FSX Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery

PreviewTurkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery. VFR scenery of Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield and surroundings for FSX (SP2). Inonu Airfield, also known as Turkish Aeronautical Association Inonu Training Center is the main glider training center of Turkey. The scenery contains detailed and realistic sc...

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Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery. VFR scenery of Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield and surroundings for FSX (SP2). Inonu Airfield, also known as Turkish Aeronautical Association Inonu Training Center is the main glider training center of Turkey. The scenery contains detailed and realistic scenery and autogen placement and some photoreal texture components. By Sunay Kilic.

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery.

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery.

VFR scenery of Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield and surroundings for FSX (SP2). Inonu Airfield, also known as Turkish Aeronautical Association Inonu Training Center (in Turkish: Türk Hava Kurumu - THK), is the main glider training center of Turkey. There are also parachuting, hang gliding, paragliding and ballooning courses in the summer season. The airfield is active not only by glider flights but also by parachuting jumps all during the summer.

The airfield scenery is mainly done by Instant Scenery using mainly default objects, and contains realistic placement of scenery and autogen and has some photoreal components (with kind permission of Google). There are also some Acceleration objects used, so the owners of Acceleration Pack can also see these objects.The surrounding area (mostly the hills) of the airfield is also covered for a more realistic gliding experience.

Is done the usual FSX way. (i.e. Extract the LTIN INONU folder to your favorite scenery files folder, and from FSX main screen select SETTINGS, SCENERY LIBRARY, ADD AREA and add the INONU folder.

Scenery is made by Instant Scenery, Instant Object Maker, SbuilderX, ADE, FS Design Studio and Microsoft FSX SP2 SDK.
The scenery contains also some simple static aircraft models:
PZL-104 Wilga (the main glider tug aircraft of THK, used in addition to and as a backup to the auto-winch)
The static PZL-104 Wilga model is mine and is done by FSDS (it has 700 polygons).
SZD-50-3 Puchacz (the main training glider of THK)
The static Puchacz model is mine and is done by FSDS (it has 280 polygons).
Antonov An-2 (the main parachuting aircraft of THK):
The An-2 model is by Paul Clawson (Freeflight Design Shop) and the textures are by Miloslav Wolf, done by Nikolai Samsonov's paint kit. The FSDS model and texture adaptation as a static model is done by me.

The static aircraft can be eliminated by deleting the related bgl files, if you have performance issues.


First set your flight, season/time(summer, day), weather and your favorite glider.
Select Turkey/Eskisehir/Inonu (LTIN) runway 33 as the starting point.
Call the tow aircraft: CTRL+SHIFT+Y
Raise till 400m AGL (or till 4000 ft above sea level), and
Release cable: SHIFT+Y
Turn East, heading reference point is the Eskisehir Cement Factory , yellow hills in the horizon.
Seeing Inonu town on your right wing turn South towards Inonu town and the hills.
As the white main hangar of the airfield is arriving at your right wing tip turn towards the hangar, you have to see the white hangar on the right side of the nose.
Apply air brakes (1/3, or a required) to descend to 120 m AGL (or 3150 ft above sea level) and level out, you have to be 100 m AGL above the main hangar.
As you arrive the main hangar turn towards the runway 33, use 2cm airbrakes during the turn, and after the turn use nearly full airbrakes and nose down to maintain approach speed. Level out (close the airbrakes as you rotate) a few feet from the ground and flare, and as you touch the ground open full airbrakes and apply the tire brake.

I was there in the the summer of 1989. So the scenery is done partially from memory and from photographs.

Nice flights,

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery.

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8

The archive ltin09x.zip has 159 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
readme-TR.txt04.25.094.67 kB
scenery04.25.090 B
Ata.bgl04.05.0914.94 kB
border.bgl04.23.09972 B
Cimento2m.bgl03.17.09439.15 kB
CVX_INONU.BGL03.30.095.90 kB
exting.bgl04.19.093.76 kB
Hanglider.bgl03.23.092.88 kB
havuz.bgl04.04.09768 B
inonu2m_large_Area2.bgl03.19.0914.16 MB
inonu-tab1.bgl04.04.09768 B
inonu-tab2.bgl04.04.091.64 kB
inonu-tab3.bgl04.04.09768 B
is-LTIN.bgl04.25.0929.03 kB
kartal.bgl04.04.0920.53 kB
LC_5517.bgl03.20.09676 B
LC_5617.bgl03.20.09733 B
LTIN_ADE.BGL04.19.093.11 kB
Pole.bgl04.05.093.34 kB
Static_An-2ST.bgl04.25.0991.53 kB
Static_Puchacz.bgl04.21.0919.09 kB
Static_PZL-104.bgl04.21.0952.75 kB
tepeler2m_Area.bgl03.20.092.41 MB
Vinc.bgl03.23.093.21 kB
texture04.25.090 B
_deneme.bmp04.18.091.33 MB
013100222020120an.agn03.20.09320 B
013100222020121an.agn03.20.09288 B
013100222020122an.agn03.20.09228 B
013100222020123an.agn03.20.09648 B
013100222020130an.agn03.20.091.16 kB
013100222020131an.agn03.20.091.30 kB
013100222020132an.agn03.20.09828 B
013100222020133an.agn03.20.09368 B
013100222020220an.agn04.24.09632 B
013100222020221an.agn04.24.09216 B
013100222020222an.agn04.24.09668 B
013100222020223an.agn04.24.091.18 kB
013100222020230an.agn04.24.093.57 kB
013100222020231an.agn04.24.092.06 kB
013100222020232an.agn04.24.093.01 kB
013100222020233an.agn04.24.093.65 kB
013100222020303an.agn04.24.09256 B
013100222020311an.agn04.24.09112 B
013100222020312an.agn04.24.092.84 kB
013100222020313an.agn04.24.091.92 kB
013100222020321an.agn04.24.09416 B
013100222020322an.agn04.24.091.25 kB
013100222020323an.agn04.24.092.79 kB
013100222020330an.agn04.24.092.41 kB
013100222020331an.agn04.24.092.91 kB
013100222020332an.agn04.24.092.90 kB
013100222020333an.agn04.24.094.33 kB
013100222021020an.agn03.20.09660 B
013100222021022an.agn03.20.09192 B
013100222021200an.agn04.24.09152 B
013100222021202an.agn04.24.093.23 kB
013100222021203an.agn04.24.091.61 kB
013100222021212an.agn04.24.091.70 kB
013100222021213an.agn04.24.092.00 kB
013100222021220an.agn04.24.093.55 kB
013100222021221an.agn04.24.092.27 kB
013100222021222an.agn04.24.093.87 kB
013100222021223an.agn04.24.0913.16 kB
013100222021230an.agn04.24.092.45 kB
013100222021231an.agn04.24.093.04 kB
013100222021232an.agn04.24.097.13 kB
013100222021233an.agn04.24.094.46 kB
013100222021302an.agn04.24.091.05 kB
013100222021303an.agn04.24.09648 B
013100222021320an.agn04.24.092.54 kB
013100222021321an.agn04.24.091.03 kB
013100222021322an.agn04.24.092.68 kB
013100222021323an.agn04.24.092.35 kB
013100222021330an.agn04.24.09368 B
013100222021332an.agn04.24.092.53 kB
013100222021333an.agn04.24.09144 B
013100222022000an.agn04.24.09488 B
013100222022001an.agn04.24.09488 B
013100222022002an.agn04.24.09112 B
013100222022003an.agn04.24.09824 B
013100222022010an.agn04.24.09740 B
013100222022011an.agn04.24.092.03 kB
013100222022012an.agn04.24.09724 B
013100222022013an.agn04.24.091.56 kB
013100222022021an.agn04.24.0996 B
013100222022030an.agn04.24.091.04 kB
013100222022031an.agn04.24.091.36 kB
013100222022032an.agn04.24.09292 B
013100222022033an.agn04.24.09720 B
013100222022100an.agn04.24.091.27 kB
013100222022101an.agn04.24.09896 B
013100222022102an.agn04.24.09984 B
013100222022103an.agn04.24.09580 B
013100222022110an.agn04.24.091.28 kB
013100222022111an.agn04.24.091.75 kB
013100222022112an.agn04.24.091.08 kB
013100222022113an.agn04.24.09820 B
013100222022120an.agn04.24.091.26 kB
013100222022121an.agn04.24.09616 B
013100222022122an.agn04.24.09488 B
013100222022123an.agn04.24.09652 B
013100222022130an.agn04.24.09692 B
013100222022131an.agn04.24.09832 B
013100222022132an.agn04.24.09564 B
013100222022133an.agn04.24.09212 B
013100222023000an.agn04.24.093.03 kB
013100222023001an.agn04.24.094.37 kB
013100222023002an.agn04.24.09564 B
013100222023003an.agn04.24.091.31 kB
013100222023010an.agn04.24.093.41 kB
013100222023011an.agn04.24.091.60 kB
013100222023012an.agn04.24.09660 B
013100222023013an.agn04.24.091.09 kB
013100222023020an.agn04.24.09652 B
013100222023021an.agn04.24.09664 B
013100222023023an.agn04.24.09284 B
013100222023030an.agn04.24.09552 B
013100222023031an.agn04.24.09388 B
013100222023032an.agn04.24.09264 B
013100222023100an.agn04.24.092.17 kB
013100222023101an.agn04.24.091.27 kB
013100222023102an.agn04.24.09968 B
013100222023103an.agn04.24.091.50 kB
013100222023110an.agn04.24.091.45 kB
013100222023111an.agn04.24.09112 B
013100222023112an.agn04.24.091.78 kB
013100222023120an.agn04.24.09268 B
013100222023121an.agn04.24.09748 B
013100222023122an.agn04.24.0996 B
013100222023130an.agn04.24.09452 B
013100222023132an.agn04.24.09124 B
013100222030302an.agn03.20.091.88 kB
013100222030303an.agn03.20.09364 B
013100222030320an.agn03.20.09320 B
An2_tex.bmp04.25.091.33 MB
AreaThumbnail_Lp2_SnapOff_N039505991_N039473629_E030045528_E030092657.bmp03.10.0964.05 kB
Ata_00.bmp04.05.0942.74 kB
Border_00.bmp04.23.09341.40 kB
Hanglide_00.bmp03.23.09341.40 kB
havuz_00.bmp04.04.0985.40 kB
kapi_00.bmp04.04.0985.40 kB
Kartal_00.bmp04.04.0942.74 kB
puchaz.bmp04.21.091.33 MB
tab1_00.bmp04.04.09341.40 kB
tabela1_00.bmp04.04.09341.40 kB
Vinc_00.bmp03.23.0985.40 kB
wilga.bmp04.18.091.33 MB
01.jpg04.23.09504.80 kB
02.jpg04.23.09441.24 kB
03.jpg04.23.09412.60 kB
04.jpg04.23.09441.80 kB
05.jpg04.23.09353.45 kB
06.jpg04.23.09341.45 kB
07.jpg04.25.09230.20 kB
08.jpg04.25.09337.46 kB
readme.txt04.26.093.31 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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