FSX A Day At The Seaside Scenery

PreviewScenery A Day At The Seaside for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Horizon VFR Photographic Scenery Generation X (Vol. 1). This scenery contains two fun (but virtually unknown) UK seaside airfields in West Sussex, EGKC at Bognor Regis with a tarmac runway capable of taking GA twins and a small gra...

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Scenery A Day At The Seaside for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Horizon VFR Photographic Scenery Generation X (Vol. 1). This scenery contains two fun (but virtually unknown) UK seaside airfields in West Sussex, EGKC at Bognor Regis with a tarmac runway capable of taking GA twins and a small grass airstrip at Bracklesham Bay for light GA and micro-light traffic only. Set the season to summer, the weather to sunny and head for the coast! Includes autogen trees and other local scenery objects, additional downloads are required. By Trevor Clark.

A Day At The Seaside Scenery.

A Day At The Seaside Scenery.

Installing this scenery…….
It is essential that you download and install a range of 'Third Party' scenery libraries.

These downloads (in green) need to installed AND activated within FSX (via the settings/Scenery Library/Add Scenery method) before they will appear.

If you have installed my previous scenery for Hamble and or Oxenhope, please proceed to Step Two as you will already have the required files on your PC. If you have any of my other sceneries, please just download and install the second file in Step One.

Step one…. It is essential that you download and install a range of 'Third Party' scenery libraries.

These downloads need to installed AND activated within FSX (via the settings/Scenery Library/Add Scenery method) before they will appear. See the attached read-me files for more information. To see the stone walls and fences at Oxenhope, please download EZ Scenery by Len Hickman.

Name: lens_ez_scenery.zip Size: 25,470,147 Date: 10-20-2009 Downloads: 549
FS2004 Lens EZ Scenery Volume 1. A collection of scenery objects. By Len Hickman.

I have also used many items from the great collection of British scenery by the UK VFR group, if you have any of my previous sceneries, they will not be needed as you will already have them installed.

Name: ukvfr.zip Size: 44,781,123 Date: 02-28-2008 Downloads: 1,669
FSX UK VFR Add-ons. A scenery set required by many add-on sceneries, made easy to download and set up for FSX. Some of the libraries don't work with FSX but the majority are okay. Uploaded with permission from Alan Fidler. By Neil Birch.

Step Two…..

Installing the ‘A Day at the Seaside’add-on scenery itself……

Once you have installed the above files, copy the file included in this zip called ‘A Day at the Seaside’into your FSX add-on scenery file; it will be something like this ….
C\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addonscenery\ A Day at the Seaside, depending on what letter drive you have your FSX installed. C drive is the most common.

You must then activate the scenery by selecting (within the menu of FSX) settings-scenery Library- Add Scenery. A box will be displayed showing your FSX folder. Click on add-on scenery to open this file and then highlight (with your mouse) the folder called A Day at the Seaside Whilst high-lighted, click OK. The simulator will take a few minutes to build a new data base and will the return to the menu page.

One installed the airfields can be found in the ‘Go to’ menu under either its code for Bognor (EGCK) or by the name LEC airfield and under the name Bracklesham Bay for the smaller airfield.

Step Three (Optional)
Bothe airfields have some compex surroundings, so I decided to make a simple version for most casual users (with an average PC set-up) and include some extra detail scenery objects for those who have the system to cope with complex sceneries or just love eye-candy. They add more houses and the holiday camp at Bracklesham and a busier industrial estate alongside LEC. These files (to be found in the Seaside Extra Objects folder) should just be cut from there and pasted into your main A Day at the Seaside /scenery in FSX that you have just installed. If you have run FSX with A Day at the Seaside first, you will need to refresh the scenery library to see the additions. See enclosed’ Seaside extras’ read-me for details

If you have a good PC set up and want to see the LEC Piper Aztecs at Bognor Regis and the banner towing Cessna 172 parked at Bracklesham Bay, download and install (as step two above) this collection of great static aircraft and add the files called LEC airfield static Aztec and Bracklesham static Cessna 172’ as above.

Step Four. (Optional)

Autogen Trees Option….

I have made a set of autogen tress that add a bit of interest and help navigate around the airfield circuit at low level, to improve the performance on more modest PCs, I have made some (but not all) of the trees surrounding the airfield autogen as well.

To install these trees, place the entire contents of the file called ‘Seaside Trees’ into the drive where you keep your Horizon VFR Gen X folder, following the path below…

*F:\VFR-Gen-X-2.0\Volume1\Area3\2.4m Photo\texture

*My scenery is on F drive (it is better if you have the option to install all the Horizon VFR X scenery on a DIFFERENT drive to FSX and your Windows operating system, but not essential.), yours may well be on C:\

Please Note…
If FSX is running, you may need to re-start it to see the trees.

Because of the way autogen is created, the trees in the above file should have little impact on frame rates.

Performance Issues?
With just the standard airfield as set out in Step 2, most users should be able to run this scenery at reasonable frame rates. Reducing any auto gen trees to a ‘normal’ setting may help. If you are reading this several years from now (early 2010), you should be able to use all the ‘extra files’ I have provided.

The scenery has not been tested using default scenery, and will not work in any other simulator other than FSX. Not tested in DX10

More Information
I spent most of my life within 6 miles of these two sceneries and until recently knew very little about them.

Bracklesham Bay
I am told that the actor Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney in the BBC’s ‘Only Fools and Horses TV show and a lifelong resident whose father owned the holiday park featured at Bracklesham in the late 1960s) used to fly out of there for trips to the Isles of Wight. The banner towing came to an end with a tragic fatal accident in 2005 not caused by the airfield, but by pilot fatigue, according the AAIB report.
It is not known if the airfield is currently in use.

Bognor Regis
I first heard about this odd airfield (built by LEC chairman Charles Purley, possibly in 1948 when he set up a factory to make household refrigerators nearby) when my late father got to know the pilot of the LEC Piper Aztec about 40 years ago.
As well as the Aztec, the airfield was home to a Pitts Special belonging to the LEC chairman’s son David, a former Formula One racing driver. Always a speed fan, David was killed flying his Pitts from Bognor when it crashed into the sea one sunny evening during an aerobatic routine. I was witness to the attempted rescue by an SAR helicopter.

Comms Frequencies (Fictional)
LEC Bognor Multicom 122.6
Bracklesham Bay Multicom 123.300

Finding the sceneries!
I suggest flying to Goodwood (EGHR) which has a good VOR/DME used by all LGW southerly arrivals and departures.
From there, Bracklesham is 6.4 miles south/south west on a course of 210 and LEC Bognor is 4.9 miles (DME) on a course of 125. If you are flying along the coast without radio navigation, both airfields are roughly half way between the cities of Portsmouth and Brighton, with the prominent Selsey Bill between them.

Known problems with this release.
I have not included any housing auto-gen mainly because Bognor will possibly slow down most PC systems, being very built up around the town and airfield. This is a policy I have used on my previous projects and will await any feedback in the future.

Future Releases….
A day at the seaside is the seventh in a planned series of freeware UK airfields for FSX and Horizon VFR GenX scenery all of which are currently missing from the flight simulation world! Currently underway are RAF Tangmere in West Sussex and Maypole airfield in Kent, amongst others.


I would like to thank the team at UK VFR, Len Hickman and the other designers whose objects I use on my sceneries for the superb library objects used and also the designers at Scruffy Duck for ADE9X. A special mention must be made to scenery guru Tony Meredith for answering my regular queries and my beta tester Ted (baron58) for ensuring I do not make too many mistakes.

I dedicate this scenery to the late David Purley GM a real ‘racer’ in everything he did.

A Day At The Seaside Scenery.

A Day At The Seaside Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive seaside.zip has 101 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
A day at the Seaside for FSX01.07.100 B
A day at the seaside01.06.100 B
A day at the Seaside for FSX Instructions.doc01.07.10409.00 kB
scenery01.01.100 B
0XBB_ADEX_TJ.BGL12.30.09728 B
Bracklesham bay airfield.bgl12.31.097.87 kB
cvxBRACKLESHAM.BGL12.30.09236 B
cvxLEC BLEND.BGL12.31.09625 B
EGKC_ADEX_TJ.BGL01.01.101.85 kB
LEC airfield trees.bgl12.31.093.29 kB
LEC airfield.bgl12.31.092.45 kB
texture01.06.100 B
Bracklesham Bay.jpg01.01.10200.88 kB
File Description.txt01.07.10556 B
LEC Airfield.jpg01.01.10146.64 kB
Seaside extra objects01.01.100 B
Bracklesham airfield extra details.bgl01.01.102.48 kB
Bracklesham static Cessna 172.bgl01.01.10140 B
LEC airfield extra details.bgl01.01.101.84 kB
LEC airfield extras.bgl12.31.09828 B
LEC airfield static aztec.bgl01.01.10140 B
seaside trees01.03.100 B
010331333202320an.agn12.02.09640 B
010331333202321an.agn12.02.09380 B
010331333202322AN.AGN12.02.091.37 kB
010331333202323AN.AGN12.02.092.20 kB
010331333202330an.agn12.02.09404 B
010331333202331an.agn12.02.09164 B
010331333202332an.agn12.02.09432 B
010331333202333AN.AGN12.02.091.30 kB
010331333203222AN.AGN12.02.091.17 kB
010331333203223AN.AGN12.02.09560 B
010331333212213an.agn01.03.10392 B
010331333212222an.agn01.03.10392 B
010331333212223an.agn01.03.10496 B
010331333212230an.agn01.03.10240 B
010331333212231an.agn01.03.10416 B
010331333212232an.agn01.03.101.40 kB
010331333212233an.agn01.03.101.19 kB
010331333212302an.agn01.03.10340 B
010331333212320an.agn01.03.10304 B
010331333212322an.agn01.03.10800 B
010331333220010an.agn01.03.10112 B
010331333220011an.agn01.03.10624 B
010331333220012an.agn01.03.102.47 kB
010331333220013an.agn01.03.101.01 kB
010331333220030an.agn01.03.10364 B
010331333220031an.agn01.03.10112 B
010331333220100an.agn01.03.1096 B
010331333220101an.agn01.03.1096 B
010331333220102an.agn01.03.10440 B
010331333220112an.agn01.03.10600 B
010331333220113an.agn01.03.10336 B
010331333220120an.agn01.03.10144 B
010331333220121an.agn01.03.10144 B
010331333220123an.agn01.03.10112 B
010331333220130an.agn01.03.10392 B
010331333220131an.agn01.03.101.71 kB
010331333220132an.agn01.03.101.16 kB
010331333220133an.agn01.03.10872 B
010331333220310an.agn01.03.10360 B
010331333221002an.agn01.03.10336 B
010331333221003an.agn01.03.10176 B
010331333221020an.agn01.03.10192 B
010331333221021an.agn01.03.10488 B
010331333221022an.agn01.03.10544 B
010331333221023an.agn01.03.10280 B
010331333221030an.agn01.03.10216 B
010331333221031an.agn01.03.10224 B
010331333221033an.agn01.03.10132 B
010331333221101an.agn01.03.10112 B
010331333221103an.agn01.03.10480 B
010331333221110an.agn01.03.10168 B
010331333221111AN.AGN01.03.102.52 kB
010331333221112an.agn01.03.10872 B
010331333221113an.agn01.03.103.89 kB
010331333221121an.agn01.03.10776 B
010331333221130an.agn01.03.101.73 kB
010331333221131an.agn01.03.10608 B
010331333221200an.agn01.03.10416 B
010331333221201an.agn01.03.10184 B
010331333221210an.agn01.03.10192 B
010331333221211an.agn01.03.10476 B
010331333221212an.agn01.03.10208 B
010331333221221an.agn01.03.1096 B
010331333230000an.agn01.03.10160 B
010331333230001an.agn01.03.10836 B
010331333230002an.agn01.03.101.87 kB
010331333230003an.agn01.03.10996 B
010331333230010an.agn01.03.101.49 kB
010331333230011an.agn01.03.101.91 kB
010331333230012an.agn01.03.101.45 kB
010331333230013an.agn01.03.10672 B
010331333230020an.agn01.03.10112 B
010331333230100an.agn01.03.10544 B
010331333230102an.agn01.03.10112 B
Text only instructions.txt01.06.1010.33 kB
Thumbs.db01.05.105.50 kB
thunbnail.jpg01.06.1010.10 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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