 kB
GCFV_EX1.bgl09.25.03148 B
GCFV_EX2.bgl09.25.03148 B
GCFV_EX3.bgl09.25.03148 B
GCFV_EX4.bgl09.25.03148 B
GCHI_Exc.BGL04.20.06112 B
GCRRAirp.bgl04.20.06141.14 kB
GCRR_EX1.bgl09.24.03148 B
GCTSAirp.bgl04.20.06326.41 kB
GCXOAirp.bgl04.20.06362.34 kB
GCXO_EX1.bgl09.23.03148 B
GCXO_EX2.bgl09.23.03148 B
LANZ_01.bgl09.29.031020.13 kB
LANZ_02.bgl09.29.03521.30 kB
LANZ_03.bgl09.29.03812.81 kB
LANZ_04.bgl09.29.03654.01 kB
LANZ_05.bgl09.29.031.41 MB
LANZ_06.bgl09.29.032.40 MB
LANZ_07.bgl09.29.03655.64 kB
NovaLib1.bgl03.12.0170.73 kB
RNAV_CAN.bgl09.29.032.21 kB
Statics04.20.060 B
GCFVAirp.bgl09.25.03292.77 kB
GCRRAirp.bgl09.24.03231.31 kB
GCTSAIRP.bgl04.20.06386.83 kB
GCXOAirp.bgl04.20.06451.21 kB
Statics.txt04.20.0630 B
Canary Islands04.20.060 B
avsim.diz04.27.04360 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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