FSX DeHavilland Comet

PreviewThis enhanced DeHavilland Comet package brings a classic jetliner into Microsoft Flight Simulator X with refined handling, improved lighting, and several additional liveries. Originally designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, it has been thoroughly converted and tweaked so that simmers can ...

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Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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21.83 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members.

This enhanced DeHavilland Comet package brings a classic jetliner into Microsoft Flight Simulator X with refined handling, improved lighting, and several additional liveries. Originally designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, it has been thoroughly converted and tweaked so that simmers can continue enjoying this iconic aircraft in a modern environment, courtesy of creator David Grindele and all respective repaint artists.

Historic Airliner Background

The real DeHavilland Comet served as one of the first commercial jet-powered passenger aircraft, debuting in the mid-20th century. Its distinctive design and pioneering jet technology allowed faster air travel, helping to shape the evolution of modern aviation. In this add-on, sim pilots can appreciate the Comet’s recognizable silhouette and authentic contours while departing from virtual airports around the globe.

What to Expect in This Package

  • Complete Conversion: This release started life as the default FS2004 model and was carefully adapted for the newer simulator. Its external and internal elements have been optimized to function smoothly on the FSX engine.
  • Flight Dynamics Refinement: Adjusted performance parameters provide a more accurate feel in the cockpit, reflecting the Comet’s distinctive jet aerodynamics.
  • Upgraded Lighting: Sim pilots with Shockwave 3D Lights (also known as advanced landing and navigation effects) will see these features implemented when flying at night or in low visibility, complemented by refined beacons and navigation lights.
  • Three Repaints Included: To celebrate the jet’s heritage, the package includes different liveries that showcase unique paint schemes. The creator ensured all necessary entries and files are already integrated for convenience.

Installation Procedure

Unzip the folder into a temporary location. Then, move the entire “Microsoft DeHavilland Comet” directory into the “SimObjects/Airplanes” folder within your Flight Simulator X installation. After placement, load your simulator, select the newly added Comet, and experience its distinctive jet performance right away.

Important Notes

This aircraft is intended exclusively for FSX in its current form. It is no longer compatible with its original FS2004 environment due to the changes introduced during conversion. The textures and any supplementary art remain the property of their original authors, who generously made them free for enthusiasts.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Comet in flight.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Comet in flight.

By incorporating these upgrades, the package preserves the creativity and hard work of countless developers who contributed repaints, sounds, and effects. Creator David Grindele has made it easier for users to install and enjoy this jet quickly, ensuring the same remarkable qualities shine through in Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Comet in flight.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Comet in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive decomet3.zip has 122 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
File_id.DIZ.txt11.01.07154 B
Microsoft DeHavilland_Comet FSX11.01.070 B
aircraft.cfg11.01.0718.21 kB
DeHavilland_Comet.air11.04.066.43 kB
dehavilland_comet_check.htm05.21.0362.07 kB
dehavilland_comet_ref.htm05.21.033.77 kB
model11.01.070 B
DeHavilland_Comet.mdl05.30.031.96 MB
model.cfg05.16.0234 B
panel11.01.070 B
comet_background.bmp12.10.02769.05 kB
DeHavilland_Comet.cab06.12.03686.53 kB
panel.cfg11.01.076.01 kB
sound11.01.070 B
canopy_latch_close.wav04.09.0395.79 kB
canopy_latch_open.wav04.09.0384.69 kB
comet_flaps.wav04.17.03179.34 kB
comet_geardown.wav05.07.0351.12 kB
comet_gearup.wav05.07.0349.96 kB
comet_noncombust_left.wav03.14.0327.19 kB
comet_noncombust_right.wav03.14.0328.25 kB
comet_prop_left.wav03.14.03340.18 kB
comet_prop_right.wav03.14.03233.58 kB
comet_rpm1_left.wav03.14.03281.81 kB
comet_rpm1_right.wav03.14.03281.51 kB
comet_rpm2_left.wav03.14.03315.56 kB
comet_rpm2_right.wav03.14.03314.87 kB
comet_rpm3_left.wav03.14.03343.76 kB
comet_rpm3_right.wav03.14.03343.56 kB
comet_rpm4_left.wav03.14.03327.76 kB
comet_rpm4_right.wav03.14.03327.28 kB
comet_shutdown_left.wav03.14.0361.88 kB
comet_shutdown_right.wav03.14.0368.38 kB
comet_starter_left.wav05.15.0314.18 kB
comet_starter_right.wav05.15.0311.68 kB
comet_startup_left.wav03.14.03115.13 kB
comet_startup_right.wav03.14.03120.88 kB
sound.cfg05.16.039.85 kB
xcomet_noncombust_left.wav03.14.0327.19 kB
xcomet_noncombust_right.wav03.14.0328.25 kB
xcomet_prop_left.wav03.14.03340.18 kB
xcomet_prop_right.wav03.14.03233.58 kB
xcomet_rpm1_left.wav03.14.03315.05 kB
xcomet_rpm1_right.wav03.14.03326.60 kB
xcomet_rpm2_left.wav03.14.03315.66 kB
xcomet_rpm2_right.wav03.14.03282.20 kB
xcomet_rpm3_left.wav03.14.03242.09 kB
xcomet_rpm3_right.wav03.14.03242.81 kB
xcomet_rpm4_left.wav03.14.03325.10 kB
xcomet_rpm4_right.wav03.14.03325.30 kB
xcomet_shutdown_left.wav03.14.0379.13 kB
xcomet_shutdown_right.wav03.14.0379.13 kB
xcomet_starter_left.wav03.26.0326.36 kB
xcomet_starter_right.wav03.26.0344.11 kB
xcomet_startup_left.wav03.14.03161.63 kB
xcomet_startup_right.wav03.14.03161.63 kB
soundai11.01.070 B
AIdc3_rpm1_leftF.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_leftR.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_rightF.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm1_rightR.wav07.13.06235.39 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_leftF.wav07.13.06215.36 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_leftR.wav07.13.06215.36 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_rightF.wav07.13.06244.44 kB
AIdc3_rpm3_rightR.wav07.13.06244.44 kB
soundai.cfg07.13.068.27 kB
Texture11.01.070 B
Dehavilland_Comet_1_D.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_1_T.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_2_D.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_2_T.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_1.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_2.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
DeHavilland_Comet_t.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Prop_Comet.bmp08.06.03256.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg11.01.07114.38 kB
Thumbs.db11.01.0735.50 kB
Texture.111.01.070 B
DeHavilland_Comet_1_d.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
DeHavilland_Comet_1_t.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
DeHavilland_Comet_2_d.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
DeHavilland_Comet_2_t.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_1.bmp08.06.034.00 MB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_2.bmp08.06.031.00 MB
Prop_Comet.bmp08.06.03256.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg11.01.0713.95 kB
Thumbs.db11.01.0732.50 kB
Texture.211.01.070 B
dehavilland_comet_1_d.bmp09.10.04682.75 kB
dehavilland_comet_1_t.bmp09.10.041.33 MB
dehavilland_comet_2_d.bmp09.10.04170.75 kB
dehavilland_comet_2_t.bmp09.10.04341.43 kB
dehavilland_comet_c.bmp09.10.04682.75 kB
dehavilland_comet_c_1.bmp09.10.04682.75 kB
dehavilland_comet_c_2.bmp09.10.04170.75 kB
dehavilland_comet_t.bmp09.10.041.33 MB
prop_comet.bmp09.10.04341.40 kB
thumbnail.jpg11.01.0712.60 kB
Texture.311.01.070 B
DeHavilland_Comet_1_d.bmp04.17.03682.74 kB
DeHavilland_Comet_1_t.bmp11.07.061.00 MB
DeHavilland_Comet_2_d.bmp04.17.03170.74 kB
DeHavilland_Comet_2_t.bmp11.07.06257.05 kB
Dehavilland_Comet_C.bmp03.09.03682.74 kB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_1.bmp04.29.03682.74 kB
Dehavilland_Comet_C_2.bmp04.29.03170.74 kB
Prop_Comet.bmp04.29.03341.40 kB
thumbnail.jpg11.01.0711.67 kB
Thumbs.db11.01.0713.00 kB
Read Microsoft DeHavilland_Comet.txt11.01.072.41 kB
thumbnail.jpg11.01.0710.34 kB
Use agreement,credits and Thanks.txt11.01.071.35 kB
Wallpaper11.01.070 B
Dehavilland Silver.bmp11.01.072.25 MB
Dehavilland.jpg11.01.07114.42 kB
Dehavilland2.bmp11.01.072.25 MB
Thumbs.db11.01.0713.00 kB
decomet311.01.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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