FSX Aerolineas Argentinas Airbus A340-200

PreviewThis add-on offers a complete Airbus A340-200 model in the Aerolíneas Argentinas scheme for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It integrates realistic exterior texturing (including diffuse, bump, and specular maps) along with a functioning virtual cockpit and customized four-engine gauge layout. Crea...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3
Complete with Base Model
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12.5 MB
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Content Rating
4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

This add-on offers a complete Airbus A340-200 model in the Aerolíneas Argentinas scheme for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It integrates realistic exterior texturing (including diffuse, bump, and specular maps) along with a functioning virtual cockpit and customized four-engine gauge layout. Created by Thomas Ruth, this freeware package is fully self-contained and supports Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2, although DX10 compatibility has not been verified.

Technical Highlights of the Wide-Body Jet

The Airbus A340-200 is a long-haul, four-engine, wide-body airliner designed for extended-range flights. It features a twin-aisle cabin that can accommodate various seating configurations for intercontinental routes. Aerolíneas Argentinas, the national carrier of Argentina, has historically operated A340 variants on transatlantic and trans-American services, leveraging the aircraft’s range capabilities and dependable performance. This simulated model aims to mirror those operational characteristics with crafted textures and distinctive airline branding.

Advanced Exterior and Cockpit Details

The exterior visuals employ advanced texturing methods, including:

  • Diffuse mapping (a technique that ensures accurate color representation and shading)
  • Bump mapping (adds depth to the surface by simulating raised and recessed details)
  • Specular effects (enhances reflective properties on metal surfaces)
  • Nightmap files (provides illumination effects during low-light operations)

Inside the cockpit, pilots can make use of a 3D virtual environment complete with essential flight readouts and custom four-engine indicators adapted from the default instrument set.

Step-by-Step Installation Guidance

  1. Extract the toma342.zip folder to a convenient location, such as your desktop.
  2. Open the default FSX Airbus_A321 folder and copy the sound and sound.ai directories into the new Tom_A340-200 folder.
  3. In the same default Airbus_A321/panel folder, locate the following files and transfer them to Tom_A340-200/panel:
    • airbus_a321_panel_background.bmp
    • airbus_a321_panel_background_night.bmp
    • Airbus_A321.cab
    Only these three items should be moved; do not copy additional files from that directory.
  4. Navigate to the default Airbus_A321/texture directory and move the following files into Tom_A340-200/texture.AA:
    • Airbus_A321_1_C.dds
    • Airbus_A321_2_C.dds
    • Airbus_A321_3_C.dds
    • Airbus_A321_4_C.dds
    Again, do not proceed with any additional files outside of this list.
  5. Create a new folder named tom340 in your main FSX/gauges directory.
  6. Open Airbus_A321.cab (located in the panel folder you copied above) and extract its contents into the FSX/gauges/tom340 folder.
  7. Copy all items from the Tom_A340-200/gauges folder into FSX/gauges/tom340, allowing file overwrites if prompted.
  8. Move or copy the entire Tom_A330-200 folder into the main FSX/SimObjects/Airplanes directory (or equivalent FSX aircraft folder).
  9. Open the lighteffects folder and extract its contents into the FSX/effects directory.

For additional guidance, a PDF document with visual instructions, named MFP.pdf, is available in the manual subfolder.

Visual Previews

Aerolineas Argentinas Airbus A340-200

Aerolineas Argentinas Airbus A340-200 Virtual Cockpit

Credits to the Creator

This freeware package is brought to you by Thomas Ruth, who meticulously designed the external model and virtual cockpit components. The repainted gauges and textures are included under the same release to ensure a cohesive experience for Airbus enthusiasts.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive tom340.zip has 142 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ04.02.09247 B
copyright.txt03.25.09774 B
340aa.jpg03.25.0923.86 kB
aircraft.cfg03.28.0922.50 kB
gauges04.02.090 B
tom34004.02.090 B
102404.02.090 B
Annun_AftDoor_on.bmp02.16.0957.80 kB
Thumbs.db03.20.095.00 kB
64004.02.090 B
Annun_AftDoor_on.bmp01.08.801.38 kB
Thumbs.db03.20.095.00 kB
ecams.xml03.20.0935.63 kB
ecams_engine_primary_background.bmp03.20.0978.95 kB
eng2off.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng2off_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
eng2on.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng2on_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
eng3off.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng3off_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
eng3on.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng3on_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
eng4off.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng4off_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
eng4on.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
eng4on_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
FCUdummy.xml02.16.09459 B
popup_ecu.xml03.23.0945.06 kB
popup_ecu_background.bmp03.24.09361.81 kB
popup_ecu_background_night.bmp03.24.09361.81 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_1_out_annunciators_off_night.bmp03.24.094.57 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_2_out_annunciators_off.bmp03.20.092.11 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_2_out_annunciators_off_night.bmp03.24.092.11 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_2_out_fault _and _fire_annunciators_on.bmp03.20.091.74 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_2_out_fault_annunciator_on.bmp03.20.091.33 kB
popup_ecu_button_eng_2_out_fire_annunciator_on.bmp03.20.091.18 kB
popup_ecu_knob_eng_mode_ign_start.bmp03.20.093.11 kB
popup_ecu_knob_eng_mode_ign_start_night.bmp03.24.095.87 kB
popup_ecu_knob_eng_mode_norm.bmp03.20.093.11 kB
popup_ecu_knob_eng_mode_norm_night.bmp03.24.095.87 kB
popup_ecu_lever_throttle_left.bmp03.20.099.43 kB
popup_ecu_lever_throttle_left_night.bmp03.24.099.43 kB
popup_ecu_lever_throttle_right.bmp03.20.099.43 kB
popup_ecu_lever_throttle_right_night.bmp03.24.099.43 kB
popup_ecu_switch_eng_1_off.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
popup_ecu_switch_eng_1_off_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
popup_ecu_switch_eng_1_on.bmp03.20.097.71 kB
popup_ecu_switch_eng_1_on_night.bmp03.24.097.71 kB
popup_overhead.xml03.25.09115.57 kB
popup_overhead_background.bmp03.24.09762.88 kB
popup_overhead_background_night.bmp03.24.09762.88 kB
popup_overhead_button_adirs_eng_1_both_off.bmp03.23.095.48 kB
popup_overhead_button_adirs_eng_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.0913.03 kB
popup_overhead_button_anti_ice_eng_1_both_off.bmp03.23.093.79 kB
popup_overhead_button_anti_ice_eng_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.098.26 kB
popup_overhead_button_electrical_gen_1_both_off.bmp03.23.094.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_electrical_gen_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.0910.37 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_both_off.bmp03.23.092.85 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_both_off_night.bmp03.24.095.27 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_both_on.bmp03.23.092.85 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_out_annunciator_off.bmp03.23.094.45 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_out_annunciator_off_night.bmp03.24.0910.25 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_out_annunciator_on.bmp03.23.094.45 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_apu_squib_on.bmp03.23.092.84 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_both_off.bmp03.23.092.68 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.094.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_both_on.bmp03.23.092.69 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_disch_on.bmp03.23.092.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_in_annunciator_off.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_in_annunciator_off_night.bmp03.24.0911.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_in_annunciator_on.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_out_annunciator_off.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_out_annunciator_off_night.bmp03.24.0911.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_out_annunciator_on.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_1_squib_on.bmp03.23.092.69 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_both_off.bmp03.23.092.73 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_both_off_night.bmp03.24.094.93 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_both_on.bmp03.23.093.24 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_disch_on.bmp03.23.092.73 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_in_annunciator_off.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_in_annunciator_off_night.bmp03.24.0911.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_in_annunciator_on.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_out_annunciator_off.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_out_annunciator_off_night.bmp03.24.0911.66 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_out_annunciator_on.bmp03.23.094.92 kB
popup_overhead_button_fire_eng_2_squib_on.bmp03.23.092.73 kB
popup_overhead_button_fuel_eng_1_both_off.bmp03.23.094.45 kB
popup_overhead_button_fuel_eng_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.099.80 kB
popup_overhead_button_x_bleed_eng_1_both_off.bmp03.23.095.83 kB
popup_overhead_button_x_bleed_eng_1_both_off_night.bmp03.24.0914.40 kB
popup_overhead_switch_strobe_off.bmp03.24.096.89 kB
popup_overhead_switch_strobe_off_night.bmp03.24.0916.91 kB
popup_overhead_switch_strobe_on.bmp03.24.096.89 kB
popup_overhead_switch_strobe_on_night.bmp03.24.0916.91 kB
Thumbs.db03.20.09478.50 kB
manual04.02.090 B
FCM.pdf03.25.092.88 MB
MFP.pdf04.02.092.66 MB
model04.02.090 B
model.cfg03.17.0953 B
TomA342.mdl03.23.098.02 MB
TomA342_interior.MDL03.24.091.48 MB
panel.34004.02.090 B
$A321_2.bmp02.20.09768.05 kB
panel.cfg03.25.096.32 kB
Thumbs.db03.31.077.00 kB
texture.AA04.02.090 B
A321_1_L.dds03.24.091.00 MB
A321_2_L.dds02.21.09256.12 kB
A330_VC01L.dds03.24.091.00 MB
A340_VC01.dds03.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_1_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_2_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_3_L.dds02.19.094.12 kB
Airbus_A321_4_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
glass.dds03.02.0964.12 kB
glass_spec.dds11.24.084.12 kB
main.dds03.23.094.00 MB
main_bump.dds03.23.094.00 MB
main_light.dds03.23.091.00 MB
main_spec.dds03.23.0964.12 kB
texture.cfg03.26.09140 B
thumbnail.jpg03.26.0919.09 kB
Thumbs.db09.30.087.00 kB
VCblend.dds02.09.091.12 kB
wing_bump.dds03.17.091.00 MB
wing_l.dds03.21.091.00 MB
wing_r.dds03.21.091.00 MB
wing_spec.dds11.21.0864.12 kB
TomA342.air03.18.098.26 kB
vc340.jpg03.25.0959.39 kB
fx_T332beacon.fx11.11.083.55 kB
fx_T332eng.fx11.17.081.21 kB
fx_T332land.fx11.11.081.22 kB
fx_T332land2.fx07.11.083.01 kB
fx_T332logo.fx11.11.081.21 kB
fx_T332wing.fx11.17.081.21 kB
install.txt04.01.0957 B
tom340.gif04.02.0912.40 kB
install.txt04.02.091.19 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

SASFri, 07 Nov 2014 23:38:54 GMT

It was very hard fixing everything up :P and I still ended up with two wings and no fuselage. Really enoying and the "lighteffects folder" doesen't even exist??

chelseafc222Fri, 31 Dec 2010 17:59:47 GMT
Ive downloaded and followed the step by step instuctions but the fuselage is completely black, the wings are fine.

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