FSX USAF DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver Repaint

PreviewThis freeware package adds a specialized rendition of the De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver in a distinguished bare-metal and red United States Air Force scheme for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. With short-takeoff-and-landing proficiency, the Beaver is known for operating in demanding envir...

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This freeware package adds a specialized rendition of the De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver in a distinguished bare-metal and red United States Air Force scheme for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. With short-takeoff-and-landing proficiency, the Beaver is known for operating in demanding environments, and this repaint highlights its dynamic role in both civilian and military contexts. Developed by Henry William, this layered textures set retains faithful details while giving a clean, polished look to the default FSX model. You will need to download the freeware base model, which is available through the Fly Away Simulation library.

Military-Inspired DHC-2 Artwork

The United States Air Force version of the DHC-2 showcases the classic airframe with an unpainted fuselage and vibrant red accents. The real-world Beaver has roots as a rugged bush plane, capable of wheel, ski, or float operations. In American service, this airframe was sometimes explored for forward operations where short or improvised runways were standard. The striking bare alloy finish and red highlights reflect a unique period aesthetic consistent with mid-century utility aircraft.

USAF DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver in flight.

USAF DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver in flight.

Key Livery Features

  • Distinctive Markings: Crisp red striping against the raw metal surface, offering an authentic military-inspired profile.
  • Careful Detailing: Subtle surfaces, rivets, and panel lines accentuated for visual realism.
  • Retained Core Design: Preserves the same functional cockpit and systems found in the default DHC-2, ensuring authentic flight behavior.

Installation Guidance

Before installing, confirm that you have the default DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2 folder in your Microsoft Flight Simulator X directory. Once ready, follow these steps:

  1. Hide Default Tail Number: While selecting the aircraft in FSX, click on “Details” and disable “Show Tail Number” to avoid any overlapping markings.
  2. Extract Contents: Unzip this download to a temporary location on your computer.
  3. Copy Texture Folder: Place the included texture.metal1 folder into:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2
  4. Update aircraft.cfg: Within the aircraft.cfg file, scroll to the last [fltsim.x] entry, add a new section below it, and replace xx with the next sequential number. Paste the block shown below:

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 met1
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation="USAF Metal"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and STOL capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,” the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

After saving the changes, the new skin should appear in your aircraft selection menu.

USAF DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver in flight.

USAF DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver in flight.

Developer Attribution

This repaint was assembled with careful attention to detail by Henry William. Remember to acquire the freeware base package from the Fly Away Simulation library. Load up your newly installed texture and enjoy the classic flying experience.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive usaf_met.zip has 19 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
1.jpg06.18.09220.50 kB
2.jpg06.18.09347.11 kB
ReadMe.txt06.18.091.82 kB
small.gif06.18.0912.46 kB
texture.metal106.18.090 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds06.18.094.00 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg06.18.0935.51 kB
Thumbs.db06.18.095.50 kB
Thumbs.db06.18.0920.50 kB
usaf_met06.18.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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