FSX Decimomannu Scenery

PreviewDecimomannu (LIED), Italy. An important Italian military airbase located on the island of Sardinia, this field is used by NATO air forces and others for gunnery training. The base has excellent facilities plus there is usually good flying weather. By Bob Hinckley.

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Decimomannu (LIED), Italy. An important Italian military airbase located on the island of Sardinia, this field is used by NATO air forces and others for gunnery training. The base has excellent facilities plus there is usually good flying weather. By Bob Hinckley.

Decimomannu Scenery.

Decimomannu Scenery.


The airfield was used by both the Italian Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during WWII for bombing raids on allied fleets in the Mediterranean. It was subsequently captured and used by the USAAF and the Free French Air Forces to attack axis targets in Italy and France. After the war, it became a preferred location for NATO gunnery training because of the excellent ranges, facilities and good weather. Simulated air warfare exercises are conducted in a manner similar to the “Red Flag” war games used at the ranges around Nellis AFB in Nevada, USA.


Location: N39 21.09 E008 58.35
Elevation: 100 feet, 30.5 meters
Runways: 17R/35L, length 8565 feet, 2611 meters (length); 74 feet, 23 meters (width), asphalt.
17L/36R, length 9810 feet, 2990 meters (length); 148 feet, 45 meters (width), asphalt


VORDME "DEM", 108.25 MHz, range 195 NM (use this navaid for TACAN approaches)
TACAN (default FSX navaid) "DEC", 108.00 MHz, range 195 NM - DME only
NDB "DEC", 331.0 KHz, 75 NM
ILSDME RWY 35R, "IIDN", 110.00 MHz, range 27 NM, course 347 Degrees, 2.8 degree glideslope
ILSDME RWY 17L, "IIDS", 110.10 MHz, range 27 NM, course 167 Degrees, 2.8 degree glideslope


There are 12 start locations, one on each runway and 8 others at various locations around the airport. The locations bear little relation to compass points. Instead, please refer to the "Start Locations" diagram for their positions around the airfield. There are three refueling locations. Both diagrams are in the "Docs" folder.


1. First, uninstall any previous versions of this scenery from your FSX scenery library and then delete that folder.

2. Copy the unzipped "LIED_FSX" folder into your Addon Scenery folder.

3. Activate your new scenery with FSX.


1. There are arming areas located at the north and south ends of the runway and they are marked with signs - see diagram in “Docs” folder.
2. IMPORTANT: Many buildings and trees are visible only at a scenery setting of "DENSE" or greater. However, this setting will place a severe impact upon frame rates unless you have a top end computer.
3. Flying Procedures – refer to the diagrams/plates in the “Docs” and “Charts” folder.


Airport Facilitator X Version 1.0 by Flight One Software/Konstantin was used to make the ILS, VORDME, NDB, taxiways, ramps and to add airport border fences.
Microsoft Corporation, FSX - SDK and game.
SBuilder by Luis Sa for adding objects, flattening, autogen exclusion and photo real texture generation.
Paintshop Pro - Texture editing.
DXT 1 Bitmap Manipulator by Martin Wright for texture editing.
"Instant Scenery" by Flight One software to add objects.
GMAX by Discreet Software to construct signs, red tiled buildings, swimming pool and several other objects.
Objects: Lou Frost for the flag objects, Ron Jeffers for addon highway signs, Sidney Schwartz for flower objects, Len Hickman for the rotating radar, Bill Leaming for the ramp lights and Brett Delana for the large lookout towers.
Library Object Manager (LOM) by The ScruffyDuck Company and Jon Masterson for creation of the refueling areas.


It has been a real plus to have input from very astute and talented individuals. They have helped me improve the scenery package and work out "bugs".

Bill Mackay - Bill is an ex-USN test pilot and has extensive experience flying in the European theatre during the time period. Bill flew into this base numerous time while flying with the Italian squadron 41 Stormo.

Bob Irwin - Bob has extensive flight sim experience and a keen eye for spotting scenery "quirks" and helping me to fix them.

Hubert Peitzmeir - Ex-Luftwaffe F-104/F-4 pilot with extensive flight experience at Decimomannu.

Many thanks to those fine gentlemen.


V1.1 Changes ground textures for better frame rates. Adds some new objects.

This scenery is released as freeware. However, it may not be distributed without my written permission.

Bob Hinckley

Decimomannu Scenery.

Decimomannu Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14

The archive lied_fsx.zip has 230 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ10.09.07344 B
LIED_FSX10.11.070 B
Charts10.11.070 B
decimomannu_LIED_alghero_a_dep.pdf07.12.06144.55 kB
decimomannu_LIED_carbonara_de_dep.pdf07.12.06151.56 kB
decimomannu_LIED_dawn_a_dep.pdf07.12.0697.39 kB
decimomannu_LIED_dawn_b_dep.pdf07.12.0681.02 kB
decimomannu_LIED_decimomannu_ifrtkoff.pdf07.12.0619.26 kB
decimomannu_LIED_decimomannu_radmin.pdf07.12.0618.41 kB
decimomannu_LIED_hi_tacan_arr.pdf07.12.0687.92 kB
decimomannu_LIED_hi_tacan_rwy_17l.pdf07.12.06170.80 kB
decimomannu_LIED_hi_tacan_rwy_35r.pdf07.12.06169.13 kB
decimomannu_LIED_kovas_fg_dep.pdf07.12.06173.43 kB
decimomannu_LIED_kovas_hi_dep.pdf07.12.06154.89 kB
decimomannu_LIED_lied_arpt_dia.pdf07.12.0658.89 kB
decimomannu_LIED_ndb_alghero_dep.pdf07.12.06118.19 kB
decimomannu_LIED_ndb_carbonara_dep.pdf07.12.06154.87 kB
decimomannu_LIED_ramen_cd_dep.pdf07.12.06149.67 kB
decimomannu_LIED_ramen_e_dep.pdf07.12.06131.51 kB
decimomannu_LIED_tabot_ab_dep.pdf07.12.06140.78 kB
decimomannu_LIED_tabot_cd_dep.pdf07.12.06147.13 kB
decimomannu_LIED_tacan_arr.pdf07.12.06100.13 kB
decimomannu_LIED_tacan_rwy_17l.pdf07.12.06157.36 kB
decimomannu_LIED_tacan_rwy_35r.pdf07.12.06153.01 kB
Enroute_Sup.txt09.02.071.41 kB
Enroute_Supplement.jpg09.02.07180.42 kB
pspbrwse.jbf10.11.074.27 kB
Decimomannu Military Air Base V1.1.pdf10.09.071.10 MB
Docs10.11.070 B
AlphaPoints.jpg09.25.07129.74 kB
Display_Settings.jpg09.23.07293.95 kB
LIED_Start_Locations.jpg09.23.0772.29 kB
LIED_Taxiways.jpg09.25.07115.99 kB
pspbrwse.jbf10.11.0717.84 kB
RefuelingAreas.jpg10.09.07102.03 kB
Sardinia.jpg09.25.07151.62 kB
LIED_FSX_ReadmeFirst.txt10.09.074.40 kB
LIED_FSX_v1.110.11.070 B
Decimomannu Military Air Base V1.1.pdf10.09.071.10 MB
LIED_FSX_ReadmeFirst.txt10.09.074.40 kB
scenery10.11.070 B
AFX_LIED.bgl10.08.0766.68 kB
ALPHA_Pts.bgl09.25.07300 B
bldg_windows_lib_4.bgl09.15.076.58 kB
buildings.bgl10.08.071.26 kB
Control_Tower.bgl09.23.07188 B
CVX_LIED_3.BGL10.05.071.15 kB
ez-decorative shrubs.bgl06.08.0637.39 kB
ez_flags_w.bgl03.28.06289.95 kB
Flags.bgl09.25.07380 B
flowers.bgl09.21.071.78 kB
Fueltanks.bgl09.24.07188 B
Fuel_LargeAircraft_S.bgl09.20.07188 B
GAF_Logo.bgl09.22.07140 B
GAF_Logo_Lib.bgl09.22.071.49 kB
Gate.BGL09.24.07140 B
Grass_Lib.bgl09.21.076.38 kB
guardshack.bgl09.17.07236 B
Hangars.bgl09.24.07140 B
IAF_Logo.bgl09.24.07140 B
IAF_Logo_Lib.bgl09.22.071.49 kB
LC_5017.bgl10.08.07502 B
LC_5018.bgl10.08.07558 B
lens_ez_animated.bgl04.17.061.03 MB
LIED_3_OBX.BGL10.05.07584 B
LIED_3_TEXP.BGL10.05.07802 B
LIED_ArrestorCable.bgl09.12.07284 B
LIED_Fuelzone_N.bgl09.17.07188 B
LIED_Fuelzone_S.bgl09.17.07188 B
LIED_Gulls.bgl10.08.07924 B
LIED_NDB.bgl09.04.07204 B
LIED_Radar.bgl09.15.07188 B
Lkout_Twr_lg_Lib.bgl09.16.07122.92 kB
maingate.bgl09.16.07140 B
misc.bgl09.30.0710.57 kB
pooldeck.bgl09.15.071.37 kB
pooldeckobj.bgl09.16.07252 B
poolwater1_Lib.bgl09.15.071.37 kB
poolwater3_Lib.bgl09.30.071.37 kB
R1.bgl10.07.071.32 kB
radar_Lib.bgl09.15.07603.35 kB
radar_tower.bgl10.08.07140 B
RAFSG_Decci_Lib.bgl09.17.071.49 kB
RAFSG_Hangersign.bgl09.17.07140 B
ramplights.bgl09.04.0730.63 kB
RCAF_Logo.bgl09.22.07140 B
RCAF_Logo_Lib.bgl09.22.071.49 kB
RoadSigns.bgl09.24.07332 B
RR_Building2_Lib.bgl09.16.076.52 kB
RR_Buildings.BGL10.08.073.18 kB
Signs.bgl09.05.073.11 MB
TAC_Logo.bgl09.22.07140 B
TAC_Logo_Lib.bgl09.22.071.49 kB
Torus_Lib.bgl09.21.0714.89 kB
Totusob.bgl09.21.07204 B
towers.bgl09.19.07668 B
Trees.BGL10.08.0723.67 kB
Twr_Sign_Lib.bgl09.20.071.46 kB
vehicles.bgl10.08.07140 B
vehicles_LIED.bgl10.08.07732 B
texture10.11.070 B
003X2su3.jpg10.05.07356.25 kB
Ali plate.bmp03.19.0665.05 kB
almwht.bmp04.22.0742.74 kB
almwht.dds04.22.0732.12 kB
asphalt.BMP02.09.0564.78 kB
barrier_signs.bmp03.10.06257.05 kB
BATdeck.bmp05.22.05170.75 kB
BD_lookout_texture.bmp09.15.071.00 MB
Bench_metal.bmp10.23.0465.05 kB
CAflag.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
CAflagR.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
concrt.bmp08.23.07170.74 kB
concrt256.bmp09.15.0765.05 kB
concrt256_LM.bmp09.15.0765.05 kB
corrugated paint.bmp04.14.06257.05 kB
corrugated roof big.bmp04.17.0665.05 kB
corrugated wall studded big.bmp04.15.06257.05 kB
Dirty_white.bmp03.10.0665.05 kB
door red.bmp04.14.0665.05 kB
Dry_Grass.bmp09.21.07170.75 kB
Dry_Grass2.bmp09.21.07170.75 kB
ESDG_ramp.BMP01.09.0532.07 kB
ESDG_ramp_lm.BMP01.09.0532.07 kB
EZ highwaysighns 2.bmp02.06.06170.75 kB
EZgraveldirtA.bmp01.20.06128.07 kB
EZhighwaysighns3.bmp02.04.06170.75 kB
EZ_DIRT3RJ.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_GRAVELGROUND2.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_GRAVELGROUNDgrayGrass.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_GRAVELRJ.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_highwaysighns1.bmp01.22.06170.75 kB
EZ_REDdirtGROUND2.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_REDdirtGROUNDgray1.bmp01.16.06170.75 kB
EZ_telPole.bmp01.27.06170.75 kB
Factory Unit Prefab.bmp09.24.04257.05 kB
Factory Unit Prefab_lm.bmp09.24.04257.05 kB
flowers 1.bmp06.06.0632.07 kB
flowers 10.bmp06.08.06128.07 kB
flowers 2.bmp06.06.0664.07 kB
flowers 3.bmp06.08.0664.07 kB
flowers 4.bmp06.08.0616.07 kB
flowers 5.bmp06.08.0632.07 kB
flowers 6.bmp06.08.0664.07 kB
flowers 7.bmp06.08.0664.07 kB
flowers 8.bmp06.08.0664.07 kB
flowers 9.bmp06.08.06128.07 kB
FSE2.BMP03.12.0542.75 kB
GAF_Logo.bmp09.22.07128.07 kB
gate_sign.bmp03.07.06257.05 kB
GER3-5.BMP12.31.0542.74 kB
Grill_1.bmp03.19.0665.05 kB
hanger_door_108.bmp04.17.0665.05 kB
House.bmp09.10.0742.75 kB
House_LM.bmp05.09.02192.05 kB
IAF_Logo.bmp09.22.07128.07 kB
ITALY2-3.BMP12.31.0542.74 kB
ITLY2-3R.BMP12.31.0542.74 kB
lfgld.bmp01.27.0542.74 kB
lfsteel.bmp01.16.0542.74 kB
LIED_Twr_Elev.bmp09.20.07170.75 kB
metal_L1.bmp12.27.0465.05 kB
Mobile tower Military.bmp01.14.05257.05 kB
Mobile tower.bmp01.13.05257.05 kB
norm.bmp09.21.07170.75 kB
pole.bmp10.13.0542.74 kB
Radar red.bmp03.25.0665.05 kB
radar white.bmp03.26.0665.05 kB
RAFSG_Deci.bmp09.17.07170.75 kB
RCAF.bmp09.22.07170.75 kB
Red_Roof_Tile_2.bmp09.11.0742.75 kB
Red_Roof_Tile_256.bmp09.11.0742.75 kB
Red_Roof_Tile_512.bmp09.14.07192.05 kB
Red_Roof_Tile_512_ST.bmp09.11.0742.75 kB
RJ_concrete1.BMP03.10.05257.05 kB
RJ_ConcreteA.bmp06.28.05128.07 kB
RJ_concreteB.bmp06.28.05128.07 kB
RJ_GROUND.bmp03.13.05170.75 kB
RJ_log11.BMP02.18.05128.07 kB
RJ_sighn_BUDweiser.BMP09.18.07128.07 kB
RJ_sighn_BUDweiser_LM.BMP09.18.07128.07 kB
RJ_sighn_Cocacola.BMP09.18.07128.07 kB
RJ_sighn_Millerlite.BMP09.06.07170.75 kB
RJ_sighn_Millerlite_LM.BMP09.06.07170.75 kB
RJ_sighn_Millerlite_ori.BMP03.16.05128.07 kB
RJ_Sighn_Pepsi.BMP09.06.07170.75 kB
RJ_Sighn_Pepsi_LM.BMP09.05.07170.75 kB
RJ_stopsighn.BMP03.13.05170.75 kB
ROADZ.BMP02.13.0564.78 kB
shrub 11.bmp06.06.0664.07 kB
shrub 12.bmp06.06.0632.07 kB
shrub 13.bmp06.06.0664.07 kB
shrub 15.bmp06.06.0632.07 kB
shrub 17.bmp06.06.0616.07 kB
shrub 18.bmp06.07.0632.07 kB
steel_mast_2.bmp03.14.0665.05 kB
steel_rusty3.bmp02.18.0665.05 kB
step_grate.bmp03.28.0665.05 kB
Stone_tile.bmp05.31.0565.05 kB
studs_top_bot.bmp03.28.0665.05 kB
TAC.bmp09.22.07170.75 kB
test_LM.bmp09.18.07170.75 kB
TIWN2-3.BMP01.01.0642.74 kB
TIWN2-3R.BMP01.01.0642.74 kB
tower_thing.bmp09.22.0765.05 kB
TURK2-3.BMP01.01.0642.74 kB
TURK2-3R.BMP01.01.0642.74 kB
UKflag.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
UKflagR.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
USflag.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
USflagr.bmp12.31.0542.74 kB
Warehouse_Tot.bmp09.16.07170.75 kB
Warehouse_Tot_LM.bmp09.19.07170.75 kB
water2.BMP06.20.0165.05 kB
water2_LM.BMP09.15.0765.05 kB
wh_w1.bmp04.17.036.39 kB
window_dxt.bmp03.03.0685.43 kB
wiremesh.bmp01.15.05128.07 kB
Screenshots10.11.070 B
Armingarea.jpg09.25.0764.60 kB
Front_Gate.jpg10.08.07138.17 kB
hwysigns.jpg09.25.0782.96 kB
LIED_CF104_2.jpg10.08.07127.46 kB
LIED_Control_Tower.jpg09.24.0726.67 kB
LIED_Flowers.jpg10.08.0790.17 kB
pspbrwse.jbf10.09.0713.82 kB
LIED_FSX.gif10.09.079.12 kB
New Folder10.11.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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