FSX Maceio Int'l Airport Scenery
Maceio Int'l Airport (SBMO), Brazil. Functional, with taxiway signs. By Gustavo Luna.
- Download hits
- 2.7K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- sbmo_fsx.zip
- File size
- 1.98 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 28 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Maceio Int'l Airport (SBMO), Brazil. Functional, with taxiway signs. By Gustavo Luna.
Maceio Int'l Airport Scenery.
1.Copy the “SBMO - Maceió” folder into the “ADDON SCENERY” folder of your simulator, then go to “settings” ... “library” ... “add”... and activate the scenery. It will be necessary to restart the simulator. This installation procedure makes it easy to remove it later, so it can be done by simply deleting the file.
A special thank you goes to Alexandre Alves.
Important Reminders:
This scenery’s installation does NOT affect in any way the performance of your simulator, of your computer or programs installed in it. Even so, the installation should only be done at your own risk.
This is a Freeware scenery and, as such, can be freely distributed as long as it’s kept in its original and integral form.
Made by Gustavo Luna
Maceio Int'l Airport Scenery.
The archive sbmo_fsx.zip has 68 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
SBMO_4.jpg | 08.23.07 | 69.36 kB |
SBMO_5.jpg | 08.23.07 | 78.79 kB |
SBMO_6.jpg | 08.23.07 | 64.47 kB |
SBMO_7.jpg | 08.23.07 | 66.59 kB |
scenery | 09.05.07 | 0 B |
AFX_SBMO.bgl | 09.03.07 | 19.36 kB |
CamiloMiranda_mb1720a_firetruck_infraero.BGL | 08.23.07 | 467.34 kB |
SBMO_EXC2.BGL | 09.03.07 | 392 B |
SBMO_exclude.BGL | 08.19.07 | 112 B |
SBMO_Ezlandclass.bgl | 08.20.07 | 1.46 kB |
SBMO_objetos.bgl | 08.23.07 | 688.40 kB |
SBMO_postes.BGL | 08.23.07 | 38.53 kB |
texture | 09.05.07 | 0 B |
antena2.bmp | 08.09.07 | 17.05 kB |
branco2.bmp | 08.04.07 | 65.05 kB |
concrete2.bmp | 07.31.07 | 65.05 kB |
FABTelhadoCinzaEscuro.bmp | 02.11.07 | 65.05 kB |
FABTelhadoClaro.bmp | 03.24.07 | 65.05 kB |
FAB_model1.bmp | 04.30.07 | 257.05 kB |
finger_SBNT.bmp | 08.21.07 | 257.05 kB |
finger_SBNT_LM.bmp | 08.21.07 | 257.05 kB |
Firetruck_MB_1720A_main.bmp | 08.04.07 | 65.05 kB |
Firetruck_MB_1720A_texture.bmp | 06.15.07 | 8.07 kB |
flatroof_1.bmp | 02.28.07 | 65.05 kB |
galpao1.bmp | 08.23.07 | 17.05 kB |
Hangar1_ESM.bmp | 07.28.07 | 17.05 kB |
Hangar_LUG.bmp | 08.21.07 | 17.05 kB |
Hangar_LUG1.bmp | 08.22.07 | 257.05 kB |
id_fingers.bmp | 08.20.07 | 65.05 kB |
MB1720A_roda_d.bmp | 06.13.07 | 8.07 kB |
MB1720A_roda_t.bmp | 06.13.07 | 8.07 kB |
muro1.bmp | 08.15.07 | 65.05 kB |
muro2.bmp | 08.15.07 | 65.05 kB |
poste6L.bmp | 04.07.04 | 17.05 kB |
poste6L_LM.bmp | 04.07.04 | 17.05 kB |
preto.bmp | 07.30.07 | 17.05 kB |
Radar.bmp | 07.08.07 | 170.75 kB |
Radar_02.bmp | 07.21.07 | 682.75 kB |
Radar_lm.bmp | 07.08.07 | 170.75 kB |
SBBE.bmp | 05.08.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBBE_window.bmp | 05.12.07 | 17.05 kB |
SBMO_janelas1.bmp | 08.21.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO_janelas1_LM.bmp | 08.23.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO_label.bmp | 08.22.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO_label_LM.bmp | 08.22.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO_TPantigo.bmp | 08.22.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO_window_trans2.bmp | 08.17.07 | 65.05 kB |
SBMO_window_trans2_LM.bmp | 08.23.07 | 65.05 kB |
SBRF_azulejo2.bmp | 06.23.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBSL_green.bmp | 06.10.07 | 17.05 kB |
terminal_cargas.bmp | 07.28.07 | 257.05 kB |
torre.bmp | 08.09.07 | 5.05 kB |
TP_telha1.bmp | 08.20.07 | 65.05 kB |
TP_telha2.bmp | 08.14.07 | 65.05 kB |
TP_verde.bmp | 08.17.07 | 17.05 kB |
VASI.bmp | 06.21.07 | 65.05 kB |
VASPEX.bmp | 08.23.07 | 257.05 kB |
SBMO - Maceió | 09.05.07 | 0 B |
File_ID.DIZ | 09.05.07 | 149 B |
Instalar.txt | 09.05.07 | 1.89 kB |
install.txt | 09.05.07 | 1.22 kB |
Note.txt | 09.05.07 | 108 B |
readme.txt | 09.05.07 | 1.22 kB |
SBMO_1.jpg | 08.23.07 | 54.85 kB |
SBMO_2.jpg | 08.23.07 | 85.17 kB |
SBMO_3.jpg | 08.23.07 | 63.69 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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