FSX Snow Dog Tours Scenery

PreviewSnow Dog Tours v2.0. Includes 147 airports and seaplane bases in Alaska (AK). Includes Glacier Bay National Park. Also includes two aircraft repaints. Replaces all previous versions. By Chris Carel.

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Snow Dog Tours v2.0. Includes 147 airports and seaplane bases in Alaska (AK). Includes Glacier Bay National Park. Also includes two aircraft repaints. Replaces all previous versions. By Chris Carel.

Snow Dog Tours Scenery.

Snow Dog Tours Scenery.

Introduction: First, I would like to thank you for downloading this freeware project. It is a fictional airlines based on “Real World” places. Where possible, I’ve tried to stay as true to the photographs I had available. The “Thank You”(s) for this project are numerous.


There are several Seaplane bases that you will get a “CRASH” when trying to taxi up the ramp. This is due to Microsoft’s scenery mesh and I can not fix it. Tried! But, you can turn off your “Crash Detection”!

1. Microsoft FSX
2. An Amphibious Plane

SPECIAL NOTE: Delete all previous versions.

Special Note on Manual Installation: My previous releases have resulted in a number of e-mail concerning problems after manual installation. All but one of these problems were the result of copying the files to the wrong location! If you are going to manually install the files…..

1. Unzip the downloaded zip file SDTV2.zip
2. You will find:
A. Self Installer.
B. Snow Dog Re-Paints.zip file.
C. HTML Read-Me Folder.
3. Run the “Self Installer and when it says “Browse to your main FSX Installation” Don’t. Browse to a temporary folder.
4. Once installed you find two (2) folder:
A. Addon Scenery
B. Effects.
5. Copy the effects folder to your main FSX installation.
6. Copy the Addon Scenery Folder to you Main FSX installation.

Installation: If your reading this, the files are installed….but, you will need to activate the files in FSX! Order for the this Scenery Add-on is important. From the “Setting - Scenery Library” as show below……

The Sceneries:

After installation, the following Airports and SeaPlane Bases have been modified with custom models, effects and textures:

1. Ketchikan International
2. Wrangell (PAWG)
3. Johnson Petersburg (PAPG)
5. Annette Island (PANT)
6. Sitka (PASI)
7. Murphy’s Pullout 8K9
8. Peninsula Point 9CO
9. Ketchikan Harbor 5KE
10. Metlakata MTM
11. Tamgas Harbor Z43
12. Hydaburg HYG
13. Waterfall KWF
14. Craig CGA
15. Klawock AQC
16. Steamboat Bay WSB
17. Port Alice 16K
18. Nichen Cove AK62
19. Tokeen 57A
20. Bell Island Hot Springs KBE
21. Yes Bay Lodge 78K
22. Meyers Chuck 84K
23. Thorne Bay KTB
24. Kasaan KXA
25. Hollis HYL
26. Loring 13Z
27. Wrangell 68A
28. Coffman Cove KCC
29. Cape Pole Z71
30. North Whale 96Z
31. Port Protection 19P
32. Point Baker KPB
33. Lloyd R. Roundtree 63A
34. Kake KAE
35. Saginaw A23
36. Port Walter PWR
37. Warm Spring Bay BNF
38. Sitka A29
39. False Island 2Z6
40. Chatham CYM
41. Angoon AGN
42. Entrance Island 2Z1
43. Tenakee TKE
44. Taku Harbor A43
45. Snettisham (7AK2)
46. Hoonah (PAOH)
47. Gustavus (PAGS)
48. Juneau International (PAJN)
49. East Alsek River (AK76)
50. Alsek River (A57)
51. Tanis Mesa (A69)
52. Harlequin (A67)
53. Dangerous River (A70)
54. Sitku (A68)
55. Yakutat (PAYA)
56. Icy Bay (19AK)
57. Yakama (PACY)
58. Haines (PAHN)
59. Skagway (PAGY)
60. Hawk Inlet HWI
61. Funter Bay FNR
62. Hoonah OOH
63. Pelican PEC
64. Elfin Cove ELV
65. Bartlett Cove BQV
66. Excursion Inlet EXI
67. Taku Lodge TKL
68. Yakutat 2Y3
69. Haines 3Z9
70. Skagway 7K2
71. Juneau International PAJN
72. Juneau Harbor 5Z1
73. PABR - Wiley Post - Will Rogers Memorial
74. 2AKE - Icy Cape AFS
75. PASC - Deadhorse
76. PAUM - Umiat
77. PARC - Artic Village
78. PABT - Bettles
79. WBQ - Beaver
80. PAEA - Eagle
81. 9AK4 - Artic Angel
82. 16z - McGrath
83. UMM - Summit
84. AK06 - Denali
85. PAIN - McKinley National Park
86. RDV - Red Devil
87. PANI - Anaik
88. PACL - Clear
89. PAVD - Pioneer Valdez
90. PAGK - Gulkana
91. DDT - Duffy's Tavern
92. 15z - McCarthy
93. PAFA - Fairbanks International
94. PANC - Stevens Anchorage International
95. PAUO - Willow
96. PAAQ - Palmer Municipal
97. PAWD - Seward
98. PAHO - Homer
99. PAKN - King Salmon
100. PADQ - Kodiak
101. PACV - Cordova - Smith
102. PAMD - Middleton Island
103. PATK - Talkeenta
104. PAEN - Kenai Mun.
105. 1Z9 - Ellamar
106. PYL - Perry Island
107. 52Z - Summit Lake
108. A27 - Seldovia
109. PAEN - Kenai Mun.
110. ALZ - Alitak
111. KOY - Olga Bay
112. AK81 - Amook Bay
113. WSJ - San Juan
114. 5Z9 - Lake Brooks
115. PAFA- Fairbanks
116. PANC- Anchorage
117. 5BL - Homer - Beluga Lake
118. PPIZ - Point Lay
119. PALU - Cape Lisburne (With SeaPlane Dock)
120. PARD - Red Dog
121. PAVL - Kivalina
122. PAOT - Wien Memorial (With SeaPlane Dock)
123. PAIK - Baker Memorial (With SeaPlane Dock)
124. PADE - Deering
125. PASH - Shismaref
126. DCK - Dahl Creek
127. 2AK6 - Hog River
128. PAGA - Pitka (With SeaPlane Dock)
129. PATC - Tin City (With SeaPlane Dock)
130. PAOM - Nome
131. PAHP - Hooper Bay (With SeaPlane Dock)
132. PAMY - Mekoryuk
133. PAPM - Platinum
134. PASD - Sand Point (With SeaPlane Dock)
135. PACD - Cold Bay (With SeaPlane Dock)
136. PACS - Cape Sarichef (With SeaPlane Dock)
137. PADU - Unalaska (With SeaPlane Dock)
138. PADK - Adak (With SeaPlane Dock)
139. ATU - Casco Cove Coast Guard Station (With SeaPlane Dock)

In addition: There’s Glacier Bay National Park. Glacier Bay has 6 seaplane bases, a mountain top base camp where ultra-lights and helicopters can be landed and a “Helicopter Only” bar off one of the islands….Here’s what they are and how to find them…

GBS1 108.10 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 1
GBS2 108.20 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 2
GBS3 108.30 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 3
GBS4 108.40 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 4
GBS5 108.50 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 5
GBS6 108.60 Glacier Bay SeaPlane Dock 6

GBS7 108.70 Base camp at approximately 5000 feet helicopter and ultra-light landing area.

GBS8 108.80 Norther Lights Bar “Helicopter Only” A place to rest, relax and watch ships and whales (if I could ever figure out how to do that).

FLIGHTS - Didn’t do them this time….needed the space. You should be able to find each of the sceneries with the information provided above!


There is a second folder titled “RE-Paints”. This folder has sub-folders which have textures for the identified aircraft. I have included Read-Me instructions for each repaint……In addition, I included a folder call “PAINT PACK” it has .bmp files with the Snow Dog Tours Logos and with the color I choose to use!

Repaint as much as you want….I look forward to more planes with the LOGO!

I hope you enjoy this scenery…..as much, as I enjoyed creating it.

Enjoy…….and happy Flying

Chris “MoCat” Carel

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive sdtv2.zip has 13 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Read-Me06.14.080 B
HTML Read-Me.htm06.14.0816.59 kB
Image258.gif06.14.08125.92 kB
Image259.gif06.14.08100.98 kB
Image260.gif06.14.0895.37 kB
Image261.gif06.14.0889.89 kB
Read-Me_SDT_Version2.txt06.14.0810.17 kB
Thumbs.db06.14.0820.00 kB
Snow Dog Re-Paints.zip06.14.0837.30 MB
Snow Dog Tours Version2.exe06.14.0856.59 MB
SDTV206.14.080 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

David IsraelMon, 14 Mar 2022 20:43:03 GMT

I was surprised to see just how much effort went into this! If you love bush flying in Alaska, then this scenery is something you need, love it.

BeardSpriteSat, 22 Jul 2017 17:40:47 GMT

I'm new to FSX, and was delighted to find this scenery package - it livens up my chosen flight area very nicely. The layouts may not be "real" but they certainly bring some much needed life to the region.

I particularly like the Feris Wheel at Skagway ;D

I suspect, in time, I will replace much of the extras in this set with payware, but until then, Snow Dog Tours will serve me very well indeed!

ShawnTue, 05 Mar 2013 20:44:02 GMT

Great scenery package! It employs a very high level of detail and is reasonably accurate. This scenery package is recommended to any FSX user who flies around Alaska or is interested in exploring the region!

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