FSX Scotland Landclass Scenery
Scotland Landclass Scenery UK v2. The file includes accurate landclass scenery for the entire Highland and Grampian Region of Scotland, along with the Islands in the Hebridean Group, the Orkneys and the Shetland Islands. The landclass was created using the design tool SBuilderX, where the landcla...
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- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- scotland.zip
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- 77.83 KB
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Scotland Landclass Scenery UK v2. The file includes accurate landclass scenery for the entire Highland and Grampian Region of Scotland, along with the Islands in the Hebridean Group, the Orkneys and the Shetland Islands. The landclass was created using the design tool SBuilderX, where the landclass was derived (by hand) from background satellite photos. The landclass depicts cities, towns, medium sized villages, forests, farmland and mountain land usage to an accuracy of about 1 sq km. By Anthony Dyer.
Satellite image of Scotland.
Copy the scotland folder into your addon scenery folder and then add the scotland folder into your scenery library. Replace any previous files from version 1 or 2 of this scenery. Ensure the priority is set below any addon airports for scotland.
The file includes accurate landclass scenery for the entire Highland and Grampian Region of Scotland, along with the Islands in the Hebridean Group, the Orkneys and the Shetland Islands. The landclass was created using the design tool SBuilderX, where the landclass was derived (by hand) from background satellite photos. The landclass depicts Cities, Towns, Medium Sized Villages, Forests, Farmland and mountain land usage to an accuracy of about 1sqkm
With most of Scotland now covered in custom landclass, It's now possible to fly all the way from Aberdeen to Islay with custom towns and villages in the places where you would expect to see them. No longer do you have to put up with tree covered mountain ranges either! Rocky mountains such as the Grey Corries, Beinn Eighe in Torridon and the Cairngorms are depicted as just that: Rocky! While the Black Cuillin of Skye is depicted in the dark gabbro rock so unique to that chain of mountains.
The ultimate aim of this scenery project is to cover the whole of scotland with accurate landclass, roads, rivers and lakes as depicted in Open Street Map.
The plan for future releases is as follows:
Version 4: Landclass for the central belt of Scotland + Existing landclass
Version 5: Landclass for the whole of scotland
Version 6: Open Street Map Incorporation.
Work with Open Street Map has so far been limited to poking about with railway shape files. For me there's a lot to learn. Once I've mastered things like customising different types of railway (i.e. mainline, dismantled narrow gauge etc...) into their desired parameters then I can start to bring these features into the official release of this scenery. For the time being, they remain on my harddisk.
Known Issues:
Lack of suitable landclass texture for heather clad terrain. For the time being I have used landclass code 44 (Mire, Bog, Fen) for such terrain, however this is a lighter terrain colour compared to the brown colour that such terrain actually is. I will be looking into a possible custom texture for such terrain.
The depiction of fields in Landclass seems to be limited to arable crops with tree lined boundaries. This isn't the desired effect for crofting locations of scotland, which tend to be a lot more open. Again, a custom terrain may be required for this type of landclass.
The archive scotland.zip has 10 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
scenery | 06.28.10 | 0 B |
LC_4611.bgl | 07.16.10 | 18.45 kB |
LC_4711.bgl | 07.16.10 | 8.86 kB |
landclass.jpg | 07.16.10 | 40.14 kB |
Readme.txt | 07.16.10 | 2.74 kB |
LC_4612.bgl | 07.16.10 | 5.25 kB |
LC_4511.bgl | 07.16.10 | 732 B |
LC_4710.bgl | 07.16.10 | 3.48 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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Hi, is there a Flightsim 9 version of this product, or anything similar? Thanks, Bill Thompson