FSX Gia Nghia Scenery
Gia Nghia Scenery for FSX Vietnam War project. Photoreal ground texture with custom objects. Gia Nghia was a small airfield used by FAC airplanes during the Vietnam War, mainly Cessna O-1 Bird Dogs. Home of the 185th Recon. "Pterodactyls". Needs FSX Vietnam War project Base pack v0.9 and Airfield...
- Download hits
- 376
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- vnw_vvgn.zip
- File size
- 6.68 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 30 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Gia Nghia Scenery for FSX Vietnam War project. Photoreal ground texture with custom objects. Gia Nghia was a small airfield used by FAC airplanes during the Vietnam War, mainly Cessna O-1 Bird Dogs. Home of the 185th Recon. "Pterodactyls". Needs FSX Vietnam War project Base pack v0.9 and Airfields Pack 1 (VNW_V09.ZIP and VNW_AP1.ZIP). By Xavier Carre Jacques Godfrin - FSX Vietnam War Project.
Screenshot of plane flying over Gia Nghia Scenery.
Gia Nghia is located about 75 miles southwest of Ban Me Thout or about 125 miles west of Cam Ranh Bay at , and the elevation of : 622 m / 2040ft. It is a very pretty area in south of Vietnam, surrounded by hills and forest. Gia Nghia is a big village which buildings were mainly from stucco. A Montagnard village is located near the main location.
Airfield had a very slicy dirt strip of 650m/2132ft of length and a width of : 25m/82ft. Near the strip was an Air America C-47 wreck.
The air section consisted of both Air Force FACS and Army Air Recon. including the 185th Recon Airplane Co. "PTERODACTYLS" flying Cessna O-1 Bird Dog.
This is our first photoreal scenery, in fact, this is not a really photoreal scenery, there is nothing to catch from satellite. So we have to redone all the ground using aerial pictures, mainly a picture from Dave Cooley, LtCol, USAF (Ret.), and softwares. Many objects are custom.
2 Folders :
Addon Scenery : Vietnam War Project : the scenery and AI trafic files
Vietnam War project Lib : additionnal objects libraries
VnW Documentation : TAD (technical airport documentation)
Gia Nghia requires the FSX Vietnam War project scenery Base pack (v0.9), and the FSX Vietnam War project – Airfields pack 1
Important : delete file : Gia_Nghia_OB0.BGL from Addon Scenery/ Vietnam War project/ scenery folder.
1 - Copy the Addon scenery folder and paste in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder confirm overwriting.
2 - Copy the VNW Documentation Library folder and paste in Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder, confirm overwriting.
In order to provide ALL objects required, an Object library folder has been created, Readme included in the Vietnam War project Lib folder.
These libraries are :
Vn_Simms_Objects : Vietnam war era objects from Al Simms Shelters, lightobj, radars : Objects Libraries from Jim Dhaenens A-6, C-130, F-4, F-5, F-104, Mig-21, AN-2, OV-10, KC-135, F-111, O-1 : statics airplanes from Guy Diotte SA2_Equip_Library : Sam2 equipments from Jim Jacobson A-1 : Crashed skyraider from Tim Piglet Conrad VnW Sandbag, revet, bridges, barrels, hanger , huts, emblems, Buildings, antenna libraries : from Xavier Carre JGSE : ground equipment library from John Stinstrom Objects01_lib : From the well known EZ - RWY12 libraries by many authors (Todd Lucas, Seev Khan, Jon Patch...) objlib-MBC-Studios : from MBC Studios (Andrej Urosevic), compiled by Martin Gossmann Movie_Maker_Object_Library_I and III : From Chris “MoCat” Carel Vintage_Military_ss : Vintage Military Buildings SS FS9 scenery objects by Sidney Schwartz
Softwares used
Airport edition : ADE Airport Design Editor by The ScruffyDuck Company
Photo-scenery, terrain and landclass : Sbuilder X by Luis Sá
AI traffic : AIFP AI Flight Planner by Don Grovestine
Objects design : Google Sketchup
Objects libraries creation and compilation : ModelConverterX and Library creator XML 2.0 by Arno Gerretsen / SceneryDesign
Photoshop 8.0
Thanks to all authors for having allowed us to integrate their objects in our project. Thanks also for our testers and the support of FS Tutoriels. To all who have encouraged us at Sim-Outhouse, FlightSim, France Aviation Virtuelle, and Pilote-Virtuel.
A special thanks to Mark Schimmer (Long live Solomons 1943 !)
Thanks to BLB, Danyboy21, Grizzly, Pat@93
Thanks to Sully57
Thanks to Patrick Renaudin for all his tutorials
The FSX Vietnam War project is Freeware. These are our sceneries, and may not be used elsewhere without permission.
Vietnam War project : Xavier Carré - Jacques Godfrin
Screenshot of plane flying over Gia Nghia Scenery.
The archive vnw_vvgn.zip has 74 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
VnW_VVGN | 11.11.10 | 0 B |
Addon Scenery | 11.06.10 | 0 B |
Vietnam War Project | 09.22.10 | 0 B |
Vietnam War project Lib | 11.05.10 | 0 B |
scenery | 11.05.10 | 0 B |
Buildings_XC_VnW.bgl | 10.23.10 | 234.54 kB |
Hangars_XC.bgl | 09.18.10 | 9.49 kB |
Hangars_XC_VnW.bgl | 10.03.10 | 58.46 kB |
Hut_XC_VnW.bgl | 09.25.10 | 69.85 kB |
seuil_airfield.bgl | 09.26.10 | 3.56 kB |
Towers_XC_VnW.bgl | 09.30.10 | 12.22 kB |
VN_Simms_Barracks.bgl | 10.23.10 | 53.34 kB |
texture | 11.05.10 | 0 B |
Bambou_Hut_1.dds | 09.19.10 | 42.79 kB |
Banbou_Hut_2.dds | 09.19.10 | 42.79 kB |
BardH.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
BardW.dds | 10.03.10 | 10.79 kB |
Cov_Coru.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Coru1.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tol.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tol2.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tole.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Wood.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Wood2.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Door_Bamboo.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Door_Wood.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hang_Wood.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hang_Wood2.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Bamboo.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_BambooWood.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_OldWood.dds | 09.25.10 | 85.45 kB |
Hut_Straw.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Tol.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Tole.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_UseWood.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Paille_Hut_11.dds | 09.19.10 | 42.79 kB |
seuil_white.dds | 09.26.10 | 170.79 kB |
Stu_W.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_door_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_Door_2.dds | 09.30.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_glass_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 10.79 kB |
Tower_tole_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 170.79 kB |
Tower_Tole_2.dds | 09.30.10 | 170.79 kB |
Wall_OldWood.dds | 10.03.10 | 85.45 kB |
Wall_Tol.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Wall_Tole.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Wall_UseWood.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Wall_VP.dds | 10.03.10 | 21.45 kB |
Wall_Wood.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
scenery | 11.06.10 | 0 B |
LC_7627.bgl | 10.23.10 | 322 B |
Photo_CL16_VVGN.BGL | 10.22.10 | 148.88 kB |
Traffic_VnW_VVGN.bgl | 09.07.10 | 1.02 kB |
VVGN_ADEX_XC.BGL | 11.06.10 | 34.62 kB |
VVGN_ADEX_XC_CVX.bgl | 11.06.10 | 1.41 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 11.11.10 | 449 B |
Gia Nghia_1.jpg | 11.06.10 | 316.51 kB |
Gia Nghia_2.jpg | 11.06.10 | 271.51 kB |
Gia Nghia_3.jpg | 11.06.10 | 243.05 kB |
Gia Nghia_4.jpg | 11.06.10 | 310.65 kB |
Gia Nghia_5.jpg | 11.06.10 | 204.52 kB |
Gia Nghia_6.jpg | 11.06.10 | 165.63 kB |
Gia Nghia_EN.pdf | 11.11.10 | 871.47 kB |
Gia Nghia_FR.pdf | 11.11.10 | 872.53 kB |
Gia Nghia_Lisez-moi.txt | 11.11.10 | 4.76 kB |
Gia Nghia_ReadMe.txt | 11.11.10 | 4.54 kB |
VnW Documentation | 11.06.10 | 0 B |
Gia Nghia_EN.pdf | 11.11.10 | 871.47 kB |
Gia Nghia_FR.pdf | 11.11.10 | 872.53 kB |
TAD | 11.06.10 | 0 B |
Gia Nghia.pdf | 11.06.10 | 548.44 kB |
VnW_VVGN.gif | 11.11.10 | 12.91 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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