FSX Richmond Municipal Airport Scenery

PreviewScenery Richmond Municipal Airport (KRID), Richmond, Indiana (IN) serves Richmond and Wayne County and is owned by Richmond Boac. The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 5200 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 1140 feet at a distance of about 5 miles fr...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Scenery Richmond Municipal Airport (KRID), Richmond, Indiana (IN) serves Richmond and Wayne County and is owned by Richmond Boac. The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 5200 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 1140 feet at a distance of about 5 miles from Richmond. Created for your flying pleasure with Instant Scenery 2 by John B. Loney, Jr.

Screenshot of Richmond Municipal Airport.

Screenshot of Richmond Municipal Airport.


Scenery Object Libraries:

esdg_ramplight_rwy12.zip by Bill Leaming.
ezhangers.zip by Dennis Waggoner.
ezvinhg3.zip by Sidney Schwartz.
eztermss.zip by Sidney Schwartz.
lens_ez_scenery.zip and lens_ez_scenery_textures.zip by Len Hickman.
ezgahng2.zip by Sidney Schwartz.
ezlrghg.zip by Sidney Schwartz.
parklrgs.zip by Sidney Schwartz.
abwalph3.zip by Scot Ingram.
ga_planes_1.zip or gaplane1.zip by Seev Kahn repackaged by Steve Ziegler.
lts_ss_1.zip by Sidney Schwartz.

Static F4C Museum Aircraft Display:

ai_f-4c.zip by Fernando Martinez.

AI Aircraft:

ai_aircraft.zip is included with this package. Not needed if you already have my AI Aircraft Collection: jl_ai_1.zip and jl_ai_2.zip.


You are reading this readme, so you must have already unzipped the file richmond_muni_fsx.zip to a temporary folder.

Now look for the following files.


Check your file structure in your Windows Explorer. If your FS setup is like the following, then all you need to do is unzip richmond_muni_scenery_fsx.zip to the drive where your FS is located. Unzip ai_aircraft.zip to a temporary folder and manually move the aircraft folders to the SimObjects\Airplanes folder.

:\Programs Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X.

Using the folder feature in your zip program, the scenery files will be placed in the FS\Addon Scenery folder under Richmond Municipal Airport KRID.

Start FS and navigate to 'Scenery Library' via the 'Settings' menu. Select 'Add Area' and activate the scenery in the usual manner. You can now proceed to the airport.

If your file structure is not like that mentioned above, then unzip the zip files to a temporary folder and manually move the Richmond Municipal Airport KRID folder to wherever you keep your add-on scenery, then activate the scenery in FSX. Then if you haven't done so already, unzip the zip files containing the ai aircraft to a temporary folder and manually move all the aircraft to the FS\SimObjects\Airplanes folder. Do the same with the ai aircraft by Fernando Martinez. There are 5 ai aircraft included in this package created by yours truly.

Enjoy your flight.


Richmond Municipal Airport serves Richmond and Wayne County and is owned by Richmond Boac. The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 5200 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 1140 feet at a distance of about 5 miles from Richmond.

Airport Operational Statistics:

Aircraft based on the field: 30
Single engine airplanes: 24
Multi engine airplanes: 2
Helicopters: 4

Aircraft operations: avg 54/day *
85% local general aviation
12% transient general aviation
2% air taxi
1% military
* for 12-month period ending 31 December 2009


Ok, there I was, on one of my low and slow cross country flights when I looked down from 2,500 feet and saw an interesting airport. So I circled and landed on runway 33 and the rest is history. There was no fancy process in deciding to do this airport. It was just the thought that it might be a fun and enjoyable airport to fly in and out of. I hope it holds true for you too.

A note on the animated hangars: Tune your NAV 2 radio to 112.00 to open the doors to the large hangar and 116.00 for the smaller hangar next to it. You may find that with the large hangar, you may have to get really close before the doors activate.

The actual display aircraft at Richmond looks to be a Grumman A6. I could not find an A6 for scenery design purposes, so I substituted an AI McDonnell Douglas F4 Phantom II. I used the 'Static/AI' method to display the aircraft. It will sit there for a very long time, then disappear for a short period before returning to view.

This scenery was tested in SP2 only.



David "Opa" Marshall for his usual insight and invaluable advice.

Mark Eric Ottoson for his beta testing and input on the project.

The above-mentioned authors for their scenery objects and aircrafts.

All the Flight simmers who have flown my scenery and aircraft designs.

This scenery is freeware. You do not have my permission to make any monetary gain from this scenery. It started out as freeware and it shall remain freeware.

This scenery can be bundled with any modification to the scenery as long as the proper credit is given to the authors of the scenery and components of the scenery and the original readme file is included with the modification.

- The author's rights and wishes concerning this archive must be respected.

John B. Loney, Jr.

I do not accept any responsibility for any damage to any system as a result of running this software.

Have fun and enjoy.

Screenshot of Richmond Municipal Airport Terminal.

Screenshot of Richmond Municipal Airport Terminal.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive richmond_muni_fsx.zip has 10 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
screenshots.zip07.31.10365.32 kB
ai_aircraft.zip07.31.104.41 MB
FILE_ID.DIZ07.31.10385 B
krid_1_fsx.jpg07.31.1044.04 kB
krid_3_fsx.jpg07.31.1042.46 kB
Readme.doc08.03.10420.00 kB
readme.txt08.03.107.51 kB
richmond_muni_scenery_fsx.zip08.03.1028.01 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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