FSX Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 3

Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 3: Melbourne Helipads. Includes two helipads on the Yarra River in the heart of the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. By Anthony Lynch.

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Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 3: Melbourne Helipads. Includes two helipads on the Yarra River in the heart of the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. By Anthony Lynch.

Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 3.

Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 3.

2 helipads on the Yarra River in the heart of the CBD of Melbourne, Australia.

NOTE: It is essential that you have installed the FTX Blue textures.


Note: If you have Ants Aussie Airports Vol 1 or Vol 2 then this scenery will install into the same folder as Vol 1 or Vol 2. This is to prevent your scenery library from filling up with individual entries for each Volume. You do not need to have Vol 1 or Vol 2 installed to use this scenery and you can install any Volume of Ants Aussie Airports at a later date if you wish.

This scenery makes no changes to your default installation nor does it install things into default folders.

1. Unzip the download into a temporary folder.

2. Move the "Ants Aussie Airports" folder into the "Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon scenery" folder. If you installed any other "Ants Aussie Airports" then you should already have a folder "Ants Aussie Airports".

3. Start FSX and select "SETTINGS". In the "Other settings" section on the right of the screen select "Scenery Library". If you have installed any "Ants Aussie Airports" pack before then you will have already added it to the scenery library and you should skip to step 6.

4. I select "Add Area".

5. Navigate to the "Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports" folder and select "OK".

6. Ensure the Scenery area "Ants Aussie Airports" is above the FTX entries and click "OK" (see below for a screenshot). Please note, if you have installed any of the ORBX products to check your scenery library. I've found that sometimes the ORBX installer will mess with the order of your scenery library and will place the FTX files at the top of the list.

You are now ready to fly so select one of the airfields listed on the following pages.

YWTC: World Trade Centre Helipad. A helipad built on two pontoons.

YYBK: Yarra Bank Helipad. There are two helipads on the one pontoon here. Just to the west are the offices for the helipad in a funny little tower on the bank of the river. This helipad services the Crown Casino on the opposite bank of the river.


You may have noticed these mentioned in the installation instructions and you are wondering what they are. Well, these are airport packs which contain 6 airports in each pack. Volume 1 contains: Cooma, Polo Flat, Adaminaby, Tumut, Khancoban and Geehi. Volume 2 contains: Gundaroo, Wilton , Wedderburn, Evans Head, Sth Grafton , Casino and a super special secret bonus airport.

Each pack contains photoreal ground textures as well as custom 3D objects. Each pack is self contained and you can install them in any order that you like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this manual and I hope you enjoy the scenery

Anthony Lynch

The archive antsaus3.zip has 20 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Readme.txt12.05.083.79 kB
Documentation12.05.080 B
Ants Aussie Airports 3 Manual.txt12.05.083.79 kB
scenery12.05.080 B
aaa3 Melb Helipads ModelLib.bgl12.02.0845.99 kB
aaa3 Melb Helipads ModelLib.txt12.02.08385 B
aaa3 Melb Helipads.BGL12.05.08410 B
AFX_aaa3_YWTC Melb Helipad.bgl12.05.08893 B
AFX_aaa3_YYBK Melb Helipad.bgl12.05.08901 B
CVX_AntsYarraRiverFlatten.BGL12.05.08228 B
texture12.05.080 B
VOZ_ants_YWTC.dds12.01.08170.79 kB
VOZ_ants_YWTCgrid.dds12.01.082.79 kB
VOZ_ants_YWTCmesh.dds12.01.0821.44 kB
VOZ_ants_YYBK.dds12.01.08170.79 kB
VOZ_ants_YYBK_LM.dds12.01.08170.79 kB
VOZ_ants_YYBKMesh.dds12.01.082.79 kB
You have aaa Vol 3 installed.txt12.05.08272 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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