FSX Fire Crew Extraction Mission
Fire Crew Extraction. Fly from Hill Air Force Base to the back of Mt. Bonneville, near Ogden, Utah. A fire crew, commander and pilot are in immediate need of extraction. The fire has blocked thier escape route and they need help fast. What should be a simple extraction mission turns into a res...
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Fire Crew Extraction. Fly from Hill Air Force Base to the back of Mt. Bonneville, near Ogden, Utah. A fire crew, commander and pilot are in immediate need of extraction. The fire has blocked thier escape route and they need help fast. What should be a simple extraction mission turns into a rescue the rescuer mission. Fly the Augusta Westland EH101, USAF flavor, to get the crew out. Requires FSX Acceleration. By Ed Olander.
Fire Crew Extraction Mission.
Fly from Hill AirForce Base to the Backside of Mt. Bonneville, Near Ogden Utah. Fire Crew, Commander and Pilot are in Immediate need of extraction. The Fire has blocked thier escape route and they need help fast. What should be a simple extraction mission turns into a Rescue the Rescuer Mission. Fly the AugustaWestland EH101, USAF flavor to get the Crew Out. Drop the Crew off near the Ambulance. Help put out the fires in a Specially modified Goose. Fly under 150 Feet over the East side Fires to put them out. Turn back to the lake and Kiss the water prior to the waypoint to simulate a Water pick up. Enjoy the company, two other gooses are trying to put out the West Side Fires. Entire mission is in a 17-mile radius. A reward is given after completion of putting out the Fires. All 4-goals need to be accomplished to get the Reward. Enjoy, Many Cheers Ed O........:-)
Hopefully everything is in-tact, just unzip the compressed Folder into your Mission Directory under the Emergency folder, ie, /Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Missions/Emergency/, this should create a Directory called HAFBFireCrewExtract. Also Please remember to copy the FireResReward.RWD to the Rewards Directory in your FSX root, Another attempt to create a simple badge reward, Remember I'm not very Artistic(LOL !!). The Mission should pop up in the Intermediate area towards the bottom #59, Mission length is anywhere between 1-hour to 2-hours depneding on How fast you fly. No holds bared, not checking for speed and time, do your thing.
This is my 4th Mission, I'm still learning. Wanted to Play around more with the Cameras for an intro and throw some music in thier, but have run out of time on this.
FSX, and the Acceleration Pack. Uses the AugustaWestland EH101 Heli and FSX Goose. Both Super Fun Birds. All done with the FSX SDK, Thanks again to Microsoft for a fantastic tool to create fun Missions. Enjoy and have a Great New Year.
Voices - All me (Morphed, resampled, and re-analoged a few times to get the Analog Radio Effect). I only have so many ways to change my Voice, Some of the Gooses sounds are Wierd, LOL - None are my Original, the Co-pilot comes close.
*Note to the User -
This mission as are all my Missions are purley Fictional. I have no Experience in Air Traffic Communication nor do I fly Aircraft for Real life. I did live in Ogden, Utah for a Short Time while attending Weber State University, many many moons ago. If I have mispelled any locations or pronounced anything incorrectly, my Apologies. Everything is WysiWyg(What you see is What you Get) ie. No Support. I'm into free-stuff, this mission is Freeware, do what you want, keep it free.
The Loaded XML requires the User to Kiss the Water in the Goose to Simulate a Water Pickup, I give you around ten feet of altitude to do this so if your good enough, you will never need to touch the water. the Logic is Aricraft under 4900 feet. the lake is 4890 feet. be carefull a few times I hit the water and bounced higher than the OnEnterCondition and had to go around. I require 3-drops from your goose to put out the East Fires. Goose1 amd Goose5 will take care of the Smaller West Side Fire. IF you get to close to the other gooses they will let you know, of course if you hit them you will crash. Have fun flying with them, they are in SIMPLE_TAXI mode.
Side Notes -
The intro is pretty basic, be patient, the Co-Pilot will let you know when to start the aircraft, you will need to wait to get refueled. The Co-Pilot will let you know when all is clear. When on station near the rescue site, If you land on the POI, you should be good. Be patient listen to the Co-Pilot, he will let you know when to take off. When flying the Super Goose, You do not need to lower your flaps unless you want when getting a Water pick up. Cruising through the POI on the water at 60 MPH is good enough, Again the Co-Pilot will let you know when you are good with the Water Mark. If you miss either the Water Mark or the Fire Mark Simply go around and try again. You can Approach the Fires at a North West Heading Directly at the flames, swoop below 150 feet Above the Ground to get the Water Away signal from the Co-Pilot. When landing at Hill AB, All the Gooses are coming home, use your best judgement in landing when all the Traffic is Landing. I always try to land first so I can watch the Others land. I was pretty consistent with just over an Hour to complete, unless you have to stop and help you kids with Math Homework. CTRL-E starts the Both Aircrafts. Shift-6 will get the Console to raise and lower the Floats. Have fun !!
Anamolies of the Game -
For some reason, Goose1 will start out with the USAF Blue colors, Due to some unkown force of nature, when you see him in flight and when he finally lands he will turn the default white, dunno, very bizzare, LOL - Have fun with it. Also not sure why, but the Fires do not de-activate properly, so you still may see some fire below, covered by the steam on your 3rd water drop, just for giggles pretend they are fully out. Have fun flying with the other gooses.
FSX, and the Acceleration Pack. Uses the AugustaWestland EH101 Heli and FSX Goose. Both Super Fun Birds. All done with the FSX SDK, Thanks again to Microsoft for a fantastic tool to create fun Missions. Enjoy and have a Great New Year.
Voices - All me (Morphed, resampled, and re-analoged a few times to get the Analog Radio Effect). I only have so many ways to change my Voice, Some of the Gooses sounds are Wierd, LOL - None are my Original, the Co-pilot comes close.
Cheers Have Fun -
Fire Crew Extraction Mission.
The archive hafbfce.zip has 83 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
FireResReward.RWD | 01.05.08 | 167.97 kB |
HAFB.htm | 01.08.08 | 4.52 kB |
HAFBFireCrewExtract.xml | 01.08.08 | 294.89 kB |
HillABFireRescue.FLT | 01.02.08 | 10.44 kB |
HillABFireRescue.WX | 01.02.08 | 83.21 kB |
hillafbc.bmp | 01.04.08 | 162.27 kB |
hillafbe.bmp | 01.05.08 | 28.47 kB |
hillafbe.jpg | 01.05.08 | 5.38 kB |
hillafbg.gif | 01.04.08 | 14.54 kB |
hillafbi.bmp | 01.04.08 | 162.27 kB |
hillafbj.jpg | 01.04.08 | 7.33 kB |
hillafbp.jpg | 01.04.08 | 12.04 kB |
install.txt | 01.08.08 | 5.58 kB |
Sound | 01.07.08 | 0 B |
eh101_1.wav | 12.31.07 | 469.67 kB |
eh101_10.wav | 01.01.08 | 126.31 kB |
eh101_11.wav | 01.01.08 | 88.81 kB |
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eh101_14.wav | 01.02.08 | 70.06 kB |
eh101_15.wav | 01.02.08 | 80.61 kB |
eh101_16.wav | 01.05.08 | 72.41 kB |
eh101_17.wav | 01.02.08 | 263.42 kB |
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eth101_27.wav | 01.04.08 | 154.44 kB |
eth101_28.wav | 01.04.08 | 169.67 kB |
eth101_29.wav | 01.04.08 | 105.22 kB |
eth101_30.wav | 01.04.08 | 146.24 kB |
eth101_31.wav | 01.06.08 | 224.75 kB |
eth101_32.wav | 01.06.08 | 60.69 kB |
fighter_1.wav | 01.05.08 | 161.47 kB |
fighter_2.wav | 01.05.08 | 84.12 kB |
goose1_1.wav | 12.31.07 | 113.66 kB |
goose1_2.wav | 12.31.07 | 53.89 kB |
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goose1_7.wav | 01.03.08 | 82.95 kB |
goose1_8.wav | 01.06.08 | 131.00 kB |
goose5_1.wav | 12.31.07 | 88.81 kB |
goose5_2.wav | 12.31.07 | 59.52 kB |
goose5_3.wav | 01.07.08 | 148.58 kB |
goose5_4.wav | 01.02.08 | 235.30 kB |
goose5_5.wav | 01.03.08 | 91.16 kB |
goose5_6.wav | 01.06.08 | 132.17 kB |
goose6_1.wav | 01.01.08 | 84.12 kB |
goose6_2.wav | 01.01.08 | 64.20 kB |
goose7_1.wav | 12.31.07 | 95.84 kB |
goose7_2.wav | 12.31.07 | 59.52 kB |
goose7_3.wav | 01.01.08 | 87.64 kB |
goose7_4.wav | 12.31.07 | 176.70 kB |
goose7_5.wav | 01.07.08 | 222.41 kB |
hill_tower1.wav | 12.31.07 | 56.00 kB |
hill_tower2.wav | 12.31.07 | 58.35 kB |
hill_tower3.wav | 12.31.07 | 43.11 kB |
hill_tower4.wav | 12.31.07 | 109.91 kB |
hill_tower5.wav | 12.31.07 | 140.38 kB |
hill_tower6.wav | 01.04.08 | 126.32 kB |
hill_tower7.wav | 01.05.08 | 323.19 kB |
hill_tower8.wav | 01.06.08 | 106.39 kB |
hill_tower9.wav | 01.06.08 | 104.05 kB |
Marshallbill.wav | 01.05.08 | 467.32 kB |
pilot_1.wav | 01.05.08 | 79.44 kB |
viper1.wav | 12.31.07 | 64.19 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
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Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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i downloaded it but what do you click on to play???????????????? please help me