FSX W91 And Smith Mountain Lake Scenery

W91 And Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. This is a wishful interpretation of the Smith Mountain Lake Airport (W91) and its neighbor seaport (VA48) as well as major points of interest around the lake 25 miles SE of Roanoke, VA. FSX SP2 and Rwy12 Static Objects Library are required. By Frank Auger.

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W91 And Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. This is a wishful interpretation of the Smith Mountain Lake Airport (W91) and its neighbor seaport (VA48) as well as major points of interest around the lake 25 miles SE of Roanoke, VA. FSX SP2 and Rwy12 Static Objects Library are required. By Frank Auger.

W91 And Smith Mountain Lake Scenery.

W91 And Smith Mountain Lake Scenery.

This is a wishful interpretation of the Smith Mountain Lake Airport(w91) and its neighbor seaport(VA48) as well as some major points of interest around the Lake which is 25 miles SE of Roanoke, VA. FSX SP2 and RWY12 Static Objects Library are required.

To install, unZIP to a temporary folder. Place the contents of the Addon Scenery folder in your FSX Addon Scenery folder and follow your normal procedure for adding scenery areas. Place the contents of the Effects folder in your main FSX Effects folder...no need to overwrite any existing effects if you have them.

There are four folders included in the Addon Scenery folder - three scenery areas and an object library (fja Static Objects library). You may add the library as an additional scenery area or merge its contents with your existing RWY12 static objects library...FSX doesn't care. If you don't have an RWY12 static objects library, or if it doesn't contain all the objects I used to create the scenery, some scenery objects will be missing in FSX. The individual scenery area folders contain the .XML files used to place scenery objects using the RWY12 Object Placer...they should be of some help if you think you are missing some scenery.

I have supplied one folder (ESDG Texture) for optional use. The incuded texture files modify an RWY12 static object to provide an appropriate sign for the marina office at VA48. If you choose to use these textures, place the contents of ESDG Texture in the Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\Texture folder, overwriting the files of the same names; YOU SHOULD BACK UP THE EXISTING FILES FIRST IF YOU EVER WANT THE ORIGINAL SIGN AS THIS CHANGE WILL BE GLOBAL FOR THIS RWY12 OBJECT.

I would like to express my appreciation to Joe Borgess for taking the time to show us around the Smith Mountain Lake Airport and I hope he approves of my "enhancements". Similarly, I apologize in advance to anyone who correctly observes that my attempt to recreate actual scenery objects is, at best, approximate.


Frank Auger

The archive smlscene.zip has 76 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Scenery04.15.080 B
fja_sml_fsx.bgl10.17.074.40 MB
fja_w91_fsx.bgl06.22.074.65 MB
Texture04.15.080 B
ABTCO_~1.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
brick5.dds06.25.07341.45 kB
bubinga.dds01.07.0785.45 kB
coke_machine.dds12.21.0621.45 kB
coke_machine_lm.dds01.03.0710.79 kB
CONC-BLK.dds12.18.0685.45 kB
conc.dds06.25.07341.45 kB
FLAGL_LM.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
GREY_SID.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
kiosk_texture.bmp07.24.0585.40 kB
kiosk_texture_LM.bmp07.24.0585.40 kB
metal_pits.dds06.25.07341.45 kB
MRFlags.dds06.18.0764.12 kB
MRFlags_LM.dds06.18.0764.12 kB
ROOFING.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
STUCCO2.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
TRIM.dds12.21.0685.45 kB
white.dds01.01.07341.45 kB
white_LM.dds01.01.07170.79 kB
woodaged.dds06.25.0785.45 kB
SCENERY.dat06.08.06392 B
scenery10.31.070 B
CVX_smlroads.BGL10.31.071.87 kB
CVX_smlsb.BGL10.11.071.64 kB
excl_HF_Bridge.bgl06.13.07112 B
excl_HF_Bridge.xml06.13.07193 B
fja_hfbridge.BGL06.11.07220 B
fja_hfbridge.xml06.11.07736 B
fja_sml.BGL10.19.074.06 kB
fja_sml.xml10.19.0716.38 kB
marine_strobes_HFB.BGL06.12.071.07 kB
marine_strobes_HFB.xml06.12.071.84 kB
smldam.BGL03.09.07156 B
smldam.xml06.22.07488 B
smlsb_OBX.BGL10.15.072.29 kB
smlsb_TEXP.BGL10.11.074.55 kB
texture08.29.070 B
taxi_asphalt.dds07.06.06682.79 kB
taxi_concrete.dds07.23.06682.79 kB
waterpl.dds08.29.0785.45 kB
SCENERY.dat06.29.05544 B
scenery04.14.080 B
fja_va48_scenery.BGL02.09.07540 B
fja_va48_scenery.xml02.09.072.00 kB
marine_strobes.BGL12.13.06467 B
marine_strobes.xml12.13.06780 B
VA48_ADE_FJA.BGL04.14.08531 B
va48marina.BGL02.09.07220 B
va48marina.xml06.22.07844 B
texture12.11.060 B
SCENERY.dat06.21.05540 B
scenery04.08.080 B
CVX_W91.BGL07.27.07330 B
fja_w91_scenery.bgl12.21.071.21 kB
fja_w91_scenery.xml12.21.074.86 kB
SmithMtLkEXC.BGL03.17.05112 B
W91_ADE_FJA.BGL04.08.087.76 kB
w91_rotating_beacon.bgl08.30.05192 B
texture11.29.060 B
MF_marine_strobe_green_2s.fx02.13.052.69 kB
MF_marine_strobe_red_2s.fx02.13.052.69 kB
MF_marine_strobe_white_2s.fx02.13.052.70 kB
SMLSCENE.gif04.16.088.03 kB
ESDG_office.BMP02.10.071.00 MB
ESDG_office_LM.BMP02.10.071.00 MB
ESDG_office_sign.BMP02.09.071.00 MB
ESDG_office_sign_lm.BMP02.09.071.00 MB
file_id.diz04.16.08307 B
Readme.txt04.16.082.03 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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