FSX Long Tieng - Air America Scenery
Long Tieng - Air America. Scenery for FSX Vietnam War project Long Tieng airfield used by Air Am. in 1969 photo-realistic (30 cm/pixel) ground textures autogen-custom objects-AI traffic, airplanes. Requires FSX Vietnam War project base pack and pack 1 (VNW_V09.ZIP, VNW_AP1.ZIP). By Xavier Carre -...
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- vnw_l20a.zip
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- 15.1 MB
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Long Tieng - Air America. Scenery for FSX Vietnam War project Long Tieng airfield used by Air Am. in 1969 photo-realistic (30 cm/pixel) ground textures autogen-custom objects-AI traffic, airplanes. Requires FSX Vietnam War project base pack and pack 1 (VNW_V09.ZIP, VNW_AP1.ZIP). By Xavier Carre - Jacques Godfrin FSX Vietnam War Project.
Screenshot of plane flying over Long Tieng.
During Vietnam War, a « secret war » takes place in Laos, mainly lead by CIA agaisnt Pathet Lao guerilla and North-Vietnam army. Since 1961, USA helped Laos government and the Hmong tribes by providing money, military furnitures, and US advisors, Thaïland too, this initiative was called « Steve Canyon program » after the comics books. To bring this support in the montainous Laos, Air America, a « division » of CIA has installed in Laos a few bases and many airstrips called Lima Sites (maybe more than a hundred).
So Long Tieng airfield is born, between 1962 ( when CIA set up general Van Pao, Hmong army leader HQ) and 1966 when airfield was completed. Long Tieng became capital of Hmong, a city of 30,000 people. Air America flew thousands of flights through all SEA area, using mainly STOL airplanes such as Pilatus Porter, Helio Courier, Fairchild C-123 provider, Beech and Volpar D18, and many choppers Bell UH-1 Huey. As aerial operations increase, and to improve links between ground and air forces, a Forward Air Control team was created, formed by FAC detached pilots from USAF flying airplanes without markings, they were named « Ravens »
At end, after the fall of last outposts, on May,1975, US general Heinie Aderholt decided evacuation of Long Tieng and 40,000 people ( Hmong army and civilians) living in surrounding area. Only availables airplanes were a C-46 from CAT (another CIA division) and a C-130, flew by 5 US civilians pilots. During three days, theses airplanes evacuated Van Pao and about 2,000 people. More than 30,000 people were left behind, and started a very long retreat through mountains to reach Thaïland.
This scenery takes part of our FSX Vietnam War project (covering all SEA area, 100 airfields – new and redone -; 30 AI airplanes and AI trafic ) available from Simviation, Flightsim and FSX Vietnam War project web sites.
Included in Long Tieng – Air America scenery :
Photo-realistic / hand-crafted ground (30cm/pixel) textures.
Custom objects from Al Simms and Xavier Carré.
AI airplanes and AI traffic
Released :
FSX Vietnam War project – Base pack (current version V0,9)
FSX Vietnam War project – Airfields Pack 1 (new AI airplanes, airfields and Objects Library
Gia Nghia – Photo-realistic airfield scenery
Addon Scenery folder :
Vietnam War project : scenery : L20A_ADEX_JG.BGL
texture : 102301301330201an.agn
Vietnam War project Lib : additionnals sceneries and textures.
VnW Documentation : the documentation and Technical Airfield Documentation TAD.
SimObjects folder / airplanes : AI VnW O-1 Raven (especially made for the project by Massimo Taccoli).
Vietnam War project base pack V0.9 (current version)
FSX Vietnam War project – Airfields pack 1
Very Important : for the best display, and much more realism, please use adaptated meshes (FSX defaults don't represent the reality).
MESHES : I use the FSX World Wide SRTM West Asia by Raimundo Taburet and J. De Ferranti in 5 parts (SRT2WAS1.ZIP, SRT2WAS2.ZIP, SRT2WAS3.ZIP, SRT2WAS4.ZIP, SRT2WAS5.ZIP. )
Unzip archive in a temporary folder.
1 – Back up files : L20A_ADEX_JG.BGL
from Addon scenery / Vietnam War project / scenery folder in a safe place, if you want to go back ...!
2 – Delete the : Long_Tien_OB0.BGL file (old objects placement file )
3 – Copy / Paste the folders in your main FSX folder, and confirm overwriting
Project is not compatible with DirectX 10
These settings are very important, due to runway peculiar configuration.
Mesh complexity 100 Complexité de la trame.
Mesh resolution 5 m Résolution de la trame.
Texture resolution 30 cm.
Disable ground scenery shadows (important)
AI traffic settings:
Both AI trafic settings = 1% (not any airplanes or very few (coming from Savannakhet and Vientiane)
Both AI trafic settings = 30% ( some airplanes, about 7 )
Both AI trafic settings = 70% (all airplanes)
Airfield Data:
Long Tieng – Laos (code L20A)
Lima Site LS20A
N 19.06 – E 102.55 Alt/Elev: 990m/3248ft
Runway 14/ 32 Oil treated
Longueur/Length: 1360m/4462ft Largeur/Width: 28m/91ft
Tower: 129.950 Fuel : yes
AI traffic and AI airplanes
Airplanes are :
Laos Air Force T-28 (Tim Piglet) "Raven" O-1 Bird Dog (Massimo Taccoli, a special thank) Beech D18S ( Milton Shupe - AA textures by Andre Folkers ) C-7 Caribou (Mike Stone - AA textures by Xavier Carre) Pilatus Porter ( Don Moser - AA texture by Jean-Luc Bouvron) C-123 (Vladimir Zhyhulskiy) Helio Courier (Tim Piglet)
Objetcts libraries used here:
Vietnam war era Objects library from Al Simms
Objects Libraries from Xavier Carré
Softwares used.
Airport edition : ADE Airport Design Editor by The ScruffyDuck Company
Photo-scenery, terrain and landclass : Sbuilder X by Luis Sá
AI traffic : AIFP AI Flight Planner by Don Grovestine
Objects design : Google Sketchup
Objects libraries creation and compilation : ModelConverterX and Library creator
XML 2.0 by Arno Gerretsen / SceneryDesign.org
Many thanks to all their great jobs
Thanks to all authors for having allowed us to integrate their objects in our project.
Thanks also for our testers and the support of FS Tutoriels. To all who have encouraged us at Sim-Outhouse, FlightSim, France Aviation Virtuelle, and Pilote-Virtuel.
A special thanks to Massimo Taccoli, author of the AI Raven Bird Dog (especially made for the project).
Thanks to BLB, Danyboy21, Grizzly, Pat@93.
Thanks to L.T "Patchz" Davis, Todd Pettegrew, Ed "Falcon409" Wells.
Thanks to Patrick Renaudin for all his tutorials.
The FSX Vietnam War project is Freeware. This software is distributed without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by this software.
Vietnam War project : Xavier Carré - Jacques Godfrin
Screenshot of plane flying over Long Tieng.
The archive vnw_l20a.zip has 100 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
VnW_L20A | 12.10.10 | 0 B |
Addon Scenery | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
Vietnam War project | 12.05.10 | 0 B |
Vietnam War project Lib | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
scenery | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
Buildings_XC_VnW.bgl | 11.22.10 | 267.08 kB |
Hangars_XC_VnW.bgl | 11.21.10 | 58.46 kB |
Hut_XC_VnW.bgl | 11.23.10 | 70.36 kB |
seuil_airfield.bgl | 09.26.10 | 3.56 kB |
VN_Simms_Barracks.bgl | 10.23.10 | 53.34 kB |
texture | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
Bamboo_Hut.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Bamboo_Hut_1.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Bambou_Hut_1.dds | 09.19.10 | 42.79 kB |
Banbou_Hut_2.dds | 09.19.10 | 42.79 kB |
BardH.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
BardW.dds | 11.22.10 | 10.79 kB |
Cov_Coru.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Coru1.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tol.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tol2.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Tole.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Wood.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Cov_Wood2.dds | 09.18.10 | 42.79 kB |
Door_Bamboo.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
Door_Wood.dds | 11.21.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Bamboo.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_BambooWood.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_OldWood.dds | 11.23.10 | 85.45 kB |
Hut_Straw.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Tol.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_Tole.dds | 09.25.10 | 42.79 kB |
Hut_UseWood.dds | 11.23.10 | 42.79 kB |
seuil_white.dds | 09.26.10 | 170.79 kB |
Stu_W.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_door_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_Door_2.dds | 09.30.10 | 42.79 kB |
Tower_glass_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 10.79 kB |
Tower_tole_1.dds | 09.30.10 | 170.79 kB |
Tower_Tole_2.dds | 09.30.10 | 170.79 kB |
Wall_OldWood.dds | 11.22.10 | 85.45 kB |
Wall_Tol.dds | 10.03.10 | 42.79 kB |
Wall_UseWood.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
Wall_VP.dds | 10.03.10 | 21.45 kB |
Wall_Wood.dds | 11.22.10 | 42.79 kB |
scenery | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
L20A_ADEX_JG.BGL | 12.07.10 | 36.48 kB |
L20A_ADEX_JG_CVX.bgl | 12.07.10 | 1.87 kB |
Photo_AL18_L20A.BGL | 12.04.10 | 9.90 MB |
Traffic_L20A_AA.bgl | 12.07.10 | 2.83 kB |
Traffic_VnW.bgl | 12.07.10 | 36.40 kB |
texture | 12.05.10 | 0 B |
102301301330201an.agn | 12.04.10 | 180 B |
102301301330210an.agn | 12.04.10 | 860 B |
102301301330212an.agn | 12.04.10 | 1.14 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 12.10.10 | 383 B |
L20A TAD.jpg | 12.09.10 | 199.22 kB |
L20A_1.jpg | 11.25.10 | 115.91 kB |
L20A_2.jpg | 11.25.10 | 123.31 kB |
L20A_3.jpg | 11.25.10 | 122.10 kB |
L20A_5.jpg | 11.25.10 | 106.79 kB |
LisezMoi.txt | 12.09.10 | 7.68 kB |
Long Tieng EN doc.pdf | 12.09.10 | 785.22 kB |
Long Tieng FR doc.pdf | 12.09.10 | 786.99 kB |
Readme.txt | 12.09.10 | 6.90 kB |
SimObjects | 12.05.10 | 0 B |
Airplanes | 12.05.10 | 0 B |
AI VnW O-1 Raven | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
Aircraft.cfg | 12.07.10 | 10.92 kB |
Clip_2.jpg | 12.04.10 | 128.02 kB |
L19.air | 07.06.06 | 5.95 kB |
model.MIL | 12.05.10 | 0 B |
L19_MIL.mdl | 07.06.06 | 1.69 MB |
Model.cfg | 07.06.06 | 26 B |
texture.Raven | 12.07.10 | 0 B |
FUSE.bmp | 12.04.10 | 128.07 kB |
fuse_top.bmp | 12.04.10 | 32.07 kB |
gearleg.bmp | 12.04.10 | 2.07 kB |
glass.bmp | 12.06.10 | 8.07 kB |
inroof.bmp | 12.04.10 | 586 B |
L19_pfast.dds | 09.09.09 | 42.80 kB |
L19_pfastB.dds | 09.09.09 | 42.80 kB |
L19_Prop.dds | 09.09.09 | 42.80 kB |
L19_pslow.dds | 09.09.09 | 42.80 kB |
L19_pslowB.dds | 09.09.09 | 42.80 kB |
lvtail.bmp | 12.04.10 | 32.07 kB |
outroof.bmp | 12.04.10 | 8.07 kB |
rvtail.bmp | 12.04.10 | 32.07 kB |
tire.bmp | 12.04.10 | 2.07 kB |
wheel.bmp | 12.04.10 | 586 B |
winglx.bmp | 12.04.10 | 128.07 kB |
wingrx.bmp | 12.04.10 | 128.07 kB |
VnW Documentation | 12.09.10 | 0 B |
Long Tieng EN doc.pdf | 12.09.10 | 785.22 kB |
Long Tieng FR doc.pdf | 12.09.10 | 786.99 kB |
TAD | 12.09.10 | 0 B |
LS 20A Long Tien.pdf | 12.09.10 | 241.04 kB |
VnW_L20A.gif | 12.10.10 | 13.42 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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