FSX Fieseler Storch

PreviewThese are textures to change the interior of the texture.T, 5FXK, Fieseler Storck to tan, and a small upgrade for the panel. Also touches up the exterior textures with some improved panel lines for the top and bottom of the inboard part of the wings, Also changed the prop texture. Model by Dirk S...

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Repaint for Payware Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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3.28 MB
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These are textures to change the interior of the texture.T, 5FXK, Fieseler Storck to tan, and a small upgrade for the panel. Also touches up the exterior textures with some improved panel lines for the top and bottom of the inboard part of the wings, Also changed the prop texture. Model by Dirk Stucks. By Marvin Carter

Screenshot of Fieseler Storch on the ground.

Screenshot of Fieseler Storch on the ground.

FSX=Textures for the Payware Fieseler Storch By Dirk Stucks. These are textures to change the interior of the texture.T, 5FXK, Fieseler Storck to Tan, and a small up grade for the panel, I have also touched up the exterior textures with some improved panel lines for the top and bottom of the inboard part of the wings,
Also changed the prop texture.By Marvin Carter

This is a really nice plane that was badly needed for FSX, the textures were good but I wonted a Tan interior for this plane, and just changed a few things to make it a little better.

Place the "texture.T" folder in the/SimObjects/Airplanes/Fieseler Storch folder, it will overwrite the original one, be sure to back up the original in case you don't like it, and place it in a temp, folder for safe keeping!

It works fine in mine and others, It should not hurt your computer at all. If you do not like it, delete it. Its that "Simple".

Your friend,
Marvin Carter

Cockpit view of Fieseler Storch.

Cockpit view of Fieseler Storch.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive 5fxk.zip has 79 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
as3.jpg06.05.1090.77 kB
as4.jpg06.05.10155.02 kB
as5.jpg06.05.1055.12 kB
as1.jpg06.05.10118.37 kB
as2.jpg06.05.10104.39 kB
as6.jpg06.05.10120.10 kB
Readme.txt06.05.101.70 kB
file_id.diz06.05.10384 B
AMA1.dds06.04.10512.12 kB
Anleitung.dds03.30.10341.48 kB
AnleitungD.dds03.30.10341.48 kB
APuff.dds03.28.1010.80 kB
Bank.dds03.16.1042.80 kB
Beschrift.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Blaugrau.dds06.04.108.12 kB
Blech.dds03.28.1042.80 kB
Calandre.dds03.21.1010.80 kB
CamoBO.dds03.14.10341.48 kB
cmag.dds05.03.1042.80 kB
Com_Ring.dds03.28.1042.80 kB
Compass.dds03.17.1010.88 kB
CP.dds06.04.1032.12 kB
Dimmer.dds03.18.1010.80 kB
Flieger.dds05.04.1042.80 kB
FTBVA.dds05.16.1032.12 kB
GESCH.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Grau.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Griff.dds03.18.1021.48 kB
Gurte.dds03.18.105.51 kB
Hellblau2.dds05.03.10824 B
Hochanz.dds03.16.1042.80 kB
Hochmess.dds03.22.1042.80 kB
Holz.dds05.03.1010.80 kB
HZ.dds03.15.10824 B
Kabelbaum.dds05.18.104.12 kB
KGCM.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Lande.dds03.28.10824 B
Leitwerk2.dds05.03.1021.48 kB
Leitwerk3.dds05.03.1021.48 kB
Loscher.dds03.19.1021.48 kB
Mano.dds03.19.1010.80 kB
Messing.dds03.28.1021.48 kB
P_Anz.dds03.17.105.48 kB
Panelback.dds06.04.10128.12 kB
Patch2.dds05.03.102.82 kB
Pedale.dds03.18.1042.80 kB
Pilot.dds05.03.1042.80 kB
Prob_Fieseler.dds05.16.10256.12 kB
Rad.dds03.14.102.80 kB
Ringe.dds03.28.105.48 kB
Ringrahmen.dds03.28.10170.80 kB
Rumpf_bump.dds03.28.10682.83 kB
RumpfT.dds06.05.10256.12 kB
Sinker.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Sitze.dds03.15.10170.80 kB
Soldat.dds05.04.1042.80 kB
Startanz.dds03.18.1042.80 kB
Startlicht.dds03.18.10824 B
Stiefel.dds05.04.1042.80 kB
Sw_Platte.dds03.19.1010.82 kB
SWMetal.dds06.04.1032.12 kB
Tafeln.dds03.18.1042.80 kB
Tail_bump.dds03.28.10341.48 kB
Tail3.dds05.03.10170.80 kB
Tarn.dds05.03.105.48 kB
TempC.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
TGreen.dds05.03.102.82 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.07.104.03 kB
Time.dds03.16.1042.80 kB
Timering.dds03.16.1042.80 kB
Trimmanz.dds03.21.1010.80 kB
TWhl.dds03.18.1021.48 kB
Uhrring.dds03.28.1042.80 kB
UMin.dds03.17.1042.80 kB
Wing_t._bump.dds03.28.101.33 MB
Wing3_t.dds06.05.10512.12 kB
Zeiger.dds03.28.10824 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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