FSX Brisbane International Airport (YBBN) Scenery

Preview Brisbane International Airport (YBBN), Australia. Ants Aussie Airports 12. Highly detailed Brisbane airport. YBBN services Australia's third largest city Brisbane, Queensland, handling domestic, international, freight plus larger general aviation. Created by Anthony Lynch with contributions by...

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Brisbane International Airport (YBBN), Australia. Ants Aussie Airports 12. Highly detailed Brisbane airport. YBBN services Australia's third largest city Brisbane, Queensland, handling domestic, international, freight plus larger general aviation. Created by Anthony Lynch with contributions by Mark Griggs.

Screenshot of Brisbane International Airport Scenery.

Screenshot of Brisbane International Airport Scenery.

Brisbane airport services Australia's third largest city Brisbane, Queensland, handling domestic, international, freight plus larger general aviation (Archerfield is Brisbane's main general aviation airport).

Country: Australia
State/Province: Queensland
City: Brisbane
Airport Name: Brisbane Intl
Elevation: 3.962m, 13 ft


01/19 : 3560m x 45m
14/32 : 1700m x 30m


TWR 120.500
GND 121.700
CLR 118.600
ATIS 125.500


VOR BN 113.2
DME BN 113.2
ILS IBA 109.5 (RWY 01) HDG 027
ILS IBS 110.1 (RWY 19) HDG 207

Most traffic operates on the longer runway although smaller aircraft may use 14/32.

There are four main apron areas. Northernmost is the General Aviation apron which includes the RFDS hangar.

Next is the Domestic Apron which handles domestic traffic. The Domestic terminal has three pods. The northernmost is used by QANTAS, Jetstar and Qantaslink. The middle pod (which was only recently renovated) handles common traffic from the smaller local airlines. The southern pod is used by Virgin.

The International apron handles international traffic with facilities for the A380.

Southern most is the logistics apron which handles freight. You can still make out part of the old runway and the DHL building used to be the old terminal.

East of the main runway are the General Aviation Maintenance areas, weather station, fire station, and Qantas maintenance hangars (including the new A380 hangar).


Step 1: Run the AntsBrisbaneV100.exe installer program.

Step 2: Start FSX and manually add "Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane YBBN" to your scenery library ensuring it is above any FTX or aussiex entries.

Windows 7 and Vista users may have difficulty adding entries to their scenery library. Refer to this forum post for a detailed explanation on how to add scenery to your scenery library:

These installers will add the following files:

Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Addon Scenery/Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane

The installers make no changes to any default files.


Start FSX and remove "Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane YBBN" from your scenery library.

Remove the "Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane YBBN" folder from your FSX/Addon Scenery folder.


The main purpose of this airport is raw, nut cracking speed. There is a very nice payware YBBN available however, I know that if I installed the payware YBBN I'd be lucky to get framerates in the double digits. This version uses a fraction of the memory of the payware YBBN and is only about 10% slower than the default FSX YBBN. I can fly this freeware YBBN with the LevelD 767 and still get acceptable framerates on my 3.14Ghz Core 2 Duo.

Almost all models have been custom made with the objective of achieving the maximum framerates possible. The only library objects used are the VOR and ILS models.

In the quest for speed you will not find any vehicles in the carpark (this is a flight simulator not a car simulator) and I have not modelled the railway (this is a flight simulator not a train simulator). I have also only paid attention to buildings that are airside.

FTX TEXTURES AND AUSSIEX: This airport has been designed to work best with the FTX Australia textures and AussieX. A brief check was made with default textures and the airport should be compatible with default textures although the colouring of the photoreal does not match the terrible FSX default textures (Brisbane is not a desert in summer despite what MS thinks!).

PAPI LIGHTS: Airservices Australia documentation says that YBBN still has old T-VASI lights although there is photographic evidence and a NOTAM that says on 28 Mar 2011 YBBN switched over to PAPI lights (PAPI is 4 in a row, 2 red and 2 white indicates on the glide slope). For this reason I have used the PAPI lighting system on both runways.

GROUND TEXTURES: This airport has been built with framerates as the primary concern. The ground textures are 1m per pixel photoreal, 30cm per pixel textures are used on the General Aviation, Domestic, International and Logistics aprons. An AFCAD file has been used to draw the taxiway lines on those areas not within the 30cm per pixel areas. The runways have been made using FS9 ground polys (thanks to Arno's Model Converter X which does a great job of making ground polys). I have these methods of airport construction because they provide a good representation of the airport taxiways, aprons and runways without dragging down framerates.

HOLD SHORT POINTS: FSX requires that hold short points be a certain distance from the runway edge for those points to work. In the real world hold points are usually a bit further than the distance FSX requires. I have created invisible hold short points which are closer to the runway than the real hold short points so that the AI traffic will work. The visible hold short points are there for show. You will find that you need to move past the hold short points to get FSX air traffic control to recognise you.

DISTANCES ARE IN METRES: Entrances to the runways will display the distance to run in metres (multiply by 3.82 to get feet). eg At Taxiway A4 there is 1279 metres to run on runway 01 and 2311 on runway 19.

PEOPLE: The ground crews that work at the airport are all clones (they are part of the clone army I am creating to overthrow the Empire).


Terrain Mesh Resolution 2m or better (so the drains appear)
Ground Scenery Shadows OFF (shadows are in the PR textures)
Texture Resolution: 30 cm or better (So the PR textures appear at their optimum resolution)
Airport Vehicle Traffic OFF (so you don't get silly FSX airport vehicles at every parking spot)


In your FSX/scenery/World/texture folder there is a file called detail1.bmp. By default this is a 256x256 pixel file that adds the detail to the ground textures in FSX. You can replace this file with a 512x512, 1024x1024 or even a 2048x2048 or 4096x4096 texture (you need to adjust the texture_max_load line in the fsx.cfg file to use 2048 and 4096 textures) to get better looking ground textures.

I have included in this download my own detail1.bmp file which is 1024x1024 pixels in size. This file is based on a tarmac road texture and works quite well on the photoreal aprons and taxiways as used in this scenery white still looking rather good on grass textures. You can copy this file into your FSX/Scenery/World/Texture folder if you like (rename the original detail1.bmp first to avoid overwriting it).

One thing to note about using a hi res detail1.bmp is that your framerates will be affected. Every piece of ground has the detail1.bmp applied and having to draw a 1024x1024 texture hundreds of times takes more processing power than drawing a 256x256 texture the same number of times.


This airport has been according to the authors needs and tastes and is presented as freeware and no support (and I mean none) is offered.


Thanks to Arno Gerretsen for ModelConverterX and Library Creator.
Thanks to Luis Sa for SBuilderX.
Thanks to all at Aussiex.

This scenery was created by Anthony Lynch with contributions by Mark Griggs.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive antsbrisbanev101.zip has 6 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AntsBrisbaneV101.exe06.12.11113.96 MB
Readme 4 permission note.txt06.14.11827 B
ReadMe.txt06.11.118.50 kB
YBBN Brisbane.jpg06.14.11272.12 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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R K ForemanFri, 16 Sep 2016 12:23:03 GMT

I have A disk for Ants Airfields But has the disk has completed loading I go to Darwin Airport and it still the same Airport as on simulator FSx Ref Scenery Libiary On FS9 and windows XP, , I could go tto scenery files But on windows 7 the flight sim FSX is not evev listed under all programs.therefore as I am not up to scrach on this type of computor installation I will have no hope of ictalling this item Please advise to my email address parkforman@bigpond.com Kindest regards Bob

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